I can't wait for the first time someone gets a game from a retailer that's broken street date only to have their XBox Live 720 account banned along with every single game they own rendered useless.
Why not? If they are saying the devs are the very people clamouring for this, and MS actually gives them what they want, what would be the + side of going with the PS4 which would still support the used game market?(assuming)
It would be a no brainer, most gamers would just jump on PS4 and devs would be right back at square one. I'm thinking they would support the actually Box that was created with them in mind. The supposed 720 no used games console.
:lolConsidering EDGE is a UK published magazine(where the PS brand is heavily favored)
I'm calling bullshit.
There's no way MS would piss off both its users aaand retail partners.
Plus limiting its functionality to those with online only they'd basically be eliminating about half of their userbase.
The edge article is nothing more than sony fanboyism flamebait.
I can't wait for the first time someone gets a game from a retailer that's broken street date only to have their XBox Live 720 account banned along with every single game they own rendered useless.
and we should care because?
Why does it matter if it does?
Do people have to lay down a blanket claim for all hypothetical scenarios to prove they're not some sort of fanboy when referring to the only known possibility that Edge is reporting on?
No, I wouldn't call him "unreliable" but this is really the first time EDGE has gone out on a limb like this with what could be an unsubstantiated rumor. I just don't see them doing it. It's a huge shot to credibility if they weren't 100% sure.
Do you guys think they will print special discs for gamefly?
I rent blu-rays from netflix and the special features and commentary are not selectable (maybe it's only certain studios though).
Maybe this will will take away the used market but still allow the rental market to keep going.
The only part of that you got correct is that Edge is a UK magazine.
I guess thats the only positive I can think of from my perspective. People might be less inclined to cheat and mod for fear of account bannings.
Pretty shitty way to get there though.
Considering EDGE is a UK published magazine(where the PS brand is heavily favored)
If this somehow translates into more games being developed, riskier IPs, longer campaigns, etc... I'm all for it. I don't buy used and don't sell my games.
Let the poor kids buying used eat cake.
Do you guys think they will print special discs for gamefly?
I rent blu-rays from netflix and the special features and commentary are not selectable (maybe it's only certain studios though).
Maybe this will will take away the used market but still allow the rental market to keep going.
Ah, such a selfish attitude.If this somehow translates into more games being developed, riskier IPs, longer campaigns, etc... I'm all for it. I don't buy used and don't sell my games.
Let the poor kids buying used eat cake.
If what you said was true, Microsoft would be encouraging the used games market because it puts more consoles in homes.
Depends. What if Walmart doesn't have the 199.99 core model when gamestop would have?
What if Gamestop would have carried the 500.00 all enclusive bundle when Walmart doesn't?
What if your walmart and target are sold out and won't resupply for weeks and the nearest alternative is 100 miles away?
Redbox does the same thing. They have "rental" copies of the movies which are full of previews. There typically aren't any special features, just the movie and the previews. With some 360 games at Redbox, you only get 1 of 2 or more discs if the game requires it. So for Assassins Creed 3, you could only play through the story, no multiplayer. Mac Payne 3 was worse because the singleplayer story was split on both discs so you got screwed like 60% of the way into the game.
But, I could see them doing something similar that doesn't feature certain content.
So, if Microsoft basically removes one of its only advantages/distinctions over PC, those people are silly for wanting to jump ship?
Don't get me wrong buddy, PC gaming is great. It's just that Valve practises thus very thing, they are (like Origin and Ubisoft) are very anti-used games. They've had this stance for years and yet nobody took issue with it.
If MS take this direction (which we are still unsure of) I'm positive it will be within reason and for the ultimate benefit of the developer/publisher. Which could be both a great or terrible thing. I fucking hate EA and their shitty business practise, but at the same time I live CD Projekt RED, devs like those deserve their profits.
It's a hazy subject, one in which I hope we, the consumers, dint get screwed over.
I can't wait for the first time someone gets a game from a retailer that's broken street date only to have their XBox Live 720 account banned along with every single game they own rendered useless.
The grand majority of non-hardcore gamers.
It's a misnomer to think that MS want Xbox in the home and that's the job done.
They want an Xbox in the home, and it used to purchase all manner of services. Games being one of them. A consumer buying an offline Xbox (which is either sold at a loss, or with tiny margin) to play second hand games (which MS get no revenue from) is the polar opposite of the situation they want.
The uncomfortable truth that many Xbox fans will need to face is they're not the droids MS are looking for any more. The Xbox brand has slowly been moving away from being gaming-centric, and we will see this shift dramatically further away from gaming with the Xbox3.
I'm surprised that 'M$' is not a banned term.
If I want to experience games I might have missed, but the initial run is done, how am I going to get them? Digitally? Sure, maybe, but A) not all games are available digitally, and B) digital prices on console stores are atrocious.
This is not their stance, it's a law, as I understand it. PC Software is not supposed to be resold. I could be mistaken.
Don't get me wrong buddy, PC gaming is great. It's just that Valve practises thus very thing, they are (like Origin and Ubisoft) are very anti-used games. They've had this stance for years and yet nobody took issue with it.
Don't get me wrong buddy, PC gaming is great. It's just that Valve practises thus very thing, they are (like Origin and Ubisoft) are very anti-used games. They've had this stance for years and yet nobody took issue with it.
If MS take this direction (which we are still unsure of) I'm positive it will be within reason and for the ultimate benefit of the developer/publisher. Which could be both a great or terrible thing. I fucking hate EA and their shitty business practise, but at the same time I love CD Projekt RED, devs like those deserve their profits.
It's a hazy subject, one in which I hope we, the consumers, dint get screwed over.
ok in my wallmart there are wiis ds, psp, vitas, ds xl or whatever ps3 (500 or 250) wii- U ( i think?)
and there are Targets, Kmarts, and a shit ton of other stores (Bestbuy??) I think even radio shock sells ps3's and xboxes soooo
why in the world they would not stock on the new ps4 or nextbox???
I believe ther was a story her on GAF that many gamespots stores are planned to be closed (600 out of 4500 in USA ) and if all gamestops are to be closed in that case more people will go to whatever store is nearest to them...
If all fails go to amazon
I'm surprised that 'M$' is not a banned term..
You're not going to get the equivalent of "Steam Sales" on the home console front when it comes to the current major players.
I always liked M$. It's just not as relevant as it used to be.
If MS/Sony did steam like sales, would everybody be ok with this?
Is the race to the bottom for price point good?
If this somehow translates into more games being developed, riskier IPs, longer campaigns, etc... I'm all for it. I don't buy used and don't sell my games.
Let the poor kids buying used eat cake.
Again, why buy an xbox when literally every other box on the market does what the xbox does, except gaming, for free?
Why buy Windows 8 when Linux does it for free?
It's all about convergence and convenience. A single portal to all your entertainment needs. Apps, streaming media, 3rd party content, games etc. Controlled with Kinect. Tied into your Windows 8 / Windows Phone account, on a shared ecosystem.
Why buy Windows 8 when Linux does it for free?
so this is basically steam on xbox. no second hand games, always connected online in order to play(offline mode for steam is trash) and cd keys to have the game.
but these rumors for consoles get shit on while Lord GabeN is praised
I think so.
And it's not the race to the bottom, it's a race for the optimal (the maximum amount of people vs the maximum amount they're willing to pay). It works for steam because the other outlets ARE so rigid and unbending. It'd be interesting to see what Steam would do if those sale prices suddenly weren't as appetizing across the board.
so this is basically steam on xbox. no second hand games, always connected online in order to play(offline mode for steam is trash) and cd keys to have the game.
but these rumors for consoles get shit on while Lord GabeN is praised
so this is basically steam on xbox. no second hand games, always connected online in order to play(offline mode for steam is trash) and cd keys to have the game.
but these rumors for consoles get shit on while Lord GabeN is praised
so this is basically steam on xbox. no second hand games, always connected online in order to play(offline mode for steam is trash) and cd keys to have the game.
but these rumors for consoles get shit on while Lord GabeN is praised
Because windows 8 is doing so well.
Have you actually used Steam? Offline mode works fine.
Again, why buy an xbox when literally every other box on the market does what the xbox does, except gaming, for free?
you mean i can have 6 year old gta iv for 1.99 on steam, but it didnt run well for anyone at launch? i am excited!Because you won't be getting Forza 7 for $1.99. EVER.