The most disappointing thing imo, shitty graphics / animations / writing aside, is that the premise feels wasted going by the early sections.
New galaxy, what did I expect? A whole bunch of new races, civilizations, politics etc. I wanted the Milky Way races to arrive to an Andromeda that was already going through its own shit, but now has your crazy refuge asses to deal with. I wanted the pathfinder squad to literally be the pathfinder squad and not be late to the party.
But going by all the previews its a whole bunch of "you are teh chozen one", ancient dead civilizations, the first contact with an andromeda race is 0 words and just a bunch of shooting, a whole bunch of talking to more humans / turians / salarians and shooting shooting shooting shooting scan scan scan minerals crafting. The fact that you only have like... 1 new race as your squadmate is wasted potential already.
Feels like a waste. God please let this just be a case of "this large chunk of the game at the beginning is actually just shit" and the actual interesting sci-fi stuff is backended (which usually never the case, in fact games mostly frontload the good parts these days), because at the moment this game just looks like a sci-fi game.