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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect


You guys talking about carrying your consoles ... I am fairly positive the game will be tied to an account and not a console. Just log in on your friends Durango.

I've actually lugged around my PS3 to my friend's house, not because he doesn't have one, but to avoid the pain of installing and updating my games on his system.


Scratching my head at people saying that they will move to the PS4 when yet the same rumors have been said about the PS4 as well.

Overall, I always buy games new since used games aren't really that much cheaper in price (especially with sales and $10 having to be added to some used games for online passes; a lot of used games are only $10-15 less in price anyway).

But, I can definitely understand people who are upset by this if they find a lot of deals (whether in store or online) for used games or if they share games with friends.

Overall, I hope that it isn't true but at the same time so many of these retail games are getting very expensive to make and we have seen many studios close down... Makes news like this a bit more believable. We'll see.


People keep using the statistics that people offline won't be able to take advantage of the new console. This system is prepping for the future. Will these consumers lack of connectivity online increase or decrease in the coming years? They might not be a part of first adopters, but the likelihood that they continue to lack internet access in the future decreases, not increases. At some point, the majority of consumers will be online, all the time.

Still, it doesn't justify anything in my humble opinion.


I absolutely will not buy a console that doesn't allow me to play used games, and that requires an internet connection. I intended on getting the 720 but if Microsoft chooses to go this route and Sony doesn't, I'll be getting a PS4, and if they both do, then I guess its Wii U and PC all the way.


Please, please no "activation code" for the entire game.

Really hoping that's a miscommunication.

I usually shake my head with "online passes".... But I get over it.

Online activation for physical copies of games? On a console? Fuck that.


Here's how the one game per system locking thing could possibly work.

So the new Playstation system is supposed to allow multiple user accounts to sign on at the same time. So in theory, if you want to go over to your friend's house to play your new game and not have to lug your huge ass system along with you, all you gotta do is sign in at your friend's house and the Playstation will recognize the fact that you own the game, and allow the game to be played.



Not Banned from OT
Explain XBLA and PSN pricing. Not even comparable to Steam and they have no retail/used competition.

Thats easy retail won't let Sony and MS under cut them in pricing. Also steam sales are subsidized by console gamers buying games at 59.99.


I'm sure people in rural markets would love to get online. It's not their fault there's no infrastructure for high speed broadband.

I doubt the reason these people don't have internet really matters to MS. All they see is numbers.

I'm sure MS has ears into other markets, and maybe the expansion of high speed internet is happening at a pace where they feel they can cut off these people now, but will eventually get to them in a reasonable time.

Camp Lo

I think i'd be okay with these measures.

I don't trade or sell games and i don't buy second hand either, and i have fibre optic broadband. Obviously if you rely on the pre-owned market to play games and have basic broadband you aren't going to enjoy the Xbox, but in a snobbish way i don't think you should be gaming if you can't afford it.

Are there any figures for how many Xbox 360 owners don't have internet connections?

Oh you


Neo Member
doesn't mean that they arn't a minority and not a factor in MS's big picture

Lots of people. Especially kids, either don't have high speed internet or don't have their console connected to it. As others have said, the only way to make this work is if both Sony and MS do it, otherwise, it is the kiss of death. If no one is evangelizing your system, you have a problem. If MS is the only system doing this, it's over for them.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
If there's a Steam-like DD market where titles get big deals in some occasions, then the no second-hand games thing would be not as bad as without a Steam-like DD market. This for people who get the console and have a good online connection. But it still isn't good for the console market to block borrowing / buying used: not all people have online connections / high speed connections / are interested in downloading big games right now (it'll change in the future for sure, but it's not the right time now to "force" the change). On PC it's possible because having a PC = having an Internet connection + so many stores from where to buy (Steam, GOG, indie stores, etc.). It's a pretty different environment, MS/Sony can't apply similar policies that easily, there's an entire world damaged in this way.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Its likely because we have been hearing for a long time now its developers that are pushing for no used games. They even tried to get it in for the last systems. At this point its something they are all pushing heavily for.

So? You honestly think 3rd parties would flat out stop making games for Sony's system if they refused? I don't.

The benefits for Sony would be enormous and the money lost by not putting out games on both systems would eventually have 3rd parties crawling right back.


People called Romanes they go the house?
If(when?) this turns out to be true, both the always online and the no used part have me going strictly PC next gen.

People keep using the statistics that people offline won't be able to take advantage of the new console. This system is prepping for the future. Will these consumers lack of connectivity online increase or decrease in the coming years? They might not be a part of first adopters, but the likelihood that they continue to lack internet access in the future decreases, not increases. At some point, the majority of consumers will be online, all the time.

Considering how behind America is in Broadband deployment, I'd say those people in rural markets might just miss this console generation :p


HAHA Microsoft R DOOMED! Am I don't it right? Seriously this is the same on pcs so don't try to act like it isn't. If xbox is doing this then I'm sure PS is as well. I'm sure developers have let them know either do it or we go exclusive to the console that does....it would make alot of sense. At least at the end of the day this might kill gamestop and stop preorder bonuses :)
JK this probably will suck but I don't think its true.


After a generation is over, do you ever seek out games you missed out the first time? Games that are out of print and out of stock at retail?

I think anyone who doesn't just want the newest and greatest does this. Sure, that doesn't work a lot for these companies who just want us to buy their new products, so removing all second-hand sales sort of forces us to play their game. Which I won't do.


Microsoft should do their homework they are cutting out a big community of gamers and profits if they go down this road. Have they not done their homework? They will kill the home console if Sony follows there lead.
I think i'd be okay with these measures.

I don't trade or sell games and i don't buy second hand either, and i have fibre optic broadband. Obviously if you rely on the pre-owned market to play games and have basic broadband you aren't going to enjoy the Xbox, but in a snobbish way i don't think you should be gaming if you can't afford it.

Are there any figures for how many Xbox 360 owners don't have internet connections?
Xbox Live has never gone down for you?


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No thanks, especially with that stupid ass image.


Comparing the sale of used media which every other industry manages to deal with to a deadly, incurable disease. Nice one.

My issue is more with the online always/DRM.

But that said, why would anyone WANT this. As a consumer, I don't get why you would want this. For those talking from a business sense, okay. I can understand that. What consumers want, and what companies need aren't always the same thing. But I see people defending this as if it's something they really want. And I find that strange.

And on that note, again - I don't see what MS is (supposedly) doing as a direct = to what other markets are doing. Apparently you do.


I don't buy a lot of used games, but I do trade in everything I purchase. Once I'm done with a game, away it goes and the credit will go towards something typically new. I do purchase used games occasionally, and I have no shame about that.

If I have to now throw games away? Uck, I can't say that would leave me with a very good feeling.

I have no issues with digital downloads. I don't have to 'see' the clutter.

As has been brought up, this also feels really anti-consumer. Regardless of how big or small the issue actually is, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and for that reason alone I will pass on any consoles that do this. Yes, Steam is DRM, but they make it easier to swallow and it doesn't have the same feeling. This is hypocritical of me, I realize, but as the consumer it's entirely within my rights to purchase what I wish to.

Hopefully Sony does not follow suit, though I am prepared to pass on both consoles and simply stick with PC gaming should they do so, though I'll miss the console exclusives.
This is such obvious click bait. I refuse to believe that with all the leaks that've come out lately that said nothing about this EDGE was able to find some magical anonymous source.

Probably a market research rumour to see how people would react, then use it to market why they won't pursue such an option.
And the used and rental market has been right there all along to. Funny that.
You had to buy the console first - and those were always around 400 $ at launch. Not something people with a lot of money can afford.

Also, it used to be a lot harder to buy the games you want used than today. Don't we we forget that. Before: Ask friends, go to videostores, go to cheap markets; Now: Type name of the game in Ebay

I always said it and I'll say it again: If I would have had the possibilities to get used games as a kid like I have them now, I would have been swimming in games. Instead however 95% I had to either go to the video store or buy them new.


I'm not going to punch in a code to play a game. I avoid games with online passes for that reason. Don't make a legit customer suffer because you fear the second-hand reaper.


I would imagine that keys for the games will be made available.

Like an online pass but in every game available.

I think blocking used sales altogether will bring serious trouble for them.


If Microsoft is embracing this you can bet Sony is as well : /

Probably right but I hope not. With speculation the next Xbox may not play BR movies as well it sounds like MS is trying to lock this thing tighter than a mug. Worse than this gen.

Then add in the weaker HW.

Really starting to not appeal to me at all beyond the hope of BC.

Better have some amazing SW Microsoft is all I got to say.
I think i'd be okay with these measures.

I don't trade or sell games and i don't buy second hand either, and i have fibre optic broadband. Obviously if you rely on the pre-owned market to play games and have basic broadband you aren't going to enjoy the Xbox, but in a snobbish way i don't think you should be gaming if you can't afford it.

Are there any figures for how many Xbox 360 owners don't have internet connections?

Please tell me that you're joking, and you're not really this disgusting.
I Guess I'll be primarily a wii u gamer.

At least it has some good games coming out.

I always wait a few weeks and get my games used on amazon for ~$20 cheaper


It is mindblowing to me that people actually believe that Microsoft's next console is going to require a constant internet connection when almost half of the Xboxes Microsoft has sold worldwide have never been connected to the internet.

Apparently all those people aren't part of MS's "big picture". Not sure what that "big picture" is but it seems to involve cutting off a significant portion of your userbase.


The US press helped MS through the RRoD already, they'll manage to help them through this transformative period. How can you not be excited? I already felt more connected when signing in to XBL. It's the only service that lets me know what's up with new games, movies and friends (with those cute avatars ;) ). A permanent connection will only increase my nearness to the best online service in the industry. And no used games will surely give publishers the incentive to make deeper, more risky and more ambitious games. It's a win-win situation, you know it's the truthiness.
My issue is more with the online always/DRM.

But that said, why would anyone WANT this. As a consumer, I don't get why you would want this. For those talking from a business sense, okay. I can understand that. What consumers want, and what companies need aren't always the same thing. But I see people defending this as if it's something they really want. And I find that strange.

And on that note, again - I don't see what MS is (supposedly) doing as a direct = to what other markets are doing. Apparently you do.

... I think I've massively misunderstood you. Are you for used games, or against?

I'm for.
So? You honestly think 3rd parties would flat out stop making games for Sony's system if they refused? I don't.

The benefits for Sony would be enormous and the money lost by not putting out games on both systems would eventually have 3rd parties crawling right back.

You guys are going to stomp your foots down about this and honestly so am I but your not looking at this logically if you think the end result will be less money for them. They will absolutely reap a higher return on day one if they start this policy.


I think i'd be okay with these measures.

I don't trade or sell games and i don't buy second hand either, and i have fibre optic broadband. Obviously if you rely on the pre-owned market to play games and have basic broadband you aren't going to enjoy the Xbox, but in a snobbish way i don't think you should be gaming if you can't afford it.

Are there any figures for how many Xbox 360 owners don't have internet connections?


Notice I'm not saying that people that don't buy gold as a choice arn't a factor

But the section that either can't afford internet or are in an area without internet access. I don't think they matter to MS


this is fucking pitiful if true. While I could see it happening I don't know if I believe it. Or rather I don't WANT to believe it.


I hope this isn't true. But then again, I would love to contribute a hires screenshot to the thread from a nice gaming rig.


Yeah people, if you think Sony is not going to go the same route and try to block the sale of used games, then you are delusional!

Sony already has something else in place which they can use to track/prevent used sales, without requiring always online. They have tags embeded in the discs. I also do not think Sony will be 100% anti used games. I think they will ask you to buy a "package" of DLC off the store for $10 or so to "unlock" the disc. Otherwise when you put the disc in it will only play a portion, which then tells you to unlock the rest as it is a "used" game. I'm also not entirely sure the discs will be bound to a single console. They could be bound to a single account, and any console you login can use that disc as long as the disc is registered to that account.

Isn't Sony rumored to be doing the same?

At least from the diagrams we have, the console will have a local account. There would be no need for a local account if the console required a "always online" architecture, as you could just log in to your online profile.


Its all about the games, theres plenty of exclusives on consoles, can I play all the Sony exclusives on a pc, hell no.

Let's say I buy there console knowing that I cannot re-sell the game this will translate into less game sales in the end which will mean less profits for everyone. I don't know why they would want to go down this road.
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