they are, but their focus is different than microsoft's. Microsoft is interested in installing windows 8 and the metro experience in the living room, and unifying that across all of their platforms.
So I could potentially see microsoft's 3 gig ram requirement going towards as much of a full featured windows experience as possible, enhanced with kinect.
Sony on the other hand wants to sell product, and games. It doesn't have to sell an OS- the OS can be virtually invisible. This is better for gamers, since we'll be looking at a more streamlined experience and the OS can get the hell out of the way.
I'm basing this on Andy saying Edge has "Good information." If Edge is legit, then Sony and Nintendo (who have a strong JP presence) aren't doing the anti-used game thing, and microsoft are. This means one of two things: microsoft is essentially abandoning JP (not a surprise) and microsoft may have squeezed concessions from western publishers to make this possible. might be exclusivity windows, might be exclusive content- but they're definitely giving SOMETHING up if MS is going to go out on a limb this way. The blowback will be SEVERE.