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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect

While this is awful news, i can only see this happening across the board. I await with trepidation this headline:

EDGE: The next PlayStation: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new Move
That's just completely wrong. A very small number of publishers are experimenting with a $60 price point, but it's certainly not the norm.

RE6 will release at $40 on PC.

I did say AAA PC games. Uprezzed console ports don't fall into that category.


Hey, Sony.

Don't do this. Or I'm going to have to retreat to PC.

Most PC games require an online connection to activate them even if they are boxed copies and games like Diablo 3 are always online. You are not escaping this if you go PC, the PC model is what this is based off of.


This is why it's so tempting for Microsoft to put it in.

And you think that pirates won't find a way to get around it with simulating an online connection and find a way to unlock the games? if these are the measures they're taking for fighting the piracy good luck with it, they're gonna need it.


This is a really gross potential future for console gaming should these rumors be indicative of what's to come.


AAA PC games have been $60 for a while now like Skyrim, Diablo 3, BLOPS2 and many other. That may apply to smaller indie games or older console ports but any high end game on PC is releasing at $60 and has for a while.
As I said this doesn't dissuade me from buying the next gen consoles


Wasn't there some article online talking about how used games DON'T negatively impact the games industry? I feel like maybe Pachter said something along those lines? I don't know.

Here's the thing, all you guys freaking out: Can't MS/Sony just defend this by saying, HEY YOU FUCKERS, this has ALWAYS been the case on PC! Get over it!-?


Yeah: PC gaming is vile as well. Awful. SICKENING.

I say this as somebody in the industry who gives a shit about his livelihood and future ability to work on games: I'm fine with this.

Well, you know, not everyone wants to resell their games. I want to be able to lend them to people. Which I can still do on pc, by sharing my Steam account with trusted friends. I agree, it's not the best solution, but it exists.
No second hand games on consoles means I will have to lend my games AND my system to friends? This is getting ridiculous.
(and I say this as somebody in the industry who gives a shit about his future but is a consumer too)


"Microsoft’s next console will require an Internet connection in order to function, ruling out a second-hand game market for the platform."



this would be the platform where I paid €24.99 for Sonic allstars racing months after I bought it for €27 on ps3? where borderlands 2 and far cry 3 are still €49.99 while the disc versions float around €25-30? cmon now I like steam but dont try to act like steam sales are the same as the day to day reality of buying a game on steam
I wasn't talking about "Steam" I was talking about "PC". Equating the two is part of the problem.

Between GMG, Amazon, Steam sales and UK retail PC games are generally cheaper than console games by a significant margin. And that's without going into out-of-region buying.

As someone who buys tons of games on many platforms, the average I pay (outside of sales, around release) for PC titles is ~35€, and on consoles it's ~45€. The PC average will probably be significantly lower this year, with all the kickstarters releasing.
Also think of all the people both in the US and throughout the world that have crappy internet that disconnects from their system/computer regularly. Hell, even I occasionally get signed out of XBLA randomly sometimes when playing on my 360.

I'm not sure about other Universities, but my Uni blocks internet connections from consoles so it'd actually be impossible for me to play any games on the next Xbox at all while I'm in halls if true.

This seems so stupid I could see it happening sadly. :(


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I can't believe people believe that article. The whole thing stinks of FUD.

The big 3 all know how much gamers despise the idea of not being able to sell and buy used games. They will not lock them out. They will however still need to keep publishers happy so they will fall somewhere in the middle.

Anyone expecting "anti used games" to be anything more than the recent "online pass" system are fucking nuts.

It's a fair enough deal, if you want to play that used game online then you pay $10 or whatever to the publisher for an online pass.

They also leave themselves open to lawsuits if they are preventing you from selling and buying used games. You can stop people selling what they own and you can't stop people buying that.

I do like how whenever there's the slightest bit of positive news about Xbox there's a negative article up within 24 hours. Lol next gen lol train all the way.


Well, you know, not everyone wants to resell their games. I want to be able to lend them to people. Which I can still do on pc, by sharing my Steam account with trusted friends. I agree, it's not the best solution, but it exists.
No second hand games on consoles means I will have to lend my games AND my system to friends? This is getting ridiculous.
(and I say this as somebody in the industry who gives a shit about his future but is a consumer too)
I think you just made his point...


I wonder what happens in the future when games are streamed from the cloud. Software makers will just allow you access to games rather then sell you them. Second hand market dealt with.


My interest in MS's next console was already low but if these rumours are true then they can go fuck themselves.

That said,i don't believe they have the balls to do it.And even if they do then Sony will surely try it as well.

Which means i'll just go PC/Nintendo next gen.

Oh and i buy 98% of my games new.It's just their greediness that disgusts me.


People complained about always online thing with D3 but this did not prevent the game from selling like 8 millions in 3 days .

So i guess same thing will happen with this .


Maturity, bitches.
MS has just lost the UK market. One leaf on the cables and everyone's gaming sessions will be wiped out!


I call bullshit.
There is no way Microsoft would release a console that needs always on internet to function.
What about all the x360 owners without an internet connection or with a very limited/sketchy one? It's absurd.


I'm wondering who is feeding Edge with this info(if true), as much as Edge is a trusted publication - not long ago weren't the press recently fooled by some recent fake rumor.
I'm pretty sure these things will remain just rumors. No way Microsoft will fuck their customers that hard and force such things while expecting them to eat it.

But hey, they are already forcing ads on the paid XBL service and the Metro interface, nobody asked about, on Windows 8. Godspeed if so.


I don't buy used games anymore but no second hand games also means that I can't lend/borrow games. That would be pretty sad, but I could live with it. It's already like that on Steam anyway...


Gemüsepizza;47372395 said:
PC? You mean the platform, where you have to register nearly all your games on a steam/origin/... account and can't resell them?

The one where I routinely get games for less than $10, yeah.


Formerly Gizmowned
Online only to function? I don't know this next generation is going to blow if all these rumours are true. Another way to stop piracy I suppose.

What about people who don't play online or have access? I had a friend who owned a 360 for 5 years before even connecting it online due to where he lived. I'm in the same situation when I go to Europe in the summer it has no access for connecting a console to the net.

So what about if you own multiple copies of a console? I own two X360's on in the office and one in the living room. Are they saying to play the same game I'm going to have to pay for 2 copies? Wank.


Unconfirmed Member
Makes me kinda nervous for the PS4 reveal on the 20th. There's noway Microsoft would put in always online and no second hand games unless they knew Sony was going to do the same thing( it would just be console suicide otherwise). So either this rumor is just untrue or both consoles will probably do it. C'mon Sony don't disappoint me!
But...but I thought always online is the wave of the future and we should embrace it! After all, isn't that what Diablo 3 supporters claimed back when it was announced? I've even read some GAFfers supporting the move. What was it they said? "The Internet is so ubiquitous these days that if you don't have always online connection, then you're in the minority and are not the target market!"

Why have Kinect running all the time and set aside resources for it to run all the time if they are not going to use it all the time, even when you are playing a game that doesn't use Kinect, or watching something on Netflix or a Blu-ray. It's the setting aside of 3GB that worries me, and in tandem with the possibility of always on internet, it's heading down a bad road. Maybe I'm just being paranoid though.

The 'only online' part makes me very questionable; but will it be used strongly with Kinect?
One reason to have Kinect on all the time is that in order to use it as a basic function of the system - it needs to have an initial image to compare future images to.

E.g. It needs to identify you or else it won't know you've moved.

The OS stuff makes a lot of sense if MS want Kinect just to be a big part of basic functions; and I suppose it makes sense to have the Xbox online as it means customers get one experience and purchases become easier.

The 'using Kinect as a means to collect information that will be stored' stuff really is paranoia; but I'd suggest its not ill-placed; it really is the sort of company that would see google taking information through its services as similar to them taking it through a camera in the living room.

If this is what their aiming to do; they'd be damn excited about it, thinking their about to get one over the competition.


I find this entirely in line with what I know and expect of Microsoft.

I mean, we are talking about the company that has a patent for using Kinect to restrict the amount of users using the product, which would require a constant internet connection to monitor. Want to play local multiplayer? Buy two copies. Too many people in the room? Game shuts down.

So yeah, an always online no used software console? It's pretty much what I expected the next Xbox to be ever since Xbox Live Gold became a success. You can only boil a frog slowly, time to turn up the heat just a little more again.

Of course, Microsoft could be smart and not do these things, but looking at how they've been acting, I would not be surprised at all if this article was to come true.

big youth

most of you can't see the forest for the trees. it's fine to protest, but declaring that people wouldn't buy a console like this seems very short sighted. and the always online thing is already everywhere. when you play a game or open numerous apps on your iPhone, for example, it connects to the internet for a moment to retrieve your information. there's no disconnecting or any other hassle. and remember WiiConnect24 or whatever it was called? that didn't seem to bother anyone.


Used games are extremely important to me, they are the main reason I can afford this hobby. I can buy cheaper and I can sell games after I'm done with them to use that money to buy more games.

If this bit about Durango turns out to be true then I will absolutely never get one.


I wouldn't mind locking out resales at all if we were dealing with an eco-system as diverse and mature as what you have on the PC with non-stop sales, promotions, bundles, competition, etc. I very rarely crack ~30-35 bucks even when I day one something, let alone the fact that most of my purchases are 5-15 max, otherwise.

But walled-in fare with 60 dollar software and services that largely make no effort to price, promote or re-invigorate older games? Nah, that'd be terrible and I just don't see Microsoft really improving all that much in this regard. A smart thing for publishers might be to restrict used things and in return drastically reduce prices and work out a good promotion system so every one benefits in the end, but I don't see that happening. If this comes true I just see people buying less games because they can't eBay old ones to fund the new ones.

As far as online goes, I can't possibly see there not being some form of offline play. I figure at worst there will be an offline mode after a game is activated, ala Steam's or Starcraft II, etc. This doesn't bug me, as my internet is rock solid but this would probably fuck with too many people to not have some olive branch in place.

I guess we'll see the extent of what is true and what details it entails before too long, I wonder if we'll hear much about practices like these during Sony's thing on the 20th.


No second hand sales, will maybe secure some 'more' first hand sales for them, or publishers but seeing how the second hand market exploded these past years, will hurt them in the long run.

Some people just can't afford to buy all their games full price, and might just shift to another platform where they can resell/buy games second hand, and NOT ending up buying the one or two games they might have bought full price in the year.

Really hope for them that they have some kind of plan to make things more affordable for these kind of people, cause if on top of that games get another even slight bump in price this gen this will end up very bad.

Always online Steam like could be OKay-ish, but the great appeal of steam is that you can actually buy NEW games at DISCOUNT prices (or 'second-hand' prices) quite fast after they come out and I don't see it being the case here.
Yeah: PC gaming is vile as well. Awful. SICKENING.

I say this as somebody in the industry who gives a shit about his livelihood and future ability to work on games: I'm fine with this.
G R O A N. *roll eyes*
I'm sick of this attitude. Why do game devs think they're God sent and second-hand free? I buy a car, I can resell it, I buy a house, I can resell it, I buy [insert anything], I can resell it. But not games? WTF? First sale doctrine applies here my friend, whether you like it or not. And if European Commission is right, resale of digital games is on it's way, too.
So call Gamestop and other folks who live off your work by selling $55 used games next to $60 new in the first week of sale and stop trying to screw the consumer over.

Oh, and I don't even buy second hand games but I fully support the option.


Well, you know, not everyone wants to resell their games. I want to be able to lend them to people. Which I can still do on pc, by sharing my Steam account with trusted friends. I agree, it's not the best solution, but it exists.
No second hand games on consoles means I will have to lend my games AND my system to friends? This is getting ridiculous.
(and I say this as somebody in the industry who gives a shit about his future but is a consumer too)

I see no reason why you couldn't do the same thing with the Next Xbox. They aren't going to tie your purchases to the console. It's going to be exactly like it is now. It's tied to your account so you can play your content on any Xbox as long as you log-in to your account (share it with a friend then). The only time it's tied to the console is for the first device you purchase it on so other users on your console in the home can play that game. Is this not what we have now but with "online" passes for offline games?

Personally I don't find that to be an ideal solution for the used game issue. Hopefully one day we will be able to sell or trade digital games.
If this happens then it's going to be amusing to see the crusade the hacking scene go on to absolutely destroy Microsoft and or Sony if they implement something like this.
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