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Early impressions from RPS for ME:A. It's... not good

This honestly feels like an unnecessary 4th sequel that should have been released in 2012 or 2013 for last gen systems done by another studio that gets bad reviews and is called unnecessary.

Mass effect was a good trilogy. The only reason to create another one is to cash in.

Mass effect: judgement
Mass effect: Ascension
But people have been asking for this for years now.


Watched rhe GB quick look and wtf happened? On parts this feels like some $0.99 xbox arcade one man project just based on the yank. How could this happen?


Wait, you can't command your squad like you could in previous games?

Move & attack commands, yes, but no power wheel as far as I'm aware.

Watched rhe GB quick look and wtf happened? On parts this feels like some $0.99 xbox arcade one man project just based on the yank. How could this happen?

Bad project management / something went wrong at Montreal / new engine, new studio / EA lost their patience after 5 years and shipped it


Gold Member
Move & attack commands, yes, but no power wheel as far as I'm aware.

So no pause combat to dish out specific commands?

I only played about the first 10 hours of ME 1 and the strategic side was one of my favourite bits. Oh well, I think I'll just play the trilogy in my backlog instead of getting this.


It was superior in that it was a better action game than ME1 was a RPG. But by that measure ME3 shits all over ME2 as well because it was even better with the shooting.

It didn't just improve the combat. It improved almost everything else (that was kept), and then ME3 was a regression in a lot of ways, which includes the combat. It might have been better in that regard on a technical level, but prior to the DLC, too much of the actual encounters were just the same peek-a-boo shooting galleries.


Mass Effect 2 and 3 were PERFECT on insanity difficulty. I hope the balance in this game stays the same and insanity is not stupid easy or stupid hard compared to 2 and 3.


Contrast this with Bioware's reasoning for removing the power wheel and control of the AI's powers:


The AI is better though, and they achieved faster and more dynamic combat. Goals accomplished. That one of the characters did a stupid thing once doesn't matter really, as far as I can see the AI improvements they did achieve in combination with the overall stronger abilities your companions gets now (Cora gets Charge and a shield boost, two very very powerful abilities even in the hands of an AI) puts their usefulness roughly on par with the weaker (ability-wise) and dumber (AI-wise) but more easily micro managed characters of the previous games.


Mass Effect 2 and 3 were PERFECT on insanity difficulty. I hope the balance in this game stays the same and insanity is not stupid easy or stupid hard compared to 2 and 3.

ME3 on insanity was not perfect, vanguard was far too easy and risk free and combo explosions were OP.


Also one nitpick that bothers the hell out of me. The cast mentions how things must have changed in the ~600 years they have been travelling.

Andromeda is over two million light years away you dumb fucks. You were looking two million years into the past.


Also one nitpick that bothers the hell out of me. The cast mentions how things must have changed in the ~600 years they have been travelling.

Andromeda is over two million light years away you dumb fucks. You were looking two million years into the past.

They were actually using a Geth Dark Energy array to violate causality and get real-time images. Do keep up!


Also one nitpick that bothers the hell out of me. The cast mentions how things must have changed in the ~600 years they have been travelling.

Andromeda is over two million light years away you dumb fucks. You were looking two million years into the past.

I don't think bioware have a very strong grasp on relativistic travel.


Also one nitpick that bothers the hell out of me. The cast mentions how things must have changed in the ~600 years they have been travelling.

Andromeda is over two million light years away you dumb fucks. You were looking two million years into the past.

"blah blah space magic"


Also one nitpick that bothers the hell out of me. The cast mentions how things must have changed in the ~600 years they have been travelling.

Andromeda is over two million light years away you dumb fucks. You were looking two million years into the past.

The sole fact that there is something about them actually LOOKING at PLANETS in Andromeda from Milky Way says all I need to know about the "sci" part of this game.

Here's how a planet which is 40 light years away looks:


Andromeda is 2000000 light years away.
The sole fact that there is something about them actually LOOKING at PLANETS in Andromeda from Milky Way says all I need to know about the "sci" part of this game.

Here's how a planet which is 40 light years away looks:[/IMG]

Andromeda is 2000000 light years away.
We are talking about 200 years into the future with a jumpstart into the interplanetary age. Not that ME has ever been a beacon of sci in sci-fi.


This honestly feels like an unnecessary 4th sequel that should have been released in 2012 or 2013 for last gen systems done by another studio that gets bad reviews and is called unnecessary.

Wow, is this spot-on...

Andromeda feels like the game that we would be excited for at launch, point out how inferior it is to what proceeded it on release day, enjoy it for what it is, and all agree that it was nice to have something to whet our appetite...but we really need a proper sequel now.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
The EA Access thread has more positive impressions than negative impressions.

There are far more positive impressions than negative ones...many many more, the echo chamber likes to embrace the few that are bad, and pile up on them. RPS's other preview by Holly was overwhelmingly positive....yet no mention of that or it's own thread.

I've played more of Andromeda than the previewer, and I wholeheartedly disagree on most of his points (the CC could of been better though, Ian Frazier has confirmed it's getting an update via patch though).

It feels like Mass Effect in all the ways that matter: the mystery is back too; which has been missing since ME1.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel like you can't call it an echo chamber when there are quite a few articles and long videos out there...


Unless multiple people who's opinion I normally agree with tell me that the beginning is just some annomaly and the rest of the game isn't such an abject horror in terms of writing, story and characterization then I think it'll be a way down the line $10 purchase if at all. The opening bits that people have been allowed to stream just look so bad and there are so many other good games out there.


The sole fact that there is something about them actually LOOKING at PLANETS in Andromeda from Milky Way says all I need to know about the "sci" part of this game.

Here's how a planet which is 40 light years away looks:


Andromeda is 2000000 light years away.
Put a mass field on that and voila

But honestly, they also managed to travel those 2000000 light years in 600 years. It's a sci fi game, things that are impossible now are possible in their future, that's not quite where my suspension of disbelief breaks.
Overall is that a really minor issue compared to the other stuff


Updated the OP with a few of the big other impressions. I really am gutted by all of this. I was really looking forward to this game and the potential it had was huge.

Gutted. Like a fish.
Updated the OP with a few of the big other impressions. I really am gutted by all of this. I was really looking forward to this game and the potential it had was huge.

Gutted. Like a fish.
I think different people have thier own ideas. Unless you are one of them or something.

I love Zelda and it gets tens but knowing what the game is on feel I wouldn't like a lot of it.

I also felt I wouldn't like mass effect but for reasons no one has said in this thread. Well atleast on the preciew side. People have said it here.

You may live it. I'm not sure where animation matters.

You can always expect frame issues and visual issues from bioware imo

I don't want the huge world's or mission designs of those world's from what I have seen and been saying for weeks now. I decided to hold off as soon as ign showed the planets a week or so ago.

You may love the game the point is people listen to others opinion which isn't you anyways. I would give rainbow six a solid 8.5 out of 10 and that is well above many reviews of it.

Point is, they have thier own opinion unless you let them influence you which is possible for many. I never take that much from most reviews. I watch videos and take key gameplay or design ideas that may be said to know if I'll like it or not. Seeing praise about Zelda never made me feel I would like it knowing it's open, lacks proper dungeons and asks you to collect tons of items to cook and store etc. Seems backwards for a game. Seems redundant and forced time wise.

Play the game and see if it's the game for you.


I mean, if you bury your head in the sand everything coming from outside sounds like echo I guess.

First it was: "RPS is teh clickbaitz!"

Then GiantBomb, PC Gamer and Gamespot (which are pretty positive, mainstream outlets btw) among others started to chime in, and now it is: "this particular thread I visit is all mostly positive!". I wonder if we'll get another Uncharted 3 review thread scenario once those come out.


Watching the Giantbomb steam and wow does this game look really undercooked. Not that I had any expectations, Mass Effect 3 didn't really leave me wanting more. I really enjoyed the first game, second I could appreciate it for being a good mainstream game. I'll just continue to think good thoughts about the first one and skip this.


Put a mass field on that and voila

But honestly, they also managed to travel those 2000000 light years in 600 years. It's a sci fi game, things that are impossible now are possible in their future, that's not quite where my suspension of disbelief breaks.
Overall is that a really minor issue compared to the other stuff

The problem is that anything you can "see" is by default limited by the amount of information which reach you where you are. So unless they've actually traveled to Andromeda for that reconnaissance (via a wormhole or mass field or whatever) there is really no way to see any planet there from where we are beyond the somewhat dubious possibility of saying that there even is a planet near some star in Andromeda. This won't change 200 or even 2000 years into the future.

FTL travel doesn't break suspension because it's theoretically possible at least. Seeing "golden worlds" in Andromeda from Milky Way is not. And that's even disregarding the fact that what they were seeing is what happened 2000600 years ago by the time they arrive there.


This game always looked underwhelming to me, stiff animations and generic characters have put it in bargain bin status for me.


The problem is that anything you can "see" is by default limited by the amount of information which reach you where you are. So unless they've actually traveled to Andromeda for that reconnaissance (via a wormhole or mass field or whatever) there is really no way to see any planet there from where we are beyond the somewhat dubious possibility of saying that there even is a planet near some star in Andromeda. This won't change 200 or even 2000 years into the future.

FTL travel doesn't break suspension because it's theoretically possible at least. Seeing "golden worlds" in Andromeda from Milky Way is not. And that's even disregarding the fact that what they were seeing is what happened 2000600 years ago by the time they arrive there.

I don't think this is accurate. FTL in Mass Effect, according to a quick google, does not occur via the warping of space-time (which is the theoretical avenue that people have proposed IRL, per my memory). Instead, it occurs by lowering the mass of the ship, and thereby somehow dodging relativistic effects and limitations. Basically, Mass Effect operates in a universe where relativity is wrong. In our universe, c is the speed limit, no matter what your mass is. If you could somehow reduce a starship to 0 mass, it would travel at the speed of light, and not faster.

From there, you can hand-wave your way to FTL scanning of whatever you want.


The problem is that anything you can "see" is by default limited by the amount of information which reach you where you are. So unless they've actually traveled to Andromeda for that reconnaissance (via a wormhole or mass field or whatever) there is really no way to see any planet there from where we are beyond the somewhat dubious possibility of saying that there even is a planet near some star in Andromeda. This won't change 200 or even 2000 years into the future.

FTL travel doesn't break suspension because it's theoretically possible at least. Seeing "golden worlds" in Andromeda from Milky Way is not. And that's even disregarding the fact that what they were seeing is what happened 2000600 years ago by the time they arrive there.

Well I mean you could go even harder science magic and say that there is a currently undetectable energy that everything gives off that travels way way faster than light that we can observe from a galaxy away.

Nevermind that read back twice as stupid as when I was writing it.
I had a bad feeling about this game ever since I heard the word "Pathfinder" in the first story trailer. Bioware is just going through the motions at this point. I'm sure the game will be okay at the very least but even though the chosen one trope is certainly not exclusive to Bioware, the way they stroke the player's ego in every one of their games is really getting old for me.

Add to that the hilarious dialogs and animations on display in the giantbomb video and now I think I'm just going to buy Nier instead.
ME1 & 2 are two of my favorite games, had MEA on pre order and was pretty jazzed about jumping in after just finishing Horizon Zero Dawn last night.

So boot up the 44 gig EA Access trial today morning and play for 3 hours. Usual fun in character creation, I create nightmare fuel clown faced killer and off we go. Story starts a bit wonky, like some really, really, really basic science facts seem to be ignored (Andromeda is 2m light years away... which means stuff you observe is 2m years old...) but thats fine, exploring a planet is pretty cool and fun. A bit weird that my dad is an N7 and kicks serious ass and I just feel like a red shirt NPC who literally does nothing while everyone else kills stuff.

The writing is wretched. Beyond wretched. Just horrible cliches, cringe dialogue, and inane dopey comments. Every new NPC I meet is more annoying than the last. Combined with terrible voice acting, insanely bad face animations and models, and a real lack of emotion so far in the story and I just don't even want to finish playing out the remaining 6 hours on my trial, let alone buy the game.

Pre order cancelled. I don't know what went wrong with this game but I hope Bioware does a strong post mortem and figure out what this massive gap is between the studio that made classics like KOTOR, Baldurs Gate, and Mass Effect and this game.


Well, reached the end of the trial. I've still got half of the allotted time left to check out the side stuff, but I'm not exactly in a hurry for "Pathfinder, go solve every problem we have". Bioware still seems unable to decide between "go save the world" and "deliver mail for my neighbour" type of content.

And the NPCs...


How many games start out janky and poorly written but blossom into wonderful experiences? If anything, I think outlets like Kotaku are being too forgiving.

I don't think poor writing improves, especially as a lot of developers leave the beginning of the game for last.

However, there is a possibility that the story itself improves. Maybe they rushed the beginning of the game?
How many games start out janky and poorly written but blossom into wonderful experiences? If anything, I think outlets like Kotaku are being too forgiving.

I mean I've heard from a few people that the story takes a while to find it's groove but it does get better, so there's always that possibility.
I will give the story a shot, even if it starts slow. This is supposed to be an entire new Trilogy, so it is understandable if it takes a little while to find its groove.

If this was a standalone game, then I would judge it harshly.
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