Glorified G
I didn't say it wasn't real. I don't think you understand what patents are, or why companies use them.
That's because they already have people pay for Xbox Live.
...what if Microsoft tries to offset this no-used-games nonsense by announcing that the next Xbox will feature free online multiplayer/Xbox Live Gold features? That news bomb and some marketing magic will surely convince the masses that the next Xbox is worth getting despite not being able to play used games.
Maybe. But Sony right now has online passes for first party games to discourage used games and encourage new game sales and Microsoft does not
and Sony has a significantly larger investment in first party software which would mean they would benefit more from eliminating used game sales vs Microsoft.
I thought that too until that insider confirmation a page back. I honestly don't know how they'll spin this.
So was 599 US Dollars though. Anything can happen, and this isn't completely out of the realm of reality.
I expect them to throw out MASSIVE amounts of money on marketing and PR to keep their image intact regardless of any harsh realities behind the scenes. It'll be interesting if they can have that arrogant attitude and get away with it. It's up to Sony as well to cease the moment somehow.
Next gen is going to be crazy.
I'm just not sure MS will ever shoot themselves in the foot as badly as Sony did, and they don't have a major out-of-nowhere competitor to fuck them up like Nintendo did either. Microsoft will have to try real fucking hard to just throw away their grip on the market.
Even if Sony isn't going the ban used games route and suspect MS is, they won't show their cards this early.
Well, they have kept fucking up many of their non-OS/Xbox ventures, and I thought Sony was too firmly established to fail even with $599, until release came and went and people actually weren't gobbling up the PS3, especially shocking after how the PS2 came and completely steamrolled the Dreamcast. So you never know what'll happen until it happens, and it may well be that "we can go anti-used always online" is exactly that kind of move that wrecks, maybe outright destroys the Xbox.I'm just not sure MS will ever shoot themselves in the foot as badly as Sony did, and they don't have a major out-of-nowhere competitor to fuck them up like Nintendo did either. Microsoft will have to try real fucking hard to just throw away their grip on the market.
Why would Microsoft need online passes for first party games when they have people $60 a year to play online?
I hope you're right only because I don't want gaming to move in that direction, which I consider backwards rather than forwards. But I guess we'll see. Anything can happen really. I don't think it's as open and shut a case as some do though.Marketing can't save a bad product.
If this comes to fruition, and with the Wii U floundering out there, I don't think Sony could have dreamt of a better scenario. If you asked me a year ago who would have the most difficulty next gen, I would have said Sony. But things seem to be opening up quite nicely for them. We'll see what they do on the 20th.
I feel sorry for people with bad connections who want a nextbox.
It's not a tough card to denounce. "And Sony stands for a free and open market, bereft of regulations and draconian checks". They don't even need to mean it, they just have to cast the fear of god into Microsoft.
I'm just not sure MS will ever shoot themselves in the foot as badly as Sony did, and they don't have a major out-of-nowhere competitor to fuck them up like Nintendo did either. Microsoft will have to try real fucking hard to just throw away their grip on the market.
What I mean is, if they really think MS is going to do it, they won't want to discourage them by announcing their plans this early.
I didn't say it wasn't real. I don't think you understand what patents are, or why companies use them.
Guise, guise.. no way .. no way sony would do the same thing to use that M$ would. Sony is the standard bearer of the hardcore gamer now.
I mean look, they made little big planet smash brothers, what more do you want!
E3's gonna be hilarious. I wonder how you top Cirque du Soleil?
I'm just not sure MS will ever shoot themselves in the foot as badly as Sony did, and they don't have a major out-of-nowhere competitor to fuck them up like Nintendo did either. Microsoft will have to try real fucking hard to just throw away their grip on the market.
I'm just not sure MS will ever shoot themselves in the foot as badly as Sony did, and they don't have a major out-of-nowhere competitor to fuck them up like Nintendo did either. Microsoft will have to try real fucking hard to just throw away their grip on the market.
And for as badly as Sony shot themselves in the foot they still sold as many consoles as MS did, even despite coming out a year later. I don't think they're in nearly the same position Sony was in 2005 that they can fuck up. Sony was coming off the most successful console in history.
Sony's definitely questionable now, but they have been able to make a huge splash coming in with the PS1, and utterly steamrolled the Dreamcast, and still managed to rebound from a shitty start to edge out the 360 not just in Japan but in most of Europe. You can't fully count them out.The issue is not them just fucking up, but they need a competitor competent enough to take it from them. That company isn't Sony.
As a collective we (GAF) have a very poor track record on these matters.Marketing can't save a bad product.
If this comes to fruition, and with the Wii U floundering out there, I don't think Sony could have dreamt of a better scenario. If you asked me a year ago who would have the most difficulty next gen, I would have said Sony. But things seem to be opening up quite nicely for them. We'll see what they do on the 20th.
Sony's definitely questionable now, but they have been able to make a huge splash coming in with the PS1, and utterly steamrolled the Dreamcast, and still managed to rebound from a shitty start to edge out the 360 not just in Japan but in most of Europe. You can't fully count them out.
Same reason third party games on Xbox have an online pass? To discourage Used Game Sales ?
And made absolutely zero dollars this gen, and in the process of making no money they managed to lose the biggest gaming region in the world. But yeah, I'm sure they're holding onto that notion of "Phew, we're only barely in last place."
Guise, guise.. no way .. no way sony would do the same thing to use that M$ would. Sony is the standard bearer of the hardcore gamer now.
I mean look, they made little big planet smash brothers, what more do you want!
It seems more like you pray the god they don't lol
You guys are harping on MS with no official proof.. when actually Sony pursued the idea and patented it.
The idea behind online passes is to make money off of used game sales. Discouraging used game sales is ancillary. Microsoft already locks a portion of their games behind a pay wall, and with 100% of those profits going to them they more than make up any perceived loss from used sales of their games.
You have any facts to back this up? I'd love to know how figure Sony made absolutely zero dollars this gen.
No one is saying Sony is some saintly company. All we are saying is that it is possible that Sony looks at the route Microsoft is supposedly pursuing and decides they want no part of it. Yes, depending on the details, this is a very plausible scenario.
You realize Sony releases their financials every quarter right? They're at a net loss for the generation. They're the only one of the three that hasn't made a profit on their console this generation.
It's not just plausible, I think it's a given. That means we won't have two near-identical boxes. That's a good thing, imo.
Sony's gaming division always made money. Their losses come from other departments.
Sony's gaming division always made money. Their losses come from other departments.
You realize Sony releases their financials every quarter right? They're at a net loss for the generation. They're the only one of the three that hasn't made a profit on their console this generation.
Sony's gaming division apparently lost billions of dollars on the PS3. They even erased all of the profits made off PS1 and PS2. I don't think they have made up the difference with the recent profits they have made on the PS3. I am not going to go search for all the data right now but this has been covered in many threads.
Sony's gaming division always made money. Their losses come from other departments.
Holy shit, you do realize Sony does other things besides make game consoles right? God Lord.
They wouldn't let go of that revenue stream, not to mention the fact that the majority of the audience this is affecting will already have XBL memberships with months paid for.
Little wonder Ken got shoved out really, it's like you're losing in a race only for the person in first place to turn around and drive in the opposite direction because fuck you I can. Then Nintendo quietly manages to squeeze past while you stare in amazement.Sony's gaming division apparently lost billions of dollars on the PS3. They even erased all of the profits made off PS1 and PS2. I don't think they have made up the difference with the recent profits they have made on the PS3. I am not going to go search for all the data right now but this has been covered in many threads.
Sony's gaming division always made money. Their losses come from other departments.
Holy shit, you do realize Sony does other things besides make game consoles right? God Lord.
Why does it say right here that the PS3 was making a profit starting on 2010?
i thought they started making money like a year and a half ago. same with MS
Sony's gaming division always made money. Their losses come from other departments.
I guess Microsoft hasn't made profit from the Xbox either since they lumped all of their failures into the same division.
I guess Microsoft hasn't made profit from the Xbox either since they lumped all of their failures into the same division.