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E3 2014 | Gametrailers and SpikeTV All Acess Live discussion thread


I can't be the only person that thinks Sunset Overdrive just looks like InFamous with a different art style and flashier acrobatics, can I?


All this exclusive content talk is making me want to wait for PC GOTY editions. Evolve looked good.

Unity looked alright, Assassin's Creed will always polarize.

Sunset Overdrive though... Goddamn that's looking tasty.

I really hope SO and DR3 add on comes to pc. I'm not ready to jump onto xboxone til halo/gears comes out


Thank you Capcom.

Bioware did not do a stage demo for Dragon Age...mistake guys. With Witcher 3 pushed back Bioware should be going for the gold.
not sure how i feel about sunset overdrive, looks pretty but i dunno just looked like it was missing something. ill wait to see more before i judge completely


I don't get how sunset overdrive is amazing. it looked like somebody threw up all over the screen and the gameplay looked like infamous which had terrible gameplay.

Looked god awful
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