It's not imposible at all.
Terminate your COD6 key for $20 off next purchase from Xbox Live store.
You save money, no one else makes money. Done, Done.
No termination of keys. Buy the next game at full price.
It's not imposible at all.
Terminate your COD6 key for $20 off next purchase from Xbox Live store.
You save money, no one else makes money. Done, Done.
StarCraft 2 doesn't have always online DRM.
Diablo 3 does.
Diablo 3 is a game I will therefore never play.
Unless by doing it nets them publisher support above and beyond what they're giving Sony, in which case it gets them a huge check in the positive category. Imagine (and this is just a hypothetical) if CoD or GTA was a timed exclusive for Microsoft. That's enormous.
I feel like people saying "This is okay on Steam because the games are cheaper" are exhibiting the very reason stuff like this happens. If you really were opposed to this it wouldn't matter if the game were $1 or $100. The fact that your principles are conditional tells corporations that you can pretty much be talked into anything.
No GameFly means no purchase. Period. That's fucking insane. I'm actually mad.
If Sony is doing the same i will just skip the next gen.
well i guess no microsoft console next gen for me then....
That's it! I'm going PC only
where there haven't been used games ever
It's not imposible at all.
Terminate your COD6 key for $20 off next purchase from Xbox Live store.
You save money, no one else makes money. Done, Done.
Studios working with the next-gen Xbox are currently being forced to work with only approved development libraries, while Sony is encouraging coders to get closer to the metal of its box. Furthermore, the operating system overhead of Microsofts next console is more oppressive than Sonys equivalent, giving the PlayStation-badged unit another advantage.
No termination of keys. Buy the next game at full price.
I know they are too a "for profit company". But you only need to look at XBL to see that these rumors are entirely plausible.
I understand what your saying, but look at it from Sony and Microsofts point of view, those families that just buy used games don't help MS or Sony or the devs or the publishers. It helps gamestop. If those gamers that ONLY buy used games or mostly used games decide not to buy a system that Sony and MS are probably going to take a loss on anyway... I don't think the companies will miss consumers like that.
It sucks but that is how they see it, used games they get NO cut on.
Aren't there laws and shit against this?
I am like really mad right now...wtf
On this page alone.. once they show stuff like Halo, Gear, Uncharted, Gran Turismo, Forza, etc on next gen... your gonna say those look awsome BUT I can't buy the system because I cant resell the game when I beat it or get tired of it?
Steam has shown this business model can work. I would imagine Sony and MS have watched that as-well as devs.
No, it doesn't. It's been shown time and time again how a used sale =/= one less new sale. When games are purchased they have been purchased. Someone buying a used game doesn't take away from that purchase. If a company sells X number of games and someone buys a used version it is not X-1.
And if I love football but don't support the NFL's decision to support SOPA, am I less of a football fan for not watching the Superbowl?
That is really not fair. I love gaming and it's my only hobby, but I have beliefs and I don't like where the industry is headed with DRM, digital distribution, etc.. This is more about no more used games, I don't buy used games nor do I trade my games in. This is about the landscape as a whole and where it is headed. If someone doesn't support that, their passion shouldn't be called into question. If anything, they're more passionate to give up something they love for what they believe in.
Then GTA and COD will sell about half what they used to. Battlefield´s sales on the other hand will increase significantly.
Aren't there laws and shit against this?
I am like really mad right now...wtf
If you are bitter, and have no faith in smart business practices then sure.
I personally don't think they're that dumb.
Diablo 3 is awful. If you live in a country with shit internet on average (Australia) then the game is pointless.
On this page alone.. once they show stuff like Halo, Gear, Uncharted, Gran Turismo, Forza, etc on next gen... your gonna say those look awsome BUT I can't buy the system because I cant resell the game when I beat it or get tired of it?
To those who talk about Steam in relation to this situation: Steam games don't sell nearly as well as Xbox 360 games -- especially at $60.
No termination of keys. Buy the next game at full price.
21st century y'all.
No, it doesn't. It's been shown time and time again how a used sale =/= one less new sale. When games are purchased they have been purchased. Someone buying a used game doesn't take away from that purchase. If a company sells X number of games and someone buys a used version it is not X-1.
Believe it or not, yes there are people who stick by such decisions... I haven't bought a single capcom game in nearly 2 years because of how shitty they've treated their fans lately. I can easily do the same with 720 and PS4.
Video games are only entertainment, and in this day and age there are millions of entertainment options I can turn to if one of them becomes (by my standards) unpalattable.
If you want to cut out Gamestop, make it a transferrable licence. Then you can still sell it on eBay but don't have Gamestop pushing used games over new.
Everyone wins.
On this page alone.. once they show stuff like Halo, Gear, Uncharted, Gran Turismo, Forza, etc on next gen... your gonna say those look awsome BUT I can't buy the system because I cant resell the game when I beat it or get tired of it?
Steam has shown this business model can work. I would imagine Sony and MS have watched that as-well as devs.
At least with steam, you can sell your account that didn't require payment to open it. You can make a new one easily and change your username for free any time.
It won't doom the console, did it doom PC gaming?
If both Sony and MS do it your really going to not play next gen games?
Your response is so melodramatic. Your stating such extremes that you more then likely wont follow. If you really were into gaming... then these new practices wouldn't deter you from it. Maybe curb how many games you buy but not deter you.
As for Edge... don't you think they are staking their rep on the line by putting this out there? It has already affected Gamestop's stock value and Forbes ran with their article too. So no.. this won't hurt their credibilty because for all intents and purposes this news will come to be true.
Do you remember when MS tried to charge for Xbox Live Gold on PC?Its a shock that people on here ( a gaming forum) is saying they will give it up. Do you think that MS and Sony will change their mind when they realize your not buying games anymore?
i think it's totally the opposite.The only thing this will do is concentrate sales on the most AAA(AAA...) of games while everything else that can't compete in marketing or production values (lol) will be moved to digital and other platforms. If you thought B/C-games were coming back, this would be the final nail in their coffin.
21st century y'all.
god forbid anyone make a stand on principles, right? GOTTA BUY THE LATEST SHIT
Excellent point. There's also a false dichotomy going on for the Valve critics: I can still install second-hand games on my PC. Just because we're trending towards a digital future (whether someone agrees with this or not) doesn't lock my platform off entirely. That's essentially what MS is doing.In many cases, it's ok because the games are sold digital-only at a lower price, so consumers get some benefit for the anti-used game marketplace. Take Virtua Fighter- without DD, there's no way it would have been sold at all after VF5 bombaed on 360. Just one of many examples. In the case of the $60 AAA game with $20+ of DLC, it does fine even with used sales, and we all know the prices will go up not down, so consumers are seeing no benefit, this is not win-win, it's win-lose, which is why you're seeing so much hate.
It's less of an issue for me than many folks, but I do think the end result of such a policy will be the complete death of retail for non-AAA games next gen, and many of those folks will move to PC, where the market conditions are much more favorable. I'm not upset, especially if this isn't bait and switch, but it would impact my value of the console, enough to where I wouldn't find it worth the money. Now, if VF6 wows me in 2-3 years time, I might change my tune, but by then the consoles may have suffered so much it gets a PC port instead or as well.
PC gamers went through this years ago and none of them are worse for wear now.
If you are bitter, and have no faith in smart business practices then sure.
I personally don't think they're that dumb.
Is it wrong that I find this entire thing really really funny?
Haha um.
My whole point is they wont! Its all knee jerk reactions and anger right now.
Most of these people will be buying and playing next gen games which makes their statements all the more melodramatic.
Do you remember when MS tried to charge for Xbox Live Gold on PC?