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Gaming Journalists stepped in to defend Sweet Baby Inc. after curator page went viral

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Providing context is not being an "apologist for evil," come on. Argue all you want about the intent behind putting that line in the game, but let's not stoop to personal attacks, else we're no better than Era where nuance is considered heresy.
The “context” provided was a bull$#!+ fig leaf to try to justify the obvious racism against whites. There was no other reason to put that poison in the game. Yes, anti-white racism is evil, and I will call it out. Don’t embarrass yourself defending it.


Neo Member
Now if the story was changed and it was a white character whose inner demons were "another black asshole looting a store" because his back story was his parents convenience store got mobbed by black teens stealing shit, you know very well that example of creative writing would be nailed to the cross.
Sure. But as long as it was done in the same way as it’s done in AW2 and not with hateful intent then it should also be allowed to exist.

We should want less policing of what is acceptable, not more.


you guys are fucking hilarious
Go back to the purple forum


Gold Member
Sure. But as long as it was done in the same way as it’s done in AW2 and not with hateful intent then it should also be allowed to exist.

We should want less policing of what is acceptable, not more.
I get what youre saying, but when it comes to stuff like this no matter how discrete it is done, it's begging to be blown up. Gaming in general has nothing to do politics, genders identity, religion etc.... So to jam that in is allowed, but it's walking a tight rope of stupidity for sake of creative freedom.

I'm sure Pepsi can figure out how to make two sets of pop. One set of cans promotes liberals, the other conservatives. Same pop, but different cans. Pepsi can claim it's good marketing because the different cans now be effectively marketed to two groups of people instead of one generic can for everyone. And maybe they are right in the long run. But sometimes you just got to keep it simple and not get too political even if there's a brand manager at head office who is really into it..


Neo Member
I get what youre saying, but when it comes to stuff like this no matter how discrete it is done, it's begging to be blown up. Gaming in general has nothing to do politics, genders identity, religion etc.... So to jam that in is allowed, but it's walking a tight rope of stupidity for sake of creative freedom.

I'm sure Pepsi can figure out how to make two sets of pop. One set of cans promotes liberals, the other conservatives. Same pop, but different cans. Pepsi can claim it's good marketing because the different cans now be effectively marketed to two groups of people instead of one generic can for everyone. And maybe they are right in the long run. But sometimes you just got to keep it simple and not get too political even if there's a brand manager at head office who is really into it..

I agree with you to an extent.

There is a difference between what is happening in Alan Wake 2 versus race swapping Angrboda in God of War Ragnorok or making Mary Jane with a taser more powerful than Spiderman in Spiderman 2. With the latter two examples there is an element of cognitive dissonance that takes you out of the story. The player understands that something is not as it should be and it removes a level of immersion. That is 100% worthy of criticism.

The difference is the writing!. If the writing is done well and the subject matter is treated with a certain level of respect then you don't have the same problem with cognitive dissonance. If the writing respects the subject matter, the creators have more room to tell stories about whatever subject matter they want.

In my opinion, Alan Wake 2 clears the bar in a way that God of War and Spiderman 2 do not. Obviously that's subjective but I would be very curious to see the number of people in this thread that have actually played Alan Wake 2 vs the people that are basing their whole argument on a screenshot.


Stop being an apologist for evil. It’s embarrassing, and it’s bad for your soul.
I'm not being an apologist for evil. The game clearly frames the racist rhetoric as a bad thing with the character themselves stating they would never say that. Just because a taboo subject is portrayed in a game does not mean the game endorses that viewpoint. Otherwise we should all be up in arms about games having violence in them. Come on man, this is basic stuff.
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I'm not being an apologist for evil. The game clearly frames the racist rhetoric as a bad thing with the character themselves stating they would never say that. Just because a taboo subject is portrayed in a game does not mean the game endorses that viewpoint. Otherwise we should all be up in arms about games having violence in them. Come on man, this is basic stuff.
Nobody’s buying that the game was making an anti-racist statement through a blatantly anti-white racist statement. That’s just a flimsy rationalization to put in the racism. Anybody of any discernment can see through that. You know it, too.

The whole point of organizations like Sweet Baby Inc and wokeism in general is to put down white men and Judeo-Christian Western culture in general. They are on the vanguard of a neo-Marxist effort to fundamentally transform Western society.

They know. We know it. You know it. Stop shilling for evil.


Nobody’s buying that the game was making an anti-racist statement through a blatantly anti-white racist statement. That’s just a flimsy rationalization to put in the racism. Anybody of any discernment can see through that. You know it, too.

The whole point of organizations like Sweet Baby Inc and wokeism in general is to put down white men and Judeo-Christian Western culture in general. They are on the vanguard of a neo-Marxist effort to fundamentally transform Western society.

They know. We know it. You know it. Stop shilling for evil.
Nah, I don't buy the argument that framing a racist statement as bad in a game is somehow equivalent to endorsing racism. So I guess I'll continue to shill for evil then? Hail Satan and whatnot.


"Harassment" is such a weasel word when these people use it.

Posting a list of titles a studio has consulted on: harassment
Bullying a game developer to suicide over a dubious tweet: not harassment
Its the most bizarre thing when i started learning english.

They don't even know how to use the word properly to describe what happened. Feels like a buzz word cause they can't pin point exactly what's wrong with it.


"We reached out to Valve to ask why they're permitting harassment" is also so loaded. It presupposes that harassment is taking place to begin with, and that it's happening because Valve is "allowing" it. It's also a question that could easily be cleared up by reading Valve's public terms of service, which would explain what they allow and what they don't, and in turn highlight why this curator page isn't breaking it. The truth is, they're not reaching out to Valve to clear things up, because things are already clear and they know it. They're attempting to apply activist pressure, plain and simple.
Claim: sweet baby inc had nothing to do with the development of the saga anderson character from alan wake 2

Neogaf expert fact checking department found that to be: NOT TRUE! ❌

Fact: sweet baby inc was fully involved in the making of her character


Wow, imagine being Sam Lake and having to consult on character development with Kim Belair. What a clown world we live in.

Up until this whole drama I wasn’t actually aware that these consulting companies exist. That is so crazy. Just imagine being an artist and putting you heart and souls into writing a story and the not only having it reworked by producers but also by these loony clubs. That is just insane.
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When did the Neogaf expert fact checking department claim that Sweet Baby Inc had nothing to do with Alan Wake 2? No one argued that. The game was explicitly listed on their website.

Also nothing that you posted is really proof that the game is driven by DEI other than maybe the term “person of color” which is factually accurate given that Saga is a black woman.

The difference between Alan Wake 2 and every other game with Sweet Baby Inc interference is that Alan Wake 2’s story doesn’t feel like it was workshopped by a corporate HR department. The writing, the story, and the characters all stand on their own and it’s done exceptionally well. Isn’t that what we want for all of our games?
So why get in a DEI consultant in for? What was SBI needed for if Remedy are such masterful storytellers?


The game clearly frames the racist rhetoric as a bad thing with the character themselves stating they would never say that.
Can you show that moment in the game? Because I just watched the whole Escape from Mind Place segment and didn't find it.

It's all framed as her fears and insecurities attacking her, not as an evil racist twin that has nothing to do with her.
Kind of demonic for this company to use this name, Sweet Baby, associated with wholesome religious imagery, for their degenerate progressive meddling.
I think you nailed the theme here: basically anyone that still labels other races as "bad" and promotes separation and intolerance, in this day and age, regardless of sex or race, is just that, demonic or evil.

Sometimes I let my guard down and think, as a human race, we've moved past racism, but then we keep seeing it pop back up in the news again. Humans never learn.


If people enjoyed Sweet Baby Inc's content then this would be a non issue. The group is popular for a reason and no I don't mean because everyone who joined are nazi's.

A group page labelled "warning EA" or "warning Denuvo" can exist with nobody batting an eye. If Sweet Baby Inc were improving games then they would be proud to have a page with so many followers. Unfortunately their involvement in the games they work on lesen the experience in many peoples opinions.

It's as simple as that. I admit the group page has a negative tone towards Sweet Baby Inc in the title, but I feel if the group title was neutral we wouldn't have a flock of fans joining the group to praise their products.

The people are speaking and their voices are being heard.

Upper Echelon once again showing why he's one of the best actual journalists on you tube. If you like to follow stories like this, but would like your reporting to be more facts-based and less focused on a culture war / us vs them type of presentation, I highly recommend this content creator. He does a solid job of refuting most of the common claims being made to defend this company.
It’s baffling to even call this harassment. You would think they would be proud of their portfolio.
yep. it's as much promotion as it is 'harassment'. it's all in the way you feel about the company: it's as easily an 'other games you might wanna check out' list as it is an 'other games you might wanna avoid' list. it's just a friggin' factual list, & you can find a similar one on sweet baby's own damn website...


What did you tell the AI to make it make those monsters. I may have need of them for a pathfinder game lol

What Was the prompt for this?

It was midjouney when I had the cheapest subscription.

The prompt for both was:

"rotten food demons thirsty for children's blood"

I got a warning from midjouney probs because of 'children's blood' lol... but it let me continue anyway with a button press.

Edit: the other two images I got with the prompt:


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At what point does someone decides to take them off the credits, only for them to complain about that too.
I personally can't wait for that day, it will be glorious...

like when the terrible ghostbusters director got mad his movie wasn't in the collection.



Upper Echelon once again showing why he's one of the best actual journalists on you tube. If you like to follow stories like this, but would like your reporting to be more facts-based and less focused on a culture war / us vs them type of presentation, I highly recommend this content creator. He does a solid job of refuting most of the common claims being made to defend this company.

This was useful. Thanks for posting.
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