Solid warrior
I think I'm going PC only next-generation.
Also, to those people who are saying this online only thing is the same as Steam, it's not. You can play your Steam games offline.
I want this to be true just to see the fallout.
This is fucking delicious
In Europe (EU) publishers are not allowed to refrain you from reselling your downloaded games. The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled that back in July 2012. It doesn't matter if you agreed to an(y sort of) EULA.
Eurogamer article about this.
I'm curious how Microsoft and Sony will solve this in Europe.
MS has just lost the UK market. One leaf on the cables and everyone's gaming sessions will be wiped out!
To people thinking Sony will be the savior of your monies, you're really putting your faith into Sony- the biggest proponent of price gauging and proprietary hardware in the electronics world? I used to be a huge Sony fan and in a lot of ways, I still respect them as a company. However, everyone knows they have an obsession with SOMETHING that will make their items more expensive than others. Whether it be memory sticks, proprietary memory cards, or whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if the PS4 was $100 but then you had to buy a separate $500 power plug because the proprietary one that comes with the PS4 has 8 prongs. Don't get me wrong, the other companies price gauge too (Xbox with Xbox Live and Nintendo with plastic "accessories"), but Sony definitely is not exempt from doing it.
Can't wait to see all these "i won't buy one" wailers buy one when all their non-GAF reading friends do and start talking about how amazing Halo Next is, and why aren't they on XBL yet.
MS has just lost the UK market. One leaf on the cables and everyone's gaming sessions will be wiped out!
Forgive me for my ignorance, but how does one go about selling one's digital games?
Lol, as if I have any friends.
How will a retailer like gamestop feel about carrying the new xbox if this is true? They would side with the console that does allow games to be played.
Sony's president Jack Tretton saw DRM on used game as something negative. So sony's policy might be different.
Though the architectures of the next-gen Xbox and PlayStation both resemble that of PCs, several development sources have told us that Sonys solution is preferable when it comes to leveraging power. Studios working with the next-gen Xbox are currently being forced to work with only approved development libraries, while Sony is encouraging coders to get closer to the metal of its box. Furthermore, the operating system overhead of Microsofts next console is more oppressive than Sonys equivalent, giving the PlayStation-badged unit another advantage
The WiiU doesn't have too many games I'm interested in besides ZombiU. I'll just get a PS3 when the price drops occur on eBay once the PS4 is announced.
This is what SEGA has been waiting for.
Games are going to be so expensive to make. Money needs to be recouped somehow.
They will do it and their bottom line won't take a hit. For all the uproar, people will soon forget and capitulate. Wait & see.
I know the title is in the article I just think that its ludicrous that online would be required every second. my Internet is decent but I still get dropped from Live pretty frequently. I'm just wondering if the author incorrectly assumed "requires Internet to function" (could be to activate games, etc. Like Steam) to mean constantly online.The author of the article used it in his title, so I'm not sure how else to take a direct quote. lol.
Anyways, how else would you interpret this as the opening to the article:
The most important thing is the first sentence really.
The PS3 wasn't even taken seriously until OtherOS was removed. Taking away used games and implementing anti-consumer shit like this just gives the hackers that extra drive.Like that never happens .........
Publishers should have been doing this for years. Play hard ball with GameStop and demand a cut of used game sales. You'd think they would have a ton of leverage too. But no, its easier to go after the little guys. (gamers)They could at least charge a little extra on used games so that Microsoft or Sony can gain something from it or at least the developers.
Lol, as if I have any friends.
Oh I agree. I just see both Sony and MS doing this.? i wish i got this, you lost me though
not this way tho, peter
for me, it's nearly the worst possible route they can take from here
you know...after the way XBL gold turned out, i can't help but feel you're tragically onto something here, dave. it's entirely possible that the right price-point and some good XBL features with the right games would make this a non-issue, way faster than it should
care to tell me how much sonic allstars racing transformed, far cry 3 and borderlands 2 are on these services right now? Actually I just looked them up myself, all the same prices, all as or more expensive than console versions
I wasn't talking about "Steam" I was talking about "PC". Equating the two is part of the problem.
Between GMG, Amazon, Steam sales and UK retail PC games are generally cheaper than console games by a significant margin. And that's without going into out-of-region buying.
As someone who buys tons of games on many platforms, the average I pay (outside of sales, around release) for PC titles is ~35, and on consoles it's ~45. The PC average will probably be significantly lower this year, with all the kickstarters releasing.
If true, Microsoft wouldn't be doing this on their own, this has to be coming from third parties as well, which means Sony too
So $50 vs $60 is twice?
On a personal note, barring used games is a suicide, specially if their main competitor Sony doesn't do it.
I think I'm going PC only next-generation.
Haha, I rescind the "good people" status. You're clearly playing a side here. A shame, maybe you'll mature over the years when you gain more for funds for easy multi-console ownership.
I guess the irony is Nintendo couldnt even do this with the WiiU if they tried due to the lack of an account system and owning your games to redownload across boxes.
I'm speculating, but you will probably be able to here as well. You have to be online to purchase a game or activate your disc code just like Steam. The system will then have that code on the console and allow that blu-ray to run. The code will probably give access to the game to every user on that original console and to your Gamertag that downloaded it on whatever console you want as long as you are connected to the internet. So basically the same as the current Xbox, but with a one time activation with every new game.
Yeah: PC gaming is vile as well. Awful. SICKENING.
I say this as somebody in the industry who gives a shit about his livelihood and future ability to work on games: I'm fine with this.
Yeah, the used game bit sounds like something that was suggested by publishers and third parties. I guess online passes were the writings on the walls.If true, Microsoft wouldn't be doing this on their own, this has to be coming from third parties as well, which means Sony too
If these rumors turns out to be true their E3 conference will be a bloodbath here lol
You know I don't buy or sell used games but I still hate the idea because it's an unnecessary restriction. If physical games exist solely to transfer data but still need the internet then there really is no point in bothering is there? You've cut everyone else out at this point. Just go all digital. Although considering that online is barely functional without live this is even lamer especially because Live wasn't doing enough to justify the fee anyway. It definitely kills the value of the system for me.
Yeah: PC gaming is vile as well. Awful. SICKENING.
I say this as somebody in the industry who gives a shit about his livelihood and future ability to work on games: I'm fine with this.
SEGA x Valve
Launch Titles:
Half-Life 3
Shenmue 3
Total global domination.