Horizon: Zero Dawn
Dead Don't Ride
New Star Wars IP from EA
For Honor
Detroit: Become Human
The Last Guardian
The new Kojima project
Sea of Thieves
Deep Down
Cyberpunk 2077 (from CDPR)
To an extent, depending on what you consider high budget: No Man's Sky, Yooka-Laylee, WiLD, ReCore and Nioh
I think there's plenty to be excited about for the next 24 months or so.
Most of what you listed in fact excites me, and I'm happy it exists. But these are very few games, most of them are still in pie-in-the-sky status (kojima, cyberpunk), some of them are missing in action (deep down). The Last Guardian is the living example of why you don't do new original projects, if sony's reputation wasn't on line it would have been cancelled 5 years ago.
If guerrilla's game won't sell, they'll be back on killzone in no time. No Man's Sky has not a high development budget (it has a high budget for marketing by sony, which is starving for something new). For honor seems to have a very narrow scope as the rest of ubi is shipping one assassin's creed after the other. "New" star wars game is not what I'd call taking a risk on something original and isn't yooka-Laylee a unofficial reebot of banjo-kazooie?
I get what you're saying, some new games are sometimes announced and made, but it's definitely not the norm for big productions (thank god for indies). I believe that this state of affairs is creatively holding back the industry, and it's a trend that won't probably change as development costs have risen and will rise in the future.