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DrDisrespect permanently banned from Twitch [Now Streaming on YouTube]


Well , this guy will keep on You Tube for long time...his army of minions is big. Hope police and authorities did a deep investigation in order to keep him free of chargues.


Gold Member
If I was accused of this shit, you better believe I’d present everything I could, texts, chats, browser history, phone calls, etc. All people would learn is that I like VR porn and I like older women porn. Well, I guess they would need to learn that because I just put it out there. I’ve always been attracted to the older woman. I remember having sleeping dreams with my 2nd grade teacher, while in the second grade. Not sex, but sleeping together in the bed together, in our underwear.

What were we talking about?
Nor would I have admitted said wrongdoing just a few months ago


Well, at least his "performance" reading this statement on stream live was entertaining, can't deny that.
I just don't care, every week something comes out about somebody, I have zero interest in their personal lives, I'm here to consume content.

Imagine if people did their homework like this on people involved with the stuff they eat, drink, wear etc. We'd all be dehydrated starving naked people.


The fact that he hasn't sued Cody already is telling in my mind
Or he just wants to move on from all this and get on with his life. Remember this was supposedly 8 years ago.

He did say he is holding stuff back, probably to present if anyone else tries to start something moving forward.


If he really, really wanted to clear his name, he’d show the world those whispers.
I don't think the messages would put him in a flattering light. I also don't think he can actually show these messages due to nda reasons between him and twich for the settlement he got from them. Legally that is.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?



Gold Member
The fact that he hasn't sued Cody already is telling in my mind
It is strange that this hasn't been brought to bear so far...but again maybe he's building his case. Cody's message was 2 months ago. Not really a lot of time if we are talking in a legal context.

Add to the fact that Dr. Disrespect has supposedly been on vacation for these two months.
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Gold Member
I look forward to the September 25th update when YouTube denies his monetizing appeal.

He might lose it again and find a new scapegoat.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Have to say.....I know this Dr Disrespect act is how he makes his money, but I have a hard time believing a guy trying to convince the world that all this was a setup while he is hiding behind that persona. Take off the stupid wig and the sunglasses and let folks see your eyes when you talk. Hiding behind a lie in order to supposedly tell the truth isn't going to work on anyone but dedicated fans. Maybe that's what he is going for.
Good point. Don’t show up to face a serious allegation in a clown costume.


Gold Member
Or he just wants to move on from all this and get on with his life. Remember this was supposedly 8 years ago.

He did say he is holding stuff back, probably to present if anyone else tries to start something moving forward.

If he just wanted to get on with his life then he can do that with YouTube monetization or without YouTube entirely. He has more money than most of us put together will ever have. Before he said a word about the allegations, he talked about getting monetized again. That's what this is about.

What he says here is ultimately irrelevant. This is a carefully prepared performance that opened up with a movie-like trailer sporting a dang helicopter and speedboat. If he wants to move on then move on. If he wants to be cleared then this little fictional drama he put on is not the way to do it. What he needs to do he won't do and, to me, it is very clear why that is.
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Then he should produce the chat logs

He's not gonna do that because that confirms the expose. His entire audience and his business is depending on those whispers. He will never release the chat logs.

Most of his audience are kids-teens. Sunk cost fallacy and guilt by association of their favorite influencer being a disgusting pedophile cannot bypass their rational judgement, because they are not mature enough for taking accountability for their actions.


If he just wanted to get on with his life then he can do that with YouTube monetization or without YouTube entirely. He has more money than most of us put together will ever have. Before he said a word about the allegations, he talked about getting monetized again. That's what this is about.

What he says here is ultimately irrelevant. This is a carefully prepared performance that opened up with a movie-like trailer sporting a dang helicopter and speedboat. If he wants to move on then move on. If he wants to be cleared then this little fictional drama he put on is not the way to do it. What he needs to do he won't do and, to me, it is very clear why that is.
Well he loves streaming, and he said he doesnt do it soley for the money. He probably feels why should he quit if didnt do anyhting wrong.

Doc has never been the kind of person that cares about his haters or trolls, and probably thinks no matter what he says some poeple wont believe him, which the last few pages show to be fair.


Gold Member
He's not gonna do that because that confirms the expose. His entire audience and his business is depending on those whispers. He will never release the chat logs.

Most of his audience are kids-teens. Sunk cost fallacy and guilt by association of their favorite influencer being a disgusting pedophile cannot bypass their rational judgement, because they are not mature enough for taking accountability for their actions.
Oh I know he wont but even if he did people would spin it in his favor

I saw someone on Twitter saying this person was of consenting age in their state

Well that makes it all better :)
The fact that he hasn't sued Cody already is telling in my mind
Yeah it's been months since Cody talked about it. Something should have happened by now if what Cody says wasn't true. Hell if someone accused me of shit like that I wouldn't hesitate to take them to court.

Also, him streaming again right around the time there is a pendulum swing of political culture in gaming isn't a coincidence. He hopes the "anti woke" gamer will side with him. Which is why he is playing the victim card.
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Gold Member
Well he loves streaming, and he said he doesnt do it soley for the money. He probably feels why should he quit if didnt do anyhting wrong.

Doc has never been the kind of person that cares about his haters or trolls, and probably thinks no matter what he says some poeple wont believe him, which the last few pages show to be fair.

One of the first things he talked about was monetization. I don't care what he said elsewhere, this is solely about the money. And people have damn good reason not to believe him. If he wants people to change their mind then he needs to prove that the messages that were exchanged were taken completely out of context, as he said. He can't have it both ways.
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Seems like it was a nothing burger after all, dude is here to stay.
I guess we can move along now, gg.
Call me naive, dumb, etc. I certainly can be at times but I really can't muster a shit to give. I never really followed Doc until my buddy sent me a Village clip last year. I occasionally watched his streams but mostly watched his clips or compilations videos. I honestly don't understand why he has such a target on his back. He's just a character and he's funny. Obviously he created enemies because that's how entertainment works, you either hold water for the narrative, otherwise you get canceled.

Him cheating on his wife is despicable but that's for him and his wife to deal with and he allows that clip to remain up; him crying and coming clean. I have to assume he has grown as a husband.

As for the twitch stuff. People need to show evidence. How many people have been canceled over bogus accusations? We're on freaking gaf for goodness sake, lol.

That's just me. I'm not team doc, I'm just a random nobody who doesn't agree with the mob mindset and until charges are pressed, I assume doc is innocent and a victim of a smear campaign.

If that makes me an idiot to some people here, so be it.


Keep in mind.. and he had the DATES for this… which he clearly got from the discovery phase of the previous lawsuit.

The community manager at Twitch trying to nail him went to his superiors with this FIRST … and THEY looked at it and SHRUGGED THEIR SHOULDERS.

Does anyone in here believe that a company like Twitch (I’m often reminded of the aftermath of the dismantling of twitter… we know who works there) saw the messages he pulled and said “meh” if they were serious? No way. The idea this man had to fight and even potentially manipulate this thing up the chain of command to get anything to happen at all speaks volumes… let alone their settlement afterwards.

I think he’s about to sue the shit out of this guy who violated NDA.

And clearly this was lawyer approved stating :
A) not a minor at time of the (see below)
B) inappropriate joke - not sexting

I smell a very clever lawyer who smells a big payday.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yeah it's been months since Cody talked about it. Something should have happened by now if what Cody says wasn't true. Hell if someone accused me of shit like that I wouldn't hesitate to take them to court.
People say this sort of thing a lot, but you can’t always viably take things to court when people spread lies about you. Absence of that in itself is not evidence of guilt.
People say this sort of thing a lot, but you can’t always viably take things to court when people spread lies about you. Absence of that in itself is not evidence of guilt.
Perhaps, but Doc mentions that because of what Cody posted on X that he had to layoff staff from Midnight Society. Which would indicate that he and others lost income because of it. Wouldn't that be enough to bring out a lawsuit?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Perhaps, but Doc mentions that because of what Cody posted on X that he had to layoff staff from Midnight Society. Which would indicate that he and others lost income because of it. Wouldn't that be enough to bring out a lawsuit?
Yes, that would make a stronger case, if he had exonerating evidence in hand of course. He certainly has the resources to litigate freely as well.
I'm still on the fence.

He made a lot of unambiguous, pointed claims and statements of fact that would be extremely easy to refute, especially the ones that relate to twitches internal team saying that it wasn't sexting, and that it didn't constitute child sexual material. He would know this, because during arbitration, there's discovery. And if it wasn't true, it would be such an easy lie to disprove. Cody Connors is still technically on the hook here, now that there is considerable damages to his brand, as are publications that ran with the "Sexting a minor" headlines/articles. Bloomberg apparently has a legal team, so their headline read "YouTuber Dr Disrespect Was Allegedly Kicked Off Twitch for Messaging Minor" because they apparently aren't morons, at least on the surface.

Additionally, someone who's such an obvious sexual predator and an imminent danger to children, would still be allowed to have access to social media? Even to stream on YouTube? Where the majority of audiences are what age? Make that make sense.
I don’t get why Twitch would want to get rid of one their more popular streamers? I assume both parties benefit from the audience?
According to him it was mostly instigated by one person that held a grudge, but wouldn’t Twitch fight to keep him broadcasting.

That just doesn’t make sense to me.


Gold Member
Well he loves streaming, and he said he doesnt do it soley for the money. He probably feels why should he quit if didnt do anyhting wrong.

Doc has never been the kind of person that cares about his haters or trolls, and probably thinks no matter what he says some poeple wont believe him, which the last few pages show to be fair.
He’s right. Most of us won’t believe his lies, as he’s proven to already be deceitful.

Are you likely to believe every word that comes out of a man’s mouth that cheated on his beautiful wife, and flip flops his own story? You’re not a flat-earther are you?


Gold Member

And what Guy said should be easily proven false by any of these anonymous sources that claimed otherwise. Let's make this perfectly clear, to hide behind anonymity or muh NDA based on messages that could provide proof that he sexted a minor (in my definition, would make him a pedophile) makes those involved garbage human beings.

Those in the know need to stop beating around the bush. Did he send sexually explicit messages to a minor? If yes then provide proof.
I’m gonna tear my gorgeous hair out reading some of these posts, my stylist is going to hate me.

The man admitted to inappropriately messaging a minor, which is what he got fired from Twitch for. What evidence do you need? Lol
I was voted best hair in the graduating class of 2003. Come at me bro.

He commented on that today (his post) and also said Twitch legal sent the messages to CPS/related law enforcement. Nothing came of it and the judge also said nothing illegal happened. He also said the person wasn't a minor.

It's he said/he said at this point and if it was that cut and dry (what you and others say), there would be charges.

Just providing an update based on his comments in his ongoing livestream.


I just find it hilarious that he was live streaming his own death to Elden Ring’s soundtrack.

The comments in this video are unbelievable :messenger_loudly_crying: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

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