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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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I wouldn't interpret it that way at all. None of you guys are familiar with contracts. I work with them on a daily basis. Interpretation is king. On several occasions my company has been screwed because the other end of the contract interpreted the meaning of the language differently. To Kyle, a complete full playthrough could mean start to finish, which includes the ability to glitch the game, since he starts and finishes. He should have included language that says no glitching

Huber's intent of the contract does not trump Kyle's intent.

On top of the fact that the "contract" was a joke to begin with and actually doesn't have REAL ramifications that affect Kyle in any meaningful way
Any such contract would either go to arbitration or to court, meaning up to interpretation of a neutral third party. As it stands it's pretty clear what the intent was, and what the interpretation of an unbiased observer would be.

But yes, obviously presenting the bet in form of a contract was a joke -- about Bosman's probable welching of the bet.


A glitch speed-run play-through could be arguably interpreted as being 'complete' but there's no way it would be 'full'. Welching on the spirit of the bet is lame enough as is, but to welch on the actual terms of the bet would be beyond lame. I don't think he'll weasel out of it anyway. Bosman knows his limits, and weaseling out of every single bet would get tiresome.
A glitch speed-run play-through could be arguably interpreted as being 'complete' but there's no way it would be 'full'. Welching on the spirit of the bet is lame enough as is, but to welch on the actual terms of the bet would be beyond lame. I don't think he'll weasel out of it anyway. Bosman knows his limits, and weaseling out of every single bet would get tiresome.

I hope you are right. I've been legit looking forward to these streams since the day Huber won the bet and tonight was really disappointing


Any such contract would either go to arbitration or to court, meaning up to interpretation of a neutral third party. As it stands it's pretty clear what the intent was, and what the interpretation of an unbiased observer would be.

But yes, obviously presenting the bet in form of a contract was a joke -- about Bosman's probable welching of the bet.

What is the payment to Huber for breaking the contract? There were no terms written if Bosman broke the contract. And honestly, what judge would look at this contract in any serious terms. Neither would Huber take this to court.

Looking at the terms given, I see no reason why Bosman couldn't glitch his way to the end. I don't consider a full run through the same as playing through every dungeon. The clearer language is beginning to end, which a glitched run through would suffice.


Damiani is currently playing A Link to the Past. He has a message for Kyle.
Trolling and all... but always sneaking out of bets makes them less fun for me personally. Not a fan.

As a viewer, I think Kyle being the obvious villain makes the stakes of the bets all that much better, since we're all rooting for the virtuous Huber. He's like a evil Game of Thrones character now. At least when it comes to bets!
I would like to add that the Zelda: Breath of the Wild footage narrated by Damiani totally changed my opinion on that game. I'm gonna buy an NX for it now for sure. For some reason the footage released didn't wow me until that and I'm pretty hype for it now

As a viewer, I think Kyle being the obvious villain makes the stakes of the bets all that much better, since we're all rooting for the virtuous Huber. He's like a evil Game of Thrones character now. At least when it comes to bets!

I actually feel the opposite. If Kyle weasels out of this I actually hope Huber calls off doing bets with him now, which I actually think he mentioned he will
I would luke to add that the Zelda: Breath if the Wild footage narrated by Damiani totally changed my opinion on that game. I'm gonna buy an NX for it now for sure. For some reason the footage released didn't wow me until that and I'm pretty hype for it now

I actually feel the opposite. If Kyle weasels out of this I actually hope Huber calls off doing bets with him now, which I actually think he mentioned he will

Yeah, he said if Kyle weasels out he's retiring.
What is the payment to Huber for breaking the contract? There were no terms written if Bosman broke the contract. And honestly, what judge would look at this contract in any serious terms. Neither would Huber take this to court.

Looking at the terms given, I see no reason why Bosman couldn't glitch his way to the end. I don't consider a full run through the same as playing through every dungeon. The clearer language is beginning to end, which a glitched run through would suffice.
The payment (such as it is) will be whatever Huber/the allies deem appropriate, since for these purposes (and in any bet-among-friends purposes) they're also the judge/jury. But real-world contracts are a super silly way to interpret this anyway...

In this case, Huber said the other day that if Bosman doesn't honor the bet, he'll keep the Slusser cup forever.


Another great episode from Ian. Now, I feel boss man should honor the bet and be done by a full play through. If not, Huber should just cancel the betting game with Bossman.


Another great episode from Ian. Now, I feel boss man should honor the bet and be done by a full play through. If not, Huber should just cancel the betting game with Bossman.
It's fun once or twice but not always, I think.
In fact I haven't played a Zelda game before but I'm excited for the new one coming out so I got a bit hyped when I heard Kyle was going to stream a Zelda game even against his will, sadly it didn't last. I know he's just goofing around and love his sense of humor but I guess it just caught me off guard.
Still love you guys! ^^
PS: Nice ep, Ian :3
PPS: Gratz on the 300th+ GAF pages.
We should all tweet kyle and tell him the stakes. Id be pretty sad if we didnt get any more classic bets this early in EZA because he made huber quit
My favorite part of Kyle losing bets is him finding loopholes. It's still hilarious to me. I love this.

Or maybe he's just trolling us and he plans to just do one massive stream to complete the game.

It's great either way.
I think they do a great job of keeping it out of the streams and shows. Kyle will redirect immediately and Ian is the only one whose views are strong and have seeped into he programming. I don't need this political mess to spoil my games podcast.
But it was directly related to the topic! Since Britian destroyed itself Rare won't have the money to make good video games. That political mess might actually spoil your games.

Anyway, loved the ALttP stream. Anyone saying they shouldn't keep doing it even if he does some shady stuff is crazy. Bosman's the main draw in these betting specials, but you also need Huber there because he's the only one who would actually consider writing up a contract to make sure Kyle doesn't weasel his way out.
Screw it if he can't honor a bet just get Ben or someone else to do it with Huber
Kyle and Huber have great wwe chemistry

I like a bitter rivalry where the bets have people doing the thing they dont want to do.

All they need to do is state that they need to play the game in good sport and honor the bets the way they are intended like kyle did when he had to play Outlast.
its funny to see how he fucks up the consequences. huber is gonna get more and more specific until hes got a tightly sealed legal contract written up and kyle will still get out of it.
Kyle and Huber have great wwe chemistry

I like a bitter rivalry where the bets have people doing the thing they dont want to do.

All they need to do is state that they need to play the game in good sport and honor the bets the way they are intended like kyle did when he had to play Outlast.

I agree I would prefer it to stay Kyle and Huber but not if it's always just waiting for some stupid loophole to get out of doing it. That shouldn't be what this is about
I agree I would prefer it to stay Kyle and Huber but not if it's always just waiting for some stupid loophole to get out of doing it. That shouldn't be what this is about
That was way funnier than actually seeing him play though ALttP though, which is a boring game. He also hasn't broken the terms of the contract yet. Why do you want him to suffer when he clearly stated that he could only handle that five minutes?
That was way funnier than actually seeing him play though ALttP though, which is a boring game. He also hasn't broken the terms of the contract yet.

Well just have to agree to disagree. Watching some lame 5 minute stream is not what I had in mind. I wanted to actually hear Kyle's thoughts through the the game
Well just have to agree to disagree. Watching some lame 5 minute stream is not what I had in mind. I wanted to actually hear Kyle's thoughts through the the game
I think he was very clear about his thoughts on the game. He's not going to suddenly start liking it.

"This is my father or uncle. We presumably sleep in the same bed."
I think he was very clear about his thoughts on the game. He's not going to suddenly start liking it.

"This is my father or uncle. We presumably sleep in the same bed."

Any member of GAF could have delivered that quality of a stream or better. I just expect more. Try and deliver and elevate your craft. Not just the bare minimum.

The guy could have delivered a legit stream and explained his complaints in real time through the game and instead we get something like this.

Strive for better
Any member of GAF could have delivered that quality of a stream or better. I just expect more. Try and deliver and elevate your craft. Not just the bare minimum.

The guy could have delivered a legit stream and explained his complaints in real time through the game and instead we get something like this.

Strive for better
That's way better dude, he delivered the complaints very succinctly. That line about the bed tells you everything Kyle thinks about the care put into the opening scenario of this game and the way environments are designed. What makes it a legit stream anyway, what are you going on about? He's still going to do a complete play through of the game. I think you're just upset that he doesn't like A Link to the Past.
Any member of GAF could have delivered that quality of a stream or better. I just expect more. Try and deliver and elevate your craft. Not just the bare minimum.

The guy could have delivered a legit stream and explained his complaints in real time through the game and instead we get something like this.

Strive for better
lmao, give me a break.
That's way better dude, he delivered the complaints very succinctly. That line about the bed tells you everything Kyle thinks about the care put into the opening scenario of this game and the way environments are designed. What makes it a legit stream anyway, what are you going on about? He's still going to do a complete play through of the game. I think you're just upset that he doesn't like A Link to the Past.

I've actually never even beaten a Link to the Past and am not a huge Zelda fan. I just like to see quality. I get he's a "personality" and all but at the end of the day I like to see good solid work. This isn't. You could make a stream right now far superior to this in quality.

I just got Love and Respect for the Allies and I would like to see more effort and thought put into something than this. There a million personalities out there, set yourself apart with thoughtful looks at gaming. Hey maybe at the end of the day Kyle will deliver awesome quality streams over these next two but I'm not impressed with sitting down on a 5 minute stream and making a Grandpa in the same bed joke. That's not impressive work.

lmao, give me a break.

And responses like this are we have like 1 Jason Schreier in this entire industry
I really don't get it either. It's like he doesn't know there are two streams left.

I do know and have said multiple times I hope the next 2 streams deliver.

This thread has a serious problem with criticism being placed at the Allies and at times its due. An echo chamber of only praise helps no one.

At the end of the day I love this crew. But if I think some of the content is weak I'm not afraid to voice it
And responses like this are we have like 1 Jason Schreier in this entire industry
Nah, I just don't have my head up my ass about a single stream.

If he just shits around for two more streams, go ahead and complain.

If you're just going to whine about a single stream, I'll continue to laugh at you. We know how Kyle is, I'm not really sure what you're doing here if you weren't expecting at least one of the streams to be a joke.
I do know and have said multiple times I hope the next 2 streams deliver.

This thread has a serious problem with criticism being placed at the Allies and at times its due. An echo chamber of only praise helps no one.

At the end of the day I live this crew. But if I think some of the content is weak I'm not afraid to voice it
Yeah, that's fine. I just don't understand how you can think that's weak content. It's weird dude. I came to this thread just to post about how good I thought it was when I watched it.
Nah, I just don't have my head up my ass about a single stream.

If he just shits around for two more streams, go ahead and complain.

If you're just going to whine about a single stream, I'll continue to laugh at you.

Again. Read the posts.

I'm knocking this one stream. Not the entire work. I've said on multiple occasions I hope the next 2 deliver and will totally support if they do. I'm not going to come in this thread and claim ever single piece of content is dope. That doesn't help the Allies and it doesn't help discussion
Again. Read the posts.

I'm knocking this one stream. Not the entire work. I've said on multiple occasions I hope the next 2 deliver and will totally support if they do. I'm not going to come in this thread and claim ever single piece of content is dope. That doesn't help the Allies and it doesn't help discussion
I've read your posts. I even agree about the overly positive push that some people have and deflection of criticism.

I just really don't see what one joke stream hurts. It's Kyle's shtick anyways.
I've read your posts. I even agree about the overly positive push that some people have and deflection of criticism.

I just really don't see what one joke stream hurts. It's Kyle's shtick anyways.
It hurts the quality pal. The level of quality was way down. It wasn't the in depth analysis of A Link to the Past I've come to expect from EZA streams.
I've read the posts.

I really don't see what one joke stream hurts. It's Kyle's shtick anyways.

Hey, I get it. Maybe the next 2 streams will be an actual breakdown of why he hates the game and I'll gladly watch that. I'm not here to say Kyle is terrible or anything. He does tons of great stuff. The dude may come out and kill these next two streams.

But it's critique. That's it. I've layed out the reasons why I don't think this was the greatest use of a stream and that's that. It would have been done with a post or 2.

People need to be ok with leveling some criticism at the content if they have it, and they shouldn't be afraid to post it in this thread.

I'm just saying I would have prefered Kyle to come out and do 3 detailed streams on why he hates the game, which it seems is generally liked. It's just a hell of a lot more to chew on than a Grandpa joke.

Either way Love and Respect


big fake

Any member of GAF could have delivered that quality of a stream or better. I just expect more. Try and deliver and elevate your craft. Not just the bare minimum.

The guy could have delivered a legit stream and explained his complaints in real time through the game and instead we get something like this.

Strive for better
Entirely agree. Kyle's shtick like this doesn't get my appeal. I mean it's one stream so need for us to scream at the sky, but I agree I come to expect more from the Allies content.

Looking forward to the next two streams though. Let's hope he goes more in depth.


I honestly thought that Kyle would do a normal playthrough of aLttP, but now I'm pretty much convinced he's going to glitch his way through.

I would've preferred a normal playtrhough w/ Damiani co-hosting, but I'm fine with a glitched playthrough as well. Kyle has already explained that he mostly doesn't like the game because the world doesn't seem real to him. Pretty sure that the comment about Link and his uncle's house only having one bed was a jab at that more so than just being a lame joke.
Any member of GAF could have delivered that quality of a stream or better. I just expect more. Try and deliver and elevate your craft. Not just the bare minimum.

The guy could have delivered a legit stream and explained his complaints in real time through the game and instead we get something like this.

Strive for better

Lol I get it but chill. It's just a joke.
I remember saying, after Kyle lost that bet where he had to do an original stand up, that seeing him weasel out of these bets is very funny and probably better than the actual thing he has to do.

But now I'm not so sure. I mean what's the point of doing these bets in the first place? If you have no intention at all to do what you're supposed to do then don't bother to begin with.

There's no way Huber would have looked for loopholes. He would have picked up those dolls and he would have performed the best god damn play he possibly could.
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