The problem is, this is clearly a case of the suits/big publishers/etc. wanting to have their cake and eat it too. They want all the money. They want $60, $10-$15 DLC packs, $2 microtransactions, $30 season passes, no used game market. It's greed, pure and simple, and eventually it will lead to a crash. Companies push consumers around for as long as they can get away with it, but eventually consumers will push back and not buy the console.
If it's not this, it'll be something else in the near future. The video game industry has gotten too greedy for its overall good, and someday soon the line is going to be crossed and all the big companies will pay for it. No matter how many people don't care about these policies, the current video game market is not sustainable. Activision, EA, Microsoft, etc., they are all about the now. The $$ they can get at the current moment, which is why they make such a big deal about used games: it's money they aren't getting.