Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Are you guys serious? You want me to box up my 25-pound PS3 and carry it somewhere on the subway? You want kids to have to lug those behemoths when visiting friends down the street? We're talking about consoles, not little handhelds that you can toss in a backpack. Carrying these giant consoles to other people's homes is absolutely ludicrous.
Kids these days, they just don't appreciate the shit we put up with back in the day.
How about boxing a mid-tower PC, CRT monitor, keyboard, and speakers to take to a friends house to play LAN games? We did that at least once a month for years.
Completely untrue and my library of 200+ games on Steam back me up on that point.
Just because they are a minority doesn't mean they don't matter. Like I said before Microsoft opened to the casuals to open their demographic, closing to internet only will only close the demographic.
How many of those were $50 games marked down sub-$10 just for Steam sales? I have a similar Steam library made of up from various damn there give-away priced old games, humble bundles, Amazon give away deals, etc. I also got games I paid full price for, or almost full price when they came out.
I bought Sleeping Dogs for 5 dollars this christmas.
Well, considering how hard that game bombed, and they were damn there giving it away already on consoles.. yeah.. there's exceptions.. but Steam isn't bargain mart most of the time... not even close.