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Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen |OT| deep down darkness

Screenshot time.




Can someone give me a crash course in mystic knight?

-how does great cannon work exactly (what triggers it except for me hitting it when I should be tanking)
-what does great cannon scale with ? main weapon magic? main weapon str?
-does it get the element from my weapon or my shield?
-what do the riposte skills scale with? str or magic or both?
-any other skills he has worth using?

What augments? General tips and playstyle?
I have the BBI mace, the 1h physical dmg sword and the cursed light (magic stat) sword, whichdo you suggest I play?

When I tank should I be bothering with anything but block and swordskills?

having to constantly rebuff my shield and weapon also drives me insane, so tedious

Also wow MK makes the game chug so much I dont think I want to play it, every dragon fight has the framerate sitting at a constant 15-25 fps with many drops to single digits where the game logic and animations slow down

Lastly: py pawn is now ranger (mitigator+scather) , lvl 163 if anyone needs a decked out ranger pawn to farm daimon 2.0 with, 4600hp 2600 str
I can change his skills/augments as requested

Also imo anyone with a sorc or mage pawn should get rank 8 archer on it so they can give them the stability augment, it makes them go from utterly completely fucking useless vs dragonkin to actually able to cast

I'm looking for a 2500+ magic sorcerer pawn with stability, sinew, the magic dmg and castspeed and anti knockdown augments (ideally also the chance to survive at 1 hp augment), no guardian and no ultralong spells like grand glicel or high maelstrom if anyone has one:p High miasma on it is always cool as well
I can gift you some sweet items if you are too low to get RC, the odds of finding a properly set up sorc pawn in the search function are nil
Which class of Pawn is better as a tank? Fighter or Warrior?

I'm rocking it Strider for now, eventually planning on becoming Assassin, my main pawn is a mage (and I aim to keep him as such), as for the other 2, I was thinking a Ranger and some form of tank, but can't really tell which of the 2 (Warrior or Fighter) is more appropriate for such a purpose... Warrior seems beefier, but Fighter has the shield... =/

What say ye, GAF?

(wtf, why am I a junior again? oO)


For a pure tank it would be fighter. They have more of a "taunt" ability in shield drum, and more defensive/tanking abilities...not to mention they wield a shield.
So I just beat Daimon and I'm currently level 64, I see a lot of people whose level are in the hundreds and when running through again I'm really struggling with some of the encounters where there are just so many enemies to handle at once. Should I leave bbi and replay the main story line (beat it once) or should I keep trying to farm bbi to gain levels?


What level would people recommend for The Final Battle Quest in the main storyline.
Think I'm around lvl 37 at the moment.


What level would people recommend for The Final Battle Quest in the main storyline.
Think I'm around lvl 37 at the moment.
I went in way higher, but it's more a matter of gear at that point, so I guess if you grind you should do it in Soulflayer Canyon and get all the loot you can and let it reset.
Well popping 4 periapts + magick rebalancer makes me tear through Daimon's HP.

I guess I'll say I have him now in a state of semi-farming (only semi for now because his second form didn't move while I ninefold bolted him to death. I still need to see if it was a rare bug or just him getting staggered).

I'm so glad I got an Elite Lantern, that beast is awesome!

I'm now actively searching for Coat of Oblivion, Gauntlets of Oblivion and Hood of Oblivion. I hope I'll get the good versions with excellent enchantments.
So I just beat Daimon and I'm currently level 64, I see a lot of people whose level are in the hundreds and when running through again I'm really struggling with some of the encounters where there are just so many enemies to handle at once. Should I leave bbi and replay the main story line (beat it once) or should I keep trying to farm bbi to gain levels?

You should level up extremely fast in BBI, ogres, cyclopses, dragons, cursed dragons etc give tons of exp. Buy some of the items that give the wael buff for double exp.


Vocational skills sorry, I have max for both Ranger and Magic Archer but don't see any new kills. The Wiki mentions "New Level 3 skills" Guess they meant items?
Ok. The wiki is talking about new universal skills that you pick up as cursed items on BBI.


Most enemy encounters are in groups, so there's always attacks flying from every direction, but even if you're facing one giant creature, you're specifically meleeing/positioning yourself to take hits when they come. So you're not just waiting to be attacked, you're attacking and reacting accordingly when they do attack.

There are some great moments though when enemies ambush and jump at you and you get the perfect block off and obliterate them mid-air.

Just sounds like a lot of extra work for little payoff (aside from a pride thing) compared to just Cannon/Sigil on the bigger enemies.


Neo Member
Can someone tell me why my magic archer is weak as fuck with the bow? I bbq everything with my daggers but the magic bow is slow and doesnt do much damage :(

It depends completely on your magick stat. What bow are you using/what's your magick stat? I have 2589 strength and 2583 magick and do quite a bit of damage with both.

Augments can make a huge difference. Attunement and Acuity give you an extra 30% magick. One comes from Sorceror and the other is Mage. I also use Vehemence and Clout to get another 30% strength. Aside from that, I use Sinew and Leg-Strength.

Also remember that each magick bow attack has a different element associated. Sixfold Bolt is Ice, Hunter bolt is Holy, Ricochet Hunter is Lightning, etc. Make sure your target isn't resistant to that element. For BBI, Ricochet Hunter is amazing. Just lure anything hard into a narrow hallway (if possible) and Ricochet will tear them to pieces pretty quicky.

Hopefully that helps. Let me know if I can explain anything a little better or if there are particular monsters you are having trouble with. Some things are VERY magic resistant and it's just better to use daggers; others are VERY physical resistant and it's better to use the bow. The beauty of Magick Archer is you have the option of both.
Ok. The wiki is talking about new universal skills that you pick up as cursed items on BBI.

Ah ok, should head back up to the top at some point. In the Vault of Defiled Truth right now, do you ever unlock short cuts? You must I suppose.

Also: What is a good path for a sorcerer? I feel like often he doesn't use skills like Bolide despite having them. His vocation rank is one before the max.

And I bought some fighter that instead of attacking likes to come hang out by me, which is problematic when I'm a Ranger.

Edit: I love Great Gamble so.


Just want to make sure i'm not confused. Augments are the only purchased skills that can be carried over between vocations?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Just sounds like a lot of extra work for little payoff (aside from a pride thing) compared to just Cannon/Sigil on the bigger enemies.

I mean, I adapt to each fight accordingly. I've def cannoned spam fools down as well. But, sure, it's a playstyle thing. I enjoy the skill it takes to play, it's why I left ranger which was too easy. I suppose with my current stats/augments I could shift to MA if I found MK boring, but it isn't yet.

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Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Just want to make sure i'm not confused. Augments are the only purchased skills that can be carried over between vocations?

Right, only augments, but any shared skills/spells that are already bought don't need to be bought again.

Is there any way to teleport in this game? Or at least some way of returning to the main city instantly?

Yes, you can buy ferrystones as soon as you get to GS and there are always portcrystals set in GS and Cassardis. By advancing the main story a little bit you'll also acquire 3 more portcrystals before you meet the duke.
Mystic knight is unplayable, the framerate is terrible the entire time... get 2 cannons up and have a weapon enchant and the framerate drops to 10-15 fps consistently

Other than that it's a terrible inelegant class, your shield and weapon enchants last maybe 45 seconds to a minute, cannons last 15 seconds (if you bother using them)
So you are constantly busy rebuffing yourself.
You buffed ice, put up 2 cannons, ops the dragon roared and you have to go pick up your pawns, now your cannons are about to expire.
I'll just put up some new ones, put up the first one, OPS there goes the ice buff, renew that, 10seconds left on the first cannon, enemy runs around a cornern to a pawn that went off for no reason, call them back, get 2seconds of dmg cannon expired.

By the time I get to picking up the pawns the dragon would be on the floor with any other class, and by the time I rebuff he'd be on half hp.

Even if everything goes right and even if the framerate didn't tank to 'I wouldn't play like this if you paid me' it's just no fun whatsoever to have to constantly rebuff.
Oh well one imo garbage class out of 9 isn't too bad.

Once again a shame this game isn't on PC, would be easy to adjust buff durations to your liking on there, and fix any other little annoyances and niggles


Just switched to a Sorc for shits and giggles...

why haven't I done this sooner?

my god

Enjoy it while it lasts. Sorcs are pretty much nothing but Holy Bolt spam in BBI due to never having enough time to cast anything that matters other than the occasional Comestion or Fulmination. They were loads of fun before that though. Probably my favorite class in vanilla.

Mystic knight is unplayable, the framerate is terrible the entire time... get 2 cannons up and have a weapon enchant and the framerate drops to 10-15 fps consistently

Other than that it's a terrible inelegant class, your shield and weapon enchants last maybe 45 seconds to a minute, cannons last 15 seconds (if you bother using them)
So you are constantly busy rebuffing yourself.
You buffed ice, put up 2 cannons, ops the dragon roared and you have to go pick up your pawns, now your cannons are about to expire.
I'll just put up some new ones, put up the first one, OPS there goes the ice buff, renew that, 10seconds left on the first cannon, enemy runs around a cornern to a pawn that went off for no reason, call them back, get 2seconds of dmg cannon expired.

By the time I get to picking up the pawns the dragon would be on the floor with any other class, and by the time I rebuff he'd be on half hp.

Even if everything goes right and even if the framerate didn't tank to 'I wouldn't play like this if you paid me' it's just no fun whatsoever to have to constantly rebuff.
Oh well one imo garbage class out of 9 isn't too bad.

Once again a shame this game isn't on PC, would be easy to adjust buff durations to your liking on there, and fix any other little annoyances and niggles

One advantage of playing on the 360 I guess. There are framerate drops occasionally, but it usually requires the room to be absolutely filled with enemies on top of cannon spam. People on this site loved to moan about how the "screen tearing made it unplayable", but it seriously doesn't happen anywhere near as much as what many would claim. And the framerate is better.

As far as the MK goes, they absolutely destroy at the higher levels with cannon. My MA would switch to MK to dragonforge my Fighter's stuff, and now he can kill a Fire Drake in about 30s or less. I do see your point about the class feeling rather clunky though in regards to buffing and setups. Pawns in general have never been useful at all against any of the dragonkin for me aside from my Fighter prior to a roar, and that's usually only for a distraction. The regular cannon and sigils kind of suck, but when you get Greater and Ruinous, you shouldn't even need more than a single pawn up at a time against the dragonkin and only for a distraction. I just let mine stay dead and have the drake run into the sigil I'm standing on.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Mystic knight is unplayable, the framerate is terrible the entire time... get 2 cannons up and have a weapon enchant and the framerate drops to 10-15 fps consistently

Other than that it's a terrible inelegant class, your shield and weapon enchants last maybe 45 seconds to a minute, cannons last 15 seconds (if you bother using them)
So you are constantly busy rebuffing yourself.
You buffed ice, put up 2 cannons, ops the dragon roared and you have to go pick up your pawns, now your cannons are about to expire.
I'll just put up some new ones, put up the first one, OPS there goes the ice buff, renew that, 10seconds left on the first cannon, enemy runs around a cornern to a pawn that went off for no reason, call them back, get 2seconds of dmg cannon expired.

By the time I get to picking up the pawns the dragon would be on the floor with any other class, and by the time I rebuff he'd be on half hp.

Even if everything goes right and even if the framerate didn't tank to 'I wouldn't play like this if you paid me' it's just no fun whatsoever to have to constantly rebuff.
Oh well one imo garbage class out of 9 isn't too bad.

Once again a shame this game isn't on PC, would be easy to adjust buff durations to your liking on there, and fix any other little annoyances and niggles

(rank 7 mage augment perpetuation)
(rank 7 mage augment perpetuation)

You already need so many augments for this class..
Going bbi 2.0 without stability is asking for frustration, same for sinew, then you need the magic dmg one and clout, you need egression as tank or the innihilators will kill you since their hold can't be blocked, prescience for the blocks, you'd also want the one to reduce sta cost on blocks but I ran out of slots by now. You'd also want the one to recude casttime to make buffing and cannon summoning less of a pain but no slots there either:p
I guess I can leave out the magic dmg one, which kind of defeats the point of using cannons then.

Does MK get a taunt? 'm rank 7 and still didn't get one, kind of defeats the point of having reflect and the enchanted shield if you can't get enemies to attack you.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
You already need so many augments for this class..
Going bbi 2.0 without stability is asking for frustration, same for sinew, then you need the magic dmg one and clout, you need egression as tank or the innihilators will kill you since their hold can't be blocked, prescience for the blocks, you'd also want the one to reduce sta cost on blocks but I ran out of slots by now. You'd also want the one to recude casttime to make buffing and cannon summoning less of a pain but no slots there either:p
I guess I can leave out the magic dmg one, which kind of defeats the point of using cannons then.

Does MK get a taunt? 'm rank 7 and still didn't get one, kind of defeats the point of having reflect and the enchanted shield if you can't get enemies to attack you.

I mean, it's a hybrid class. Those augments are there to more to help you with lopsided stats if you're coming over from a heavy melee or heavy caster background. I'm not saying the class is perfect, but plenty of people have reported great success with it, even in BBI.

No, they don't get a taunt, but I don't have much trouble getting enemies to attack me. Though, as I said above, I don't play ranged cannon spam style primarily. If the class doesn't gel with you, no big deal. Personally, I kinda chose him just cause I wanted to play a paladin class for once.
I mean, it's a hybrid class. Those augments are there to more to help you with lopsided stats if you're coming over from a heavy melee or heavy caster background. I'm not saying the class is perfect, but plenty of people have reported great success with it, even in BBI.

No, they don't get a taunt, but I don't have much trouble getting enemies to attack me. Though, as I said above, I don't play ranged cannon spam style primarily. If the class doesn't gel with you, no big deal.

Well it's supposed to be a hybrid class, but you can't make a versatile build, you can make a tedious (re)buffing mage who can't heal (I think) with dull cannon spam (idk why anyone would want to play like that) , or you can make a tank with reflect and elements on the shield but no taunt and no support spells (how unfortunate lol).
For your weapon skills if you go tank you get a dodge (why would I want that when the class is built around blocking for damage) and you don't get a physical damage burst spell to hit weakspots on downed enemies.

You can't both have elements on your shield and on your weapon since they all go in the shield slots.

The shield buff shouldn't expire to begin with either, such pointless design all around.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Well it's supposed to be a hybrid class, but you can't make a versatile build, you can make a tedious (re)buffing mage who can't heal (I think) with dull cannon spam, or you can make a tank with reflect and elements on the shield but no taunt (how unfortunate lol).

You can't both have elements on your shield and on your weapon since they all go in the shield slots.

The shield buff shouldn't expire to begin with either, such pointless design.

Are you telling me I should drop this 30 hour file and reroll again?!

also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it usual for high level chars to have weapons/shields permanently enchanted with elemental attributes anyway?


Im totally getting my assed handed to me in this game. Just started the game and found Quina near the witches hut. I have no idea what a good mix of pawns are (so I can lay down some ultimate pawnage!)

Should I just have one of each (mage, strider, fighter??)

tips for a newbie?


Are you telling me I should drop this 30 hour file and reroll again?!

also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it usual for high level chars to have weapons/shields permanently enchanted with elemental attributes anyway?

I haven't bothered to test it with the MK yet, but if you're getting weapon buffs from a Mage or Sorcerer, they always add quite a bit more damage per hit than what a weapon's natural enchantment will do.

Im totally getting my assed handed to me in this game. Just started the game and found Quina near the witches hut. I have no idea what a good mix of pawns are (so I can lay down some ultimate pawnage!)

Should I just have one of each (mage, strider, fighter??)

For a first playthrough, that's probably the best setup. Ranger pawns have AI issues, and are better off being played by a human. Striders seem to use everything that they have, usually at appropriate times. When using a Fighter pawn though, don't have any of the shield skills active aside from the Shield Summons. None of the other shield skills are really worth it, and your pawn ends up being much less aggressive overall with them.


I love MK, I've played the majority of the game so far as it. Great Cannon just destroys absolutely everything. I don't worry about buffing so much because my sword is perma-enchanted with fire (so GC still does fire damage) and then my sorceress handles the rest. I only keep a frost enchant on me in case my sorcerer decides to lolly gag around with buffing me.


I love MK, I've played the majority of the game so far as it. Great Cannon just destroys absolutely everything. I don't worry about buffing so much because my sword is perma-enchanted with fire (so GC still does fire damage) and then my sorceress handles the rest. I only keep a frost enchant on me in case my sorcerer decides to lolly gag around with buffing me.

Unless they changed it in Dark Arisen, it doesn't work that way. Perma-enchanted weapons don't actually modify Great Cannon with elemental attributes. The weapon needs to be enchanted first with a spell for GC to be modified with an elemental attribute.
Is there a reason this warrior I hired barely attacks though? Was fighting a bunch of greater goblins and she just ran past them and around. So weird.


So someone dissect Magic Archer for me then. Good? Bad?

They used to be garbage, and then they took an arrow to the...
Oh wait. They are actually probably one of the best possible classes overall for BBI.

Prior to that though, I'd say Sorcerer and Assassin would be the top classes. The MA used to be pitiful in vanilla due to the magick bows having such low damage, and if you wanted to play the class, you would need to level up 100 - 200 in Sorcerer, just to deal adequate damage. The old bows were buffed in DA, and the new bows are so strong that you don't really have to have leveled up in Mage/Sorc (but it greatly helps to get the augments).

They have an answer for pretty much anything and easily exploit weaknesses in BBI. Ricochet Hunter specifically completely OWNS most enemies that are not weak against Fire or Ice due to there being so many hallways. You can also bounce the shots off of walls above you to hit enemies you can't actually target. I also don't really know how the other classes compare in regards to killing the hardest version of the final boss in BBI, but I'd assume Magick Archers have the easiest time aside from a Sorcerer; although the Sorcerer needs to have an extrememly high magick attack, or a level 3 weapon to beat the MA and they just spam a charged attack the entire time to stagger-lock.

Is there a reason this warrior I hired barely attacks though? Was fighting a bunch of greater goblins and she just ran past them and around. So weird.

Make sure it's primary inclination is either Scather or Mitigator. Make sure it also doesn't have any shield skills active besides the Shield Summons/Drum.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Do any bow augments affect magic bows? Right now I feel that having primarily played sorc/MK I could easily make the switch to MA, but not if I need ranger type augments.


Do any bow augments affect magic bows? Right now I feel that having primarily played sorc/MK I could easily make the switch to MA, but not if I need ranger type augments.

Not that I'm aware of. The augments that I have on my MA are:

Articulacy (that with the ring speeds up bow skills for this class)

Don't bother with Conservation. Despite it being recommended left and right for this class on other forums, it does absolutely nothing for Magick Bows.
Also, at the lower vocation levels the class might feel pretty boring (but it's like that with many classes). You'll basically use threefold and Hunter's Bolt the entire time (until you get Explosive), experimenting with the other abilities you get, only to realize they are kind of shitty.
Cutting Wind, Hundred Kisses, Immolation, Sixfold, Richochet and Explosive are what I've been using for pretty much all of BBI. The other skills are way too situational.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Last question, how much "regular" bow shooting is done as an MA? Even regular shots are lock-on, right?


Last question, how much "regular" bow shooting is done as an MA? Even regular shots are lock-on, right?

Yeah, the regular shots lock on, but you still have to actually aim the big fat ring until you actually target the enemy with the smaller ring in the middle. You can also kind of snipe with Threefold/Sixfold since you can actually hit enemies at a distance to where it doesn't actually lock on yet.


Found this on the dogma wiki.

"If the Pawn is at or below the player's current level, the Pawn is free. Conversely, the higher level the pawn, the more rift crystals it will cost. Pawns of players on your friend list, no matter what their level, are free. At higher player levels pawns also are increasingly more expensive."

Does this mean people can basically break their game, by hiring pawns way too high level for the current position in the game?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Found this on the dogma wiki.

"If the Pawn is at or below the player's current level, the Pawn is free. Conversely, the higher level the pawn, the more rift crystals it will cost. Pawns of players on your friend list, no matter what their level, are free. At higher player levels pawns also are increasingly more expensive."

Does this mean people can basically break their game, by hiring pawns way too high level for the current position in the game?

Yep. The exp gains and such will be penalized, but in the end it's still overpowered. There's plenty of gafers on the googledoc. Just add a bunch and then as you level with them you can use appropriate level pawns.
Make sure it's primary inclination is either Scather or Mitigator. Make sure it also doesn't have any shield skills active besides the Shield Summons/Drum.

Her primary inclination was Guardian, explains it! Thanks. Been about half a year since I've played, so I've forgotten about some of these basics.
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