I don't buy a lot of used games, but I do trade in everything I purchase. Once I'm done with a game, away it goes and the credit will go towards something typically new. I do purchase used games occasionally, and I have no shame about that.
If I have to now throw games away? Uck, I can't say that would leave me with a very good feeling.
I have no issues with digital downloads. I don't have to 'see' the clutter.
As has been brought up, this also feels really anti-consumer. Regardless of how big or small the issue actually is, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and for that reason alone I will pass on any consoles that do this. Yes, Steam is DRM, but they make it easier to swallow and it doesn't have the same feeling. This is hypocritical of me, I realize, but as the consumer it's entirely within my rights to purchase what I wish to.
Hopefully Sony does not follow suit, though I am prepared to pass on both consoles and simply stick with PC gaming should they do so, though I'll miss the console exclusives.