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Easy Allies |EZOT| Good Vibes and Good Hype

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Finally watching the trial, this is so great.

I rewatched it in bits and pieces today, while showing my family. They were all pretty unimpressed... meanwhile I was crying from laughter. Again. They just don't get it. :,D (My Uncle laughed quite a bit at least!)

The whole thing is excellent. Blood going for blood, Brandon's Bosman despising, the Kingdom Hearts plot, the pizza guy and the coffee break. And just loads and loads of faces trying not to laugh.


Man, I really want to comment about the infighting going on in here, but it just feels super awkward to really get into it, especially since it's kinda sort of simmering down as I type this out. I'll say this though, I wish some posters would put more effort into their posts instead of just coming in here, making some vague statement or appear to be incredibly aggressive and having to make yet another post explaining themselves. It just really lays a poor foundation for a conversation as everyone tries to interpret what exactly it is you're trying to say. It's like a bad twitter/text message, you're on a forum, you have a much larger character limit, please use more of it. Otherwise you're just going to derail the thread.

As for Damiani in this podcast, I'm not seeing how he was being trollish or bringing the vibe down in this episode. In the L&R section, I got the impression he was trying his hardest to think of a quality answer instead of settling with what he did in the end. For the Yup/Nope segment, he also was trying to give detailed answers, albeit with a heavy Nintendo bias. The thing is, anyone familiar with Damiani knows he's a huge Zelda/Nintendo fan. It's obvious if you look at what he streams most often and his past shows back at GT. He's not doing it to be an ass, that's what he's passionate about. He has dabbled in things like various (J)RPGs, action games, fighting games and the odd shooter here or there, but it's definitely Zelda and Nintendo that he's most passionate about. Plus Kyle's the moderator, it's inevitable they're going to talk about Nintendo some way, some how in the podcast. It's not like it's exclusively Damiani's fault that the Yup/Nope segment got complicated, Kyle himself asks for explanations a lot as well. I get the impression people just aren't familiar with him yet, but consider his past works in Pop-Fiction/Facts and his current responsibilities in social media for EZA (Pretty sure he also was back at GT), it should be no surprise he tends to be long-winded, Nintendo-focused, and very... internet savvy. That said, he could stand to improve in a few areas. Particularly his tendency to mumble/drone somewhat when talking, which I can now see why that might give the impression he's "bringing the vibe down." He's mentioned this before in streams, along with his tendency to ramble, and habits can be difficult to break, so it may come down to some of you just having to deal with it for a while.

Anyway, Damiani, please don't be discouraged from participating in future podcasts because of a few harsh... criticisms.

I have more to say, but I'll refrain as they're currently incomplete thoughts. Off to watch Tabletop now.


Yeah, just Huber. Adding in side-stuff like the cat races for flavor is great, but it feels like you have to compromise the major plot-lines to adjust to Huber's antics which in return can leave the whole thing full of holes and inconsistent.
The town needing saving from those knights who have kept it safe the whole time

It seems like Huber makes up in his head where the story should go and refuses to play ball and go with the flow even when the others come up with other interesting solutions
rescuing Law and trying to escape
and thus mainly turning it into the Huber-show. He doesn't seem to put much thought into any of it though and just goes with whatever pops into his head so it doesn't turn out very good.

Would also probably lower the exposure EZA gets significantly, dunno why you'd want that.

I find the group direction very entertaining, but would love tha Law has a littlebit more love for his own life.

And we are at a point that sees Law in putting himself in everlasting danger without consequences because no one want him to die. Maybe some sort of brand as a outcast of society and the consequences of that would be fascinating just because Law would be outright rejected by everyone in the world. ;)


I find the group direction very entertaining, but would love tha Law has a littlebit more love for his own life.

And we are at a point that sees Law in putting himself in everlasting danger without consequences because no one want him to die. Maybe some sort of brand as a outcast of society and the consequences of that would be fascinating just because Law would be outright rejected by everyone in the world. ;)

He has been very lucky so far with his rolls (and rolls of the other allies) in important situations. That luck will run out eventually. There is a big possibility he will be the first of them who dies (and I am not sure if it will take a lot of episodes either).
I love how hilarious he sometimes is and I sometimes can't stop laughing at things he does, but it seems he really doesn't think about the consequences (which is possibly in his characters bio, if so, I take my hat off to him).
Why he didn't run after they got him out is beyond me. I would just leave him, to be honest. He is a danger to the group (who already are a danger to themselves).


Who cares? Ben does, judging by his Twitter posts. Damiani does, considering what he posted above.

That's all I care about.

Exactly. It's like people cant handle jolliness so they try and tear it down. Even people in this thread who claim to be fans just go ballistic and try and shit on the Allies.

What I've been doing is that everytime someone does shit like that I put them on my ignore list. It makes it easier so I don't have to see it.

I actually think that is a huge problem. This thread is a discussion thread for the EZA content, I mean, I know how much people who are invested in something only want to hear the nice (or jolly) stuff but people are people and not everyone likes the same stuff. For instance, I love Kyle Bosman, he is a very funny guy, a great podcast host, a fantastic RPer and shares many of the same opinions as me on games and the industry. Doesn't stop me from thinking that the whole "Kyle weasels out of another bet!" isn't funny and sucks.

By all means, tell people off if they personally insult the guys. That stuff shouldn't stand. But I think just having the thread be only about singing the praises of the guys is wrong. It shouldn't be an echo chamber. The worst kind of OTs are the ones where you can't say anything bad or else you get shat on by everyone else in the thread (same for when you say something nice about a bad game in the OT). People will always disagree and just because they don't like one aspect or person as much as the others doesn't mean they are just a bad vibe person who can't be jolly and should be ignored.

Anyway, that's just me. I think sometimes when the discussion is just "look how awesome this is!" and it's just that for page and pages it just becomes stale and stagnant, especially if there is something that is divisive but instead only the "jolly" responses are allowed. It's like the whole We Happy Few thing. This thread will just end up shoving Jolly down everyone throat and the few who don't will be labelled downers and chased out of the OT.
Loved the podcast and funny back and forth with Damiani.

For a slow news week, Kyle did a great job with this one.

Uncharted is my "despised" game even though most praise it.


I found the "Yup or Nope" section kind of dull. I, and I would imagine most people, don't really remember much about past E3s. Damiani thinking up games that were shown did help bringing some context into the discussion, but not enough to make it interesting to me. The thing is, even if I remembered all the games that were shown each year and the years hadn't all blurred together when I think back on them, I still wouldn't remember what exactly they showed from each game. I remember being impressed by Spore but I don't remember how it was revealed, what they showed, or if there were any other games that deserved to get the title more.

Maybe it's different when you're there on the show floor yourself, but for someone who just watches E3 every year through the internet, E3s just generally are very forgettable, unless there's a trainwreck press conference like the Konami one a few years back, or if there's a really huge reveal like Shenmue III and FFVII Remake. Ask me about this year's E3 six months from now, and I'll likely remember very little of it.

The vodcast/podcast was still all right listening material, but it was probably my least favourite EZA 'cast so far.


I found the "Yup or Nope" section kind of dull. I, and I would imagine most people, don't really remember much about past E3s. Damiani thinking up games that were shown did help bringing some context into the discussion, but not enough to make it interesting to me. The thing is, even if I remembered all the games that were shown each year and the years hadn't all blurred together when I think back on them, I still wouldn't remember what exactly they showed from each game. I remember being impressed by Spore but I don't remember how it was revealed, what they showed, or if there were any other games that deserved to get the title more.

Maybe it's different when you're there on the show floor yourself, but for someone who just watches E3 every year through the internet, E3s just generally are very forgettable, unless there's a trainwreck press conference like the Konami one a few years back, or if there's a really huge reveal like Shenmue III and FFVII Remake. Ask me about this year's E3 six months from now, and I'll likely remember very little of it.

The vodcast/podcast was still all right listening material, but it was probably my least favourite EZA 'cast so far.

I enjoyed yup/nope, but yeah, these summer weeks are difficult for every news based podcast. Ended up turning off the Bombcast before the end this week as it was starting to drag, but this one wasn't too bad. Probably because it's shorter.

Maybe we should drum up some news? Start some rumours? And make it quick since even though Frame Trap isn't news-focused, we still need a HOTTAKE.


Uncharted 4 spoilers:

I think this thread has become what the city of pirates became.
We created an easy alliance but in the end war has broken out over a trivial matter and it has led to the destruction of all that we have created lol😜🙄😅😅😅🙃🙃🙃


I'll just recuse myself from the podcasts going forward since people don't honestly like who I am and think it's an act or something.

Really hope that this is not the case. Really missed you when you were gone from GT Time and your return has signified a very important and experienced viewpoint to the rest of the Allies. Appreciate your work, Damiani, and hope you will continue to show up on all the podcasts.


On the off chance he isn't trolling, just wanna say I love Damiani on pods and hope he continues to appear. You're experience with kingdom hearts should hopefully help you understand how crazy GAF can get.


So it's hard for me to say whether I would've made this observation without all the Damiani talk earlier in the thread, but something I noticed with the podcast this week is his tendency to talk over people, specifically Brandon.

Jones would be making a point about why a particular game showed well at E3 and Damiani would be mumbling to Brad or trying to get Kyle's attention to continue whatever aside they had been having. Not all the time obviously but enough to be noticeable.

He seems to not always pay attention to what other people in the podcast are discussing which is frustrating, especially when the discussion is way more interesting than whatever Nintendo games were at E3 in 2008. I think he just needs to slow down and listen.

It's weird thing this thread. It's our place to discuss EZA's videos, but EZA members themselves read it. I bear absolutely no ill will toward any of them, but we should definitely feel free to criticise, discuss, comment etc in this thread. Constructively, respectfully and without shitposting.


I rewatched it in bits and pieces today, while showing my family. They were all pretty unimpressed... meanwhile I was crying from laughter. Again. They just don't get it. :,D (My Uncle laughed quite a bit at least!)

The whole thing is excellent. Blood going for blood, Brandon's Bosman despising, the Kingdom Hearts plot, the pizza guy and the coffee break. And just loads and loads of faces trying not to laugh.

If they're not invested in the personalities they're not going to care. I know I wouldn't
I just finished the Trial and wow that was funny. I laughed so hard when Damiani got called out on the insanity defense and he used the Kingdom Hearts fandom and anime conventions as evidence of his expertise.


I love Huber and he's hilarious, but I think he needs to have a character die at this point. It was kind of ridiculous how often Hogger got himself into situations that should have ended in his death in TTA but somehow he always managed to scrape by.

Now Law is becoming Hogger II, and I think Ben should finally enforce some realistic repercussions for the character's recklessness.



Yeah I hope somebody will die in table too if they make a dumb decision.

HOGGER should've been killed multiple times. However Huber is hilarious and Ben is a great Dm.

I wish if it was longer


I love Huber and he's hilarious, but I think he needs to have a character die at this point. It was kind of ridiculous how often Hogger got himself into situations that should have ended in his death in TTA but somehow he always managed to scrape by.

Now Law is becoming Hogger II, and I think Ben should finally enforce some realistic repercussions for the character's recklessness.

I agree with this. Huber is great, Law needs to die. He doesn't make any fucking sense any more. He's clearly gotten brain parasites from that grain in his wound.
I just finished the Trial and wow that was funny. I laughed so hard when Damiani got called out on the insanity defense and he used the Kingdom Hearts fandom and anime conventions as evidence of his expertise.
Hah yea that was a funny back and forth.

Caught up on the podcast. I think yup/nope was a fun idea but needed to be reformed. What it meant kept changing. When Brad gets riled up is always funny. Also like Kyle I think Damiani went to the "lets run this game/news through the Nintendo filter" way too much. I know he's a Nintendo fan but for me that was way way too much and the flow kept getting bogged down. In the past podcast appearances that wasn't a big issue, but I guess E3 brought that out of him.

The one amusing part of it was watching how annoyed Kyle was getting at Damiani. And then Kyle even jumping to "how will you redirect this to Nintendo this time" comments.

And for TTE. Law has been fun but his latest decision in the last episode is the first time I went "oh he's going hogger 2". I hope he reigns it in and doesn't become addicted to outlandish decisions. It needs balance


It's weird thing this thread. It's our place to discuss EZA's videos, but EZA members themselves read it. I bear absolutely no ill will toward any of them, but we should definitely feel free to criticise, discuss, comment etc in this thread. Constructively, respectfully and without shitposting.

I think it is great that they also read this thread as they have a good idea what lives in the community like this. I also would be very surprised if they can't take critique, but it is the manner on how that critique has been written down that is the problem in some cases. And those cases tend to stick out as people will react on them (like I did before).

I think constructive criticism is a good thing and I think they have the same opinion. However insulting people (either EZA itself or other people here) isn't really helping and it goes against everything the thread was set out to do.

That said, I think it would be a shame if Damiani chooses not to be on the podcasts anymore (so please, stay). I like their having different personalities in the podcasts.


I love Huber and he's hilarious, but I think he needs to have a character die at this point. It was kind of ridiculous how often Hogger got himself into situations that should have ended in his death in TTA but somehow he always managed to scrape by.

Now Law is becoming Hogger II, and I think Ben should finally enforce some realistic repercussions for the character's recklessness.



Yeah, I have a dissonance with loving Huber's antics as they're some of the best parts of the show, but Ben obviously makes a lot of effort beforehand and in the moment to make something out of it. It's not about storymaker pride at this point, but about giving it a semblance of direction. Make Huber-canon less OP.

I'm just starting Tabletop Adventures and am curious to how the progrssion compares.


Neo Member
Sorry if it seems like I'm jumping on the bandwagon, but I've wanted to make a post about Damiani for a while.

I really do want to be able to enjoy his presence on podcasts and alike, but to me he brings a negative aura to the videos he's featured significantly on. As others have pointed out, he often interrupts others, doesn't present well-balanced opinions and generally seems to represent the more negative aspects of internet culture.

I used to think the same about Ian, but he became a more self-aware and positive individual in the last year or so and I was quite glad about that. I really do hope Damiani is similar because on the EZAs full of good vibes and a jolly people, he seems to drag a lot down.

I'm happy that the other EZAs seem to love his presence though! Although him coming to EZA later on seems to be motivated by how well the Patreon was doing, not for the love of the group as some have said. Hopefully he can improve on his streaming abilities too.

Love and respect~


I'm happy that the other EZAs seem to love his presence though! Although him coming to EZA later on seems to be motivated by how well the Patreon was doing, not for the love of the group as some have said. Hopefully he can improve on his streaming abilities too.

Love and respect~

He is with EZA from the beginning.
He lived in Texas, which is why he wasn't on the streams in the beginning.
He gave up a full time job to work more with EZA and he moved to LA.

What more of a commitment do you want?


I'm happy that the other EZAs seem to love his presence though! Although him coming to EZA later on seems to be motivated by how well the Patreon was doing, not for the love of the group as some have said.

That's 100% false, he was part of EZA from day 1 while he had a full time job because of the love of the group. His show was one of the initial stretch goals! The launch video has a teaser for him playing Wind Waker which he streamed on the Easy Allies channel in the very first week.


This thread is so weird. In a bad way.

Remember we're supporting them so they can be who they are.

Keep it up Allies, you guys are awesome.
Sorry if it seems like I'm jumping on the bandwagon, but I've wanted to make a post about Damiani for a while.

I really do want to be able to enjoy his presence on podcasts and alike, but to me he brings a negative aura to the videos he's featured significantly on. As others have pointed out, he often interrupts others, doesn't present well-balanced opinions and generally seems to represent the more negative aspects of internet culture.

I used to think the same about Ian, but he became a more self-aware and positive individual in the last year or so and I was quite glad about that. I really do hope Damiani is similar because on the EZAs full of good vibes and a jolly people, he seems to drag a lot down.

I'm happy that the other EZAs seem to love his presence though! Although him coming to EZA later on seems to be motivated by how well the Patreon was doing, not for the love of the group as some have said. Hopefully he can improve on his streaming abilities too.

Love and respect~

He was with EZA from the start. He only moved when his shows were unlocked and even then it was a crazy decision. He had a full time job in a different state and quit to move to the rest of the crew. That's a crazy move and did it because of the group and wanting to do things like Gane Sleuth which he's awesome at.

Also I love the increase in streaming quality and behind the scenes things he's added. E3 would have been way less entertaining without him on the helm. The intro/outros etc.

There's things I would like to see refined/improved as well. And I think your Ian mention is interesting. He's still Ian but I think with EZA he's gotten much better at being him and working with group.
Ok we need to get back...

So because of Ben i bought 999 for my 3ds and I never played the zero escape series. Problem is i also have Chrono Trigger (which i have never played as well). What to do?


This thread is so weird. In a bad way.

Remember we're supporting them so they can be who they are.

Keep it up Allies, you guys are awesome.
You are 100% correct. It is strange it took this turn and the problem is trying to combat it is probably not really working.

Also Blood already asked if there were towns before hoping it would stop. Hopefully it does.


Ok we need to get back...

So because of Ben i bought 999 for my 3ds and I never played the zero escape series. Problem is i also have Chrono Trigger (which i have never played as well). What to do?


Chrono Trigger first, just because after 999 you'll want to jump straight into the next two games.


Yeah, just Huber. Adding in side-stuff like the cat races for flavor is great, but it feels like you have to compromise the major plot-lines to adjust to Huber's antics which in return can leave the whole thing full of holes and inconsistent.
The town needing saving from those knights who have kept it safe the whole time

It seems like Huber makes up in his head where the story should go and refuses to play ball and go with the flow even when the others come up with other interesting solutions
rescuing Law and trying to escape
and thus mainly turning it into the Huber-show. He doesn't seem to put much thought into any of it though and just goes with whatever pops into his head so it doesn't turn out very good.

I completely agree with this. Ever since they entered this town Huber has gone off the rails. No matter what happens he's being mr. opposite, dragging the stay in town out for no apparent reason.


Ok we need to get back...

So because of Ben i bought 999 for my 3ds and I never played the zero escape series. Problem is i also have Chrono Trigger (which i have never played as well). What to do?
Less sleep, more play?

No, I don't know. I never played either of them. I may have played a small bit of Chrono Trigger on an emulator before (they don't want to release it in Europe on PSN because of some weird reason), but that's it. I liked what I have played, but I don't like playing on an emulator, so that was that.

I am really looking forward to the Vita version of 999, so I would probably play 999 if I were you, but I also bought I am Setsuna, which is supposedly a game which is like chrono trigger and I will probably play that one first (as there is no way 999 comes out on Vita before I am Setsuna comes out).

You should probably follow Hasneys advice as he probably played the games ;)


Changing the subject I noticed quite a few allies are big fans of anime, Ben, Damiani especially, I wonder if will get some anime on a episode of frametrap.

Maybe throw in Jones too!


Changing the subject I noticed quite a few allies are big fans of anime, Ben, Damiani especially, I wonder if will get some anime on a episode of frametrap.

Maybe throw in Jones too!

I think Kyle likes anime as well (he enjoys Jojo anyway).
I think frametrap is a perfect place to have a segment with anime (not every episode, but just sometimes). I don't think the people who are not into anime will care as frametrap is quite long anyway and them explaining why they like certain series will be entertaining (for me anyway and I don't know that much about anime, although I like watching it sometimes). I do think it is possible some people will be afraid of spoilers, but I am sure they know how to go around spoilers (they have to do that for games as well).
Changing the subject I noticed quite a few allies are big fans of anime, Ben, Damiani especially, I wonder if will get some anime on a episode of frametrap.

Maybe throw in Jones too!
Id rather that be its own one off show. Ben has mentioned concerns of having Frametrap stray too far from games and I agree. We get them every other week so I'd like it to be as much game focused as possible


Neo Member
He is with EZA from the beginning.
He lived in Texas, which is why he wasn't on the streams in the beginning.
He gave up a full time job to work more with EZA and he moved to LA.

What more of a commitment do you want?

That's 100% false, he was part of EZA from day 1 while he had a full time job because of the love of the group. His show was one of the initial stretch goals! The launch video has a teaser for him playing Wind Waker which he streamed on the Easy Allies channel in the very first week.

He was with EZA from the start. He only moved when his shows were unlocked and even then it was a crazy decision. He had a full time job in a different state and quit to move to the rest of the crew. That's a crazy move and did it because of the group and wanting to do things like Gane Sleuth which he's awesome at.

Also I love the increase in streaming quality and behind the scenes things he's added. E3 would have been way less entertaining without him on the helm. The intro/outros etc.

There's things I would like to see refined/improved as well. And I think your Ian mention is interesting. He's still Ian but I think with EZA he's gotten much better at being him and working with group.

Apologies for the lack of insight, I assumed incorrectly that because he didn't feature in the Allies Assemble video and because his first appearance on the podcast had he saying he quit and moved because the Patreon was doing so well that he wasn't quite as core as everyone else.

I am quite grateful for the improved E3 coverage, but small things like not being able to see the non-panel other EZAs well in place of him just working in real time and other "fouls" as Kyle put it could be improved on.

I do stand by my points about negativity, even though it seems to be part of his appeal to many fans, excessive cynicism just brings down a lot of the content he's on. Hope he improves


I completely agree with this. Ever since they entered this town Huber has gone off the rails. No matter what happens he's being mr. opposite, dragging the stay in town out for no apparent reason.

I personally kinda like it, Law has made me laugh harder at the screen than anything I can ever think of, but I am one of those people who reads the TV show threads here and I see a bunch of people complain about a loop or no real progression in characters and I'm reading things like that thinking "... But I like where they are" and am never bothered about that sort of thing. I'd feel horrible if we lost him, but I can see where people are coming from at this point. I'd be happy if they never left the town and it was this hilarious improv show with occasional rolls, but I can see why people want some sort of advancement.

Therefore I SUGGEST A COMPROMISE (if time would ever allow or anything like that). If this trial does not go well, Law gets locked up, so he has to roll a new character for the main campaign... But this leads to a series where for an hour a month, Tabletop Escapades: The Adventures of Law begin. Law never catches up with the group again as they go do their thing, but he does bust out of prison and other Allies slide in and out of the game to act as party members, maybe leaving the town to try and raise a small army, following Law on his quest to rain down justice on the, uh, apparantly corrupt Baron.
I love TTE, but I do wish some of these encounters didn't go on for so long. They arrived in this town in like episode 8 and still have yet to leave, and have managed to accomplish nothing but getting themselves all nearly killed or thrown in prison. Which is tough for me because the RP has been hilarious, but I would love to see the RP take place in other scenarios in the universe, and encounter an enemy that isn't themselves. Next week will be the 8th episode in this city they had the chance to leave and encounter a new dungeon by 2nd episode in this city.


I love Huber and he's hilarious, but I think he needs to have a character die at this point. It was kind of ridiculous how often Hogger got himself into situations that should have ended in his death in TTA but somehow he always managed to scrape by.

Now Law is becoming Hogger II, and I think Ben should finally enforce some realistic repercussions for the character's recklessness.


Yeah I agree. It's less so that he needs to die and more keep in line with his character? Obviously Huber knows the character better than anyone so he can do what he likes but I feel he's moving towards Huber default mode I.e. Hogger.

I think Hogger actually died in TTA but Ben decided it wasn't canon or implemented a rule to save him. I.e. Something beyond a life saving throw.
Yeah I agree. It's less so that he needs to die and more keep in line with his character? Obviously Huber knows the character better than anyone so he can do what he likes but I feel he's moving towards Huber default mode I.e. Hogger.

I think Hogger actually died in TTA but Ben decided it wasn't canon or implemented a rule to save him. I.e. Something beyond a life saving throw.

He became Mecha-Hogger right?


Changing the subject I noticed quite a few allies are big fans of anime, Ben, Damiani especially, I wonder if will get some anime on a episode of frametrap.

Maybe throw in Jones too!

I still want Jones to lose a bet and have to watch anime. Make him watch Death Note :O

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I apologise if I was a little heated before, but I really did not like that episode of the podcast and felt something had to be said. Okay, so as to not drag nails over more hurt feelings, I'll explain my position as politely as possible. Easy Allies is in its 4th month, and is now entering that definitive "a real thing" phase. Unfortunately, this is the reality phase and how to get things running a lot smoother so its gonna be a bumpy ride. I've seen a lot of businesses that bought themselves out failing to re-learn their freedom and what that means, often with them still acting like theres phantom bosses and owners they can muck around at the expense of.

Back in the "owned by corporation" days, it was probably easy to see podcasts and the like as chances to blow off steam and goof around not doing review or capture work. Trolling the runtime away at times was a cheeky act of rebellion or whatever as there was a paycheque at the end of it each month, regardless.

That's not the case with a Patreon funded initiative. The people making your career possible, are the ones absolutely totally invested in the quality of the shows being put out. They're pitching questions to the group and hoping they get picked, they're paying a pledge tier to get the podcast earlier as its something they greatly look forward to. The podcast isn't some thing you just do, its one of the main reasons you're getting paid. Stay yourselves, certainly, thats the draw, but in equal measure be aware the audience's satisfaction is more important than ever.

If at any point during a podcast you're quite clearly pissing away the running time by trolling or dragging entire segments into the abyss, you're ruining the product. Kyles a good host and knows when to directly address one of the Allies to keep the even keel of the show going, as does Ben with Frame Trap. If you're fighting the host, you're fucking up the show, so there needs to be a lot more Respect for the showrunner. Whatever office relationship used to exist a few years ago has drastically changed and there needs to be a lot more reflection on that by some parties.

Just because its a group line-up doesn't diminish what the show creator wants to do with it. If episodes of Cup of Jones or Game Sleuth had someone just interrupting and running dreadfully meaningless interjections every segment, they'd similarly be bad products and I imagine their hosts would be frustrated. Additionally to that, the running time is limited and the more you fill the show with dead air selfishly, thats a Patron's question that's never getting read out. Respect the audiences time and the topics at hand, and love and respect will flow right back. Fight against them and, this is just me personally, but then you're shitting up a good thing and I'm gonna speak out in hopes things can steer back towards what I enjoyed and put money down for initially. Time for that entitled word? Probably not wise.

Back to the topic of EZA going forward, I certainly hope Brandon Jones gets a chance to get Huber, Ben, and more up to task on learning editing during the Summer lull because his current workload is quite clearly unmanageable and we're seeing a real bottleneck on reviews and spoilercasts and the like. Controversially, it may be required to have another look at that "read out patrons names for an hour" tier. In the early days it seemed like great ego bait, but as the months roll on, everyones clicking off from the podcast when that segment turns up and is that hour really a good use of Brandon Jones and co time? Keeping things fluid and having a bit of a rethink on things that aren't working is the next stuff EZA is gonna probably have to look at fairly soon.


Id rather that be its own one off show. Ben has mentioned concerns of having Frametrap stray too far from games and I agree. We get them every other week so I'd like it to be as much game focused as possible

Ok, so I guess I am wrong about this and some people rather don't want anime in frametrap (no problem btw, I understand where you are coming from). I guess an other possibility is a separate show they sporadically do, but I guess we will have to wait until they have their studio for that one (if at all).
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