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DriveClub Review Thread.


Welcome to the club of those that actually know and like racing games and good driving models, and not just cruising around games (which are great on their own, but they're not the be all end all of driving) :D

You beat me by 0.1 point, but still. Glad to see someone else that reviewed the game and not its hype.

Link to your review? Like to read someone else's take on it.



I don't think so


To most extents. As does InFamous (fantastic game), and by the sounds of it DriveClub. Innovation isn't the same as solid gameplay. People need to realise that.
Maybe you need to realize that some people genuinely aren't impressed with the gameplay on offer.

Every review thread, especially one where a game is scoring lower than hype would anticipate, there is a mad push by some to dismiss all opinions that aren't positive. Its amazing how predictable this behaviour is.

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
Killzone has great gameplay.
I agree. Shadowfall had similar (or worse) reviews, but luckily I had already pre-ordered it before reading them. It was one of the most fun games I played last year. I can certainly see a similar situation occurring with DriveClub. I've seen enough streams to know what I'm in for; can't wait.


But you'll notice that Microsoft's two racing games look completely different from one another. The strange thing about Driveclub from the very beginning is how similar it looked to Sony's other first party racer. I've heard lots of members of the gaming press refer to Driveclub as a sim racer, like GT, and I don't blame them for that. Watching a clip of the game would give you no indication it's different.

If the gaming press judge whether a racing game is sim or not based on video clips as you claim then they are not worth shit now are they? I mean lol wtf does that even mean.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Almost as bad as Gamereactor.

If Swedish gaming journalism isn't for you, that's fine - but commenting on their quality in a negative manner is just down-right stupid.
To be honest, the free roam camera system which they are going to implement with photo mode means this game doubles as a graphics simulator...May tempt me to buy it.
But you'll notice that Microsoft's two racing games look completely different from one another. The strange thing about Driveclub from the very beginning is how similar it looked to Sony's other first party racer. I've heard lots of members of the gaming press refer to Driveclub as a sim racer, like GT, and I don't blame them for that. Watching a clip of the game would give you no indication it's different.

It looks nothing like GT what are you talking about?


A generic racing game with 30fps framerate gets average reviews. What a surprise! At least you can take some great looking photos from cars if you buy it.
Next year will hopefully be awesome with Bloodborne, MGS, Uncharted (no delays pls), and Batman but this first year and change has been terrible. Nothing but indie bleh and mediocre "next gen" experiences. Sony dropped the ball after they started selling consoles like gangbusters.

Another disappointment, glad I purchased my PS4 at a huge discount otherwise I'd be feeling that early adopter burn even worse than it already is.

Jesus man...relax. Giving us juniors a terrible rep. "Indie bleh"/"mediocre next gen experiences"? Take that nonsense back to IGN


Yeah, right off the bat they sound like they know nothing about the game. I'd think a reviewer would do just a bit of research to at least find what's in the plus version prior to writing a review or doing a quick look on the game. Hell, I've watched streamers that were more informed about the game.

Lots of GB's quicklooks are aimed towards people first impressions of a game, where people doing the quick look are new to it as well. It's nothing new.
Makes a nice change from the kind of suspicious mass overscoring going on at this stage in the last generation with the likes of GTA IV.
Reviewers seem to be demanding more from games which is more in line with consumer sentiment I would think.

No what reviews are doing is demanding more games being the same .
If DC was open world you would not here the lack of innovation or it has soul bs that some of them have .


One year delay plus this reviews doesn't bode well for the studio. Sony and the team must be bummed out.

The leading up to it seemed pretty promising but I guess it fell flat. It's a shame.

Indeed. Unless it rivals Gran Turismo in sales they seem doomed. Never played DC but it looks very average with below-average project management


Scores are exactly what I expected. Game is one of the best looking games of all times graphics wise. But if that's all you have and nothing else.. well, graphics alone don't make a great game.

And LOL at Polygon.

How about an amazing handling model and physics, the best sound effects in the business, a truly dynamic lighting and volumetric cloud system, intelligent track design with diverse graduation, elevation and speed differentials, aggressive and intelligent AI, and an on the fly social challenge system coupled with a solid online component?


oh well, ps+ edition should be sufficient at least. will give that a download later this week. still disappointing to hear though.


Neo Member
Gamespot's review seems extremely harsh compared to everything else. I'm going to wait for some more reviews before making my decision.


I assumed this would review in the 70s just like Pacific Rift did...and PR was the most fun ive ever had with a racing game.

Reviewers should spend a week with a game minimum, i assume most spend less than a day.


That is indeed quite low. Hmm...

I hope this doesn't continue to deter developers from making circuit based games. I've come to realize that open world racing games just aren't for me. :\

What, racing on nothing but mediocre and poorly constructed point to point races is not for you?
It seems to be the problem most Sony exclusives are having.

Killzone: Ok shooter with great graphics
Infamous: Ok sandbox with great graphics
Driveclub: From reviews sounds like an ok racer with great graphics
The Order: From all the previews I've read it sounds like an ok shooter with great graphics

They need to start focusing on games that have more than just graphics.
Bloodborne looks like a great first step
Yea, just drop down to 900p, and use that extra 180p on gameplay, and still have graphical parity... Right?
Why did I pick up a PS4 at launch again, most of its exclusives have been pretty lousy... :(
I am starting to regret my purchase as I have barely touched the thing over the past year.


It would've reviewed better if it were 60 fps. A person's psychological mindset plays a big part in how well they perceive games, and whether they're consciously aware of it or not, high framerates illicit a much more positive mental response than low framerates. The (possibly unconscious) negative reaction illicited by Drive Club's low framerate is a major reason for the low reviews -- it caused the reviewers to focus more on Drive Club's negative aspects than the positives, and is also the chief motivator for the nonspecific complaints against the game (e.g. "it lacks passion/magic/etc."). Unfortunately most console developers aren't smart enough to realize this and so we will continue to be saddled with 30 fps games.
This thread is crazy. One 5/10 seems to be the dominating force in this thread, that every other 7-9 review is hidden behind. These review scores aren't that bad at all.

Daffy Duck

How about an amazing handling model and physics, the best sound effects in the business, a truly dynamic lighting and volumetric cloud system, intelligent track design with diverse graduation, elevation and speed differentials, aggressive and intelligent AI, and an on the fly social challenge system coupled with a solid online component?

And don't forget, no ability to turn off things, over the top penalisation for corner cutting.

This thread is crazy. One 5/10 seems to be the dominating force in this thread, that every other 7-9 review is hidden behind. These review scores aren't that bad at all.

No they aren't bad, but the game still sounds dull no matter which way you slice it.
Well you can certainly tell which reviewers didn't even want to play the game. That has been my problem with many reviews this gen, you can tell how will score just based on the general disinterest in the title in the first place. One can say that that may be a reflection of the product itself as well, but in the case of Driveclub they just wanted a totally different game. You would hear press prior to release saying "it's a racing game" as if to say "so what? Why should I care?". I don't think that is a great way to approach a review.

Note to developers, want better reviews? Make your game open world. Which is unfortunate because there are many who don't want that. Just look at how many press members are looking forward to the Crew, even when early impressions haven't been great.

No, please, enough of that. I would pay good money for a Burnout 3 remake. Paradise was such a disappointment with its open world. I prefer tight circuits every day of the week.
To most extents. As does InFamous (fantastic game), and by the sounds of it DriveClub. Innovation isn't the same as solid gameplay. People need to realise that.

You don't need innovation to not be dull. Killzone and Driveclub look great but feel dull as shit to me. InFamous doesn't belong in this discussion to me, it's problems were story and length.
Having finished watching the quicklook, I think 7/10 is a damn solid score for this game. If you want a 9, it better do something familiar insanely well, or something completely new altogether. I don't see how anyone who plays tons of racing games can look at this and think it is novel or near perfection of an existing formula. The driving looks incredibly lifeless to be honest. It is neither fun arcade or challenging sim. Without the graphics or social aspect, I honestly could see this being a 5 or 6. It seems very polished, but it is by no means an exceptional execution of a well worn formula. 7/10 is not a bad review, we all need to re-calibrate for this gen.

I really hope this becomes a trend this generation, actually utilizing the full number scale and not have 8's be meh and 9's be "good" and only 10's be awesome. Publishers need to revise their ridiculous metacritic bonus system. 75% should be considered a successful game. 80% should be another tick in bonus, and 90% should be blow jobs for all.
What´s up with the critics nowadays? why do they all read like cinema critics instead of like videogame critics?. They look to all posible nonsenses except for what has always been important, gameplay and enjoyment. Is like they are trying to compare videogames to the last david finch film. They are starting to sound like super cult journalists when videogaming has never need these.


Gonna try this tonight and make my own opinion on it.
Btw I understand the points the reviews are raising although the fact that the game is traditional, quick, circuit based races is not a negative in my opinion.
Still it seems like notwithstanding the delay too much content didn't make it in time for launch.
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