What you are describing shows that your not a passionate gamer, if you were you would deal with this. PC gamers went through this years ago and none of them are worse for wear now.
Its a shock that people on here ( a gaming forum) is saying they will give it up. Do you think that MS and Sony will change their mind when they realize your not buying games anymore?
So because me and others have self control we aren't passionate about gaming? I've been gaming my entire life, I'm raising my daughter to be really into games as well. I married my wife partly because SHE'S a gamer. I've owned nearly every game system and portable ever (aside from Apple products, another choice I made based on a company's actions).
I daresay, there aren't many people more passionate about games. There is however, a big difference between being passionate and being blinded by lust... no matter what the hardware or games look like, I won't just toss money at microsoft or sony while bending over and offering myself up for whatever sick play they want to do to my backside.