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EDGE: The next Xbox: Always online, no second-hand games, 50GB Blu-ray and new kinect


Odd how so many are ready believe any and every negative rumour about MS without question no matter how unlikely it may be.
Most posters have questioned the legitimacy of the news. But the discussion going on now is about the hypothetical situation where all of this is really true. It is not a vendetta against MS in any shape or form, not yet at least (also, MS gets the least flak on this forum).


Technically if the console is always on, they do not have to block used games. They could just ask the second owner to pay a fee in order to activate the game on their end. This is more likely what is going to happen than "You are the second owner of this game, you are not allowed to play it. Die."

Some of this fee will go to the console manufacturer, some will go to the publisher, and finally whatever is left will go to the dev. I expect the amount you have to pay decline at consistent rate: <6 months after release full price, <1yr $50, <2yr $30, <3yr $15, <4yr $10, <5yr $5. Those prices would the cost for a second user to access the game (on top of whatever you payed to get the used copy). It is not pretty but it is the future we are facing.

This will probably reduce used games sales and used games prices (consumers will not go the used route if it becomes less cost efficient than new). This will also MURDER Gamestop's stock. The worst part is we will likely still see day 1 DLC, season passes, and other stupid shit on top of this.

As someone said below, to solve the "Going over to a friends house" problem, if you sign in, you can use the disc you bought on another console. This is a logical solution.
when I was a teen, we used to bring our games to our friends's housees and so on.

I owned my games, my friends owned theirs but eh we brought our favorite games over when we want to play 2 player games and so on.

how do you think that the Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat craze caught on outside of arcade in homes before online?

bad bad move MS
No second hand games won't change anything for me, so I'm fine with it considering that's how it has been on PC for ages now. *shrugs*
Actually, it might be even better for me because then they get added to your account as well. I hate that I might not have the option to play disc PS3 game x on a future, legal PS3 emulator because there might be no disc drive anymore etc.


- You should be able to use them on any console with your account AND you should be able to use them on a few consoles with any account as long as the buyers account was logged in once. (So basically the system for PSN games). That way friends can still borrow the game and even play on their accounts.

- Forcing online for (one-time) code/account activations etc. is fine, but it should not be like that you can't play your own games if you are offline! Especially as we saw this with certain Capcom PSN games that won't even work during PSN maintenance...

- Preferably, buying one disc version should also unlock the same game for other platforms like it was for Portal 2 and Vita games.

- A very cool option would be to transfer individual games to other accounts. Would leave an option to sell games privately but still destroy the mass second-hand market like Gamestop. This is just wishful thinking though.

- Codes are fine I guess, but technically it should be possible to have the code embed on the BD Java part, no? Or at least let the Kinect/PSEye cameras scan the codes so I don't have the hassle with it.


Wouldn't that be illegal? My gut tells me that Sony doesn't do this, they can't be that stupid. It would be such an easy opportunity for them to get a big advantage over Microsoft.

It isn't Sony or Microsoft that is rooting for this, it's the publishers. And the rumours that PS4 is anti-used are much, much older.
Anyone surprised by this? Microsoft is ran by executives now that don't give a shit about the end user and only care about making as much money as possible. Just look at Windows 8 as an example of the new Microsoft. The people that were there during the Xbox and 360 launches are long gone.
also to add to my previous post, it will happen on both consoles because it's a classic case of the Prisoner's Dilemma. The first corporation to implement it gets the option of price gouging the other one, should they so choose.
I can't (or maybe just really really don't want to) believe the always-online bit. I'm sure that things like activation codes for multiplayer modes and what not will be almost ubiquitous for PS4/x720 games, but demanding console players to always be online for their console to work seems like a pretty huge blunder. As does one disc being tied to only one console.

Didn't everyone already realize that this sort of DRM only hurts, never helps?


What did Nintendo do to cross you?


Yes I suck at photoshop, but its good enough to get the point across


Always online? If it helps curb achievement cheating completely, I'm all for it.
But I have a feeling it won't help protect against manipulation of that and only cause DRM-related things.

Achievements that can only be earned with locked "online savedata"...and that data cannot be transferred or backed up anywhere but Microsoft's proprietary cloud. It's not stored on your hard drive. If you want to back up locally, it would become "offline data" and achievements couldn't be unlocked. People who don't care about achievements wouldn't have to worry then. Also, somehow, your Profile wouldn't be able to be backed up locally/transferred to PC. It would rid all the manipulation. I hope this idea of mine (which I've detailed in a previous post) is implemented in some way.

Can the Achievement system finally be what it intended to be? Fully showing what someone has done in games, without any of it lying. Right now, you can't be sure sometimes due to cheating.

People still care about those things?
This is not like PC, this is a console, which will be obsoleted by the manufacturer in a few years. It sounds like the a natural extension of the removal of your ownership rights that the mega-publishers have been pushing towards for years now.

To say it's just like the PC model is utter bunk.

My Steam PC games from 2004 still work long after Bill Gates' Original Xbox Live Arcade games stopped working. My GoG games work long after the operating system they were written on was abandoned. My PC games will still work long after your Xbox 360 XBLA games are abandoned. My Steam games can still be made to work even if Valve are destroyed, because I control my system, and there are ways of doing these things.

This idea on consoles is an invitation to piss money away, whereas PC gaming will carry on for as long as x86 computing survives. You can line up like suckers if you like, and pretend it's just like a PC, but it's not, it's the worst of all worlds. Planned obsolescence, always-on DRM, platform lock-in, high prices, installs, patching, no store competition. Awful. I fully expect Sony to take the same route as well.

And if they use the same pricing policy as they have currently (or charge even more, as Epic implied costs will be rising 2x) then it will certainly be interesting to see what happens.

With these kinds of rumours flying around alongside the underwhelming specifications, I will definitely not be an early adopter.

I think that's the fear for me. That if these things are getting locked to an account will they get carried on beyond the console they were purchased for? Will they supported in 6-10 years time when the 'next gen' is out? Will the games I have my PSN/XBL accounts transfer over to the current next gen? Or am I just wasting money? I like to 'collect' games as much as play them. I'm odd.


I hope activation codes will be linked to your account and not your console. What happens if your console breaks? I'm never trusting another MS console at launch after the 360 RRoD fiasco.

How about multiple Live accounts on the same system. I buy a game, register it with my Live account, does this mean my son can't play it? I would imagine not, that would be retarded beyond belief. So is it registered under all our accounts? Can I take it to a friend's house, log in with my account and play it, and a week later, have my son do the same thing? Who's account is it registered under?

There are so many questions about this that make no sense. But sadly, I can still see it happening.
If the new consoles curb piracy and second hand sales, I would be surprised if we didn't see more sales for games, especially in the digital distribution front. Developers and publishes lose less money through the second hand market and are more willing to sale at a reduced cost. Just my opinion.

Which would more or less prove that used games weren't hurting their revenues.



I pray to God, Zeus, Baby Jesus, Allah, Elohim, Ishvara, Q, The Atlantians, Timelords, Vorlons, the Combine, the Forerunners and the Lords of Kobol that Sony wins this generation.

MS and Nintendo are on some bullshit right now.

You forgot that Sony also has a game registration patent, right?

Some of you need to slow your roll on this 'Sony better win' or 'Sony already won' shit.


when I was a teen, we used to bring our games to our friends's housees and so on.

I owned my games, my friends owned his but eh we brought our favorite games over when we want to play 2 player games and so on.

how do you think that the Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat craze caught on outside of arcade in homes before online?

bad bad move MS

You can always download your gamertag on any console and play the game. Or share gamertags.
Please, today it's easier than ever to know in advance if you'll like a game or not. There are videos, demos, reviews....

And please let's not forget that gaming was always an expensive hobby, so I don't really get that "some people don't have a lot of money" argument. It doesn't make any sense at all.

Knowing the direction the industry is heading in, they will probably even try to limit demos in some way. Yeah, gaming has always been expensive, but you could get your expensive games and trade them in for relatively less expensive games at least. Also, you can trade games with you friends and try their games out. Not anymore. Also, you could buy the games used online or whatever if they were too expensive. People complained about how expensive games are this generation with many options available. What is going to happen if all that is taken away and games cost more? I feel bad for the companies, I'll just say that since casual gamers are already usually cheap. This is just opening the doors to something much worst and bigger.


If this is true I'll probably just get the Steambox over the next Xbox since I trust Valve to be much more competent at this than MS currently.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
It stops you from playing the game online so yeah it does. Can I borrow a game from a friend and play it for free?

Totally different situation unless all games were multiplayer only.

You guys are going to stomp your foots down about this and honestly so am I but your not looking at this logically if you think the end result will be less money for them. They will absolutely reap a higher return on day one if they start this policy.

We'll agree to disagree. I think it will hurt much more than it will help.


The "always online" thing is almost certainly false. There is no reason for it.

Most likely it will function just like XBLA games do today. You need an online connection the first time to activate a game. Thereafter it is playable with or without an Internet connection on the activated console, or with an Internet connection (and the activated gamertag) on other consoles.

And codes should be embedded on disc, so the "activation" process should not require any work on the user's part.
Are you really trying to justify this anti consumer bullshit by using achievements? Really?

I've mentioned that this is probably nothing to do with increasing their Profile system security and savedata security, and more to do with...like you said, anti-consumer practice. But here's hoping some good comes out of it in terms of upping their game in those areas.

It's a serious issue and MS needs to constantly "clean up" messes caused by their own holes they created with the Xbox 360...which is admittedly, the "first attempt" at a fully online-centered console. If they're not, and it's exploited again, I'm going to PS4 as first priority...unless that trophy system is manipulated too. I'll weigh the lesser of the two evils if both are comprimised, just as I've done this gen. Look at this this way: We're playing 80% multi-platform games, so why not choose the one that doesn't have their "checklist system" manipulated, raped and maimed?

Next gen these things need to be refined so the end user can't toy around. They need to up their game next generation in this regard big time.
Again, this is -not- just to do with achievement manipulation. Manipulation of many elements as a whole that -can- be fixed with things like the "online savedata" I detailed in my previous posts.


How about multiple Live accounts on the same system. I buy a game, register it with my Live account, does this mean my son can't play it? I would imagine not, that would be retarded beyond belief. So is it registered under all our accounts? Can I take it to a friend's house, log in with my account and play it, and a week later, have my son do the same thing? Who's account is it registered under?

There are so many questions about this that make no sense. But sadly, I can still see it happening.

That's the issue, isn't it. I mean, if I buy a game, are they saying I'm not allowed to buy it so my family can play it? So basically, are we really going to regulate this - so a purchase = ONE person per game.
Legitimate or not, I can't believe so many people are fine or defending these decisions. Next, we will have to pay per minute to use our consoles and people will just accept it.

Camp Lo

I've mentioned that this is probably nothing to do with increasing their Profile system security and savedata security, and more to do with...like you said, anti-consumer practice. But here's hoping some good comes out of it in terms of upping their game in those areas.

It's a serious issue and MS needs to constantly "clean up" messes caused by their own holes they created with the Xbox 360...which is admittedly, the "first attempt" at a fully online-centered console. Next gen these things need to be refined so the end user can't toy around. They need to up their game next generation in this regard big time.
Again, this is -not- just to do with achievement manipulation. Manipulation of many elements as a whole that -can- be fixed with things like the "online savedata" I detailed in my previous posts.

Nothing about achievements and trophies warrants the title of "serious issue"


Damn I just can't believe MS would adopt so many unpopular policies all at once.

Weaker console, no used games, always online, enforcing kinect...

It's just too much. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


I remember I think it was the Giant Bomb guys discussing if anyone had the balls for this coming generation to go online required and from this article it seems like Microsoft is. This could be a huge mistake. I think for most people it won't be a problem but you are still cutting out part of the market.

The no second hand games is also crazy. Not surprising but just kind of crazy. If this is true I wonder if Sony has the stuff in place to match them and therefore kill used games. If I was GameStop I would be real worried about this coming generation, a move more towards digital distribution and a possibility of no used games.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I think MS is just crazy enough to go through with this.

I mean MS has somehow convinced gamers to pay for a service they receive for free everywhere else, they're probably confident that gamers will take this laying down(and I have no doubt they will).

About the always online bullcrap, over 10 million people bought Diablo 3 despite it being always online and anti consumer, the precedence has already been set.

If Sony pulls this crap too...well looks like I may skip the next gen train altogether, or atleast until Nintendo hops on(that's if they don't pull the same shit with their next console). My friends and I always bring our games over to each other's places for get togethers and what not, this would mean an end to that.


Sooooo..rumored to stop used games like the PS4...and similar to Steam.

Nothing points to always online for PS4, nor have there been rumors of PS4 implementing no-used games. There has been a patent application for technology by Sony, but other than that, nothing.
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