Assuming Sony isn't in collusion with MS on this...
According to Edge, they aren't.
Assuming Sony isn't in collusion with MS on this...
Just go back like every 15 pages and there you go.
hey man, you're the one who said you can confirm many saying 'they can't be wrong'.
I don't think squeezing out the used game market will have the impact some think. I do think this could be another RROD fiasco. What are the chances people will get "you are not allowed to play this game" messages?
hope Nealand can come through.I said I could back it up and yes I could if I wanted to but I'm not going to.
for some reason, a few can't grasp many putting a lot of stock in a respected site being very confident about a rumor, that's also got backings from legit insiders here.Are you sure you're not just assuming that they think it's 100% fact when in reality they just don't want to begin every sentence by stating the obvious and saying "if this is true"?
What I DO know is that the second hand market is a cancer that is killing valuable first-hand sales, and that MUST stop.
for some reason, a few can't grasp many putting a lot of stock in a respected site being very confident about a rumor, that's also got backings from legit insiders here.
According to Edge, they aren't.
Nothing is confirmed...until it's confirmed. What's your point.A few can't grasp that no matter how legit the backers and the site is without confirmation it's still a rumor.
For some reason it seems you want this to be true no matter what? Aren't you more concerned about the evidence and truth?
How do you know this? Because the publishers say so?
On the other hand it generates those first-hand sales insofar that I know a few people that wouldn't have bought nearly as many games for full price if they knew they couldn't sell them. Sure, here on GAF a lot of people apparently have so much cash or are so dedicated to this hobby that they don't care one bit about the monetary aspect but trust me, it will influence the buying habits if prices stay the same.
Nothing is confirmed...until it's confirmed. What's your point.
But unlike the rest of their report, they did not confirm any inside source on Sony's plans. Meanwhile rumors of anti-used games technology have been around for more than a year for both Sony and Microsoft.
That is my point... no argument from majority is going to change that.
This is 100% false. I've only seen one rumor for Sony, and it wasn't even suggesting blocking used games, just having to pay a small registration fee or something for second hand games. That was a long time back, too, haven't seen anything of the sort since.
Because I used to work for gamestop, and I know how much they pay for games and I know how much they make on them. That's why they force their employees to whore themselves silly to sell used games, dignity be damned. That's how they make virtually all of their money. And it's a simple fact.
learn to ignore upJTboogie. even when he questions you, just ignore it. in fact read over his posts.I said I could back it up and yes I could if I wanted to but I'm not going to I have better things to do like eat dinner.
Because I used to work for gamestop, and I know how much they pay for games and I know how much they make on them. That's why they force their employees to whore themselves silly to sell used games, dignity be damned. That's how they make virtually all of their money. And it's a simple fact.
Let's say you have a $60 game. You buy it new. $10 goes to the developer, $20 goes to the publisher, and the retailer gobbles up the rest. Now you beat the game in 6 hours, and you take it back. Gamestop, will turn around and resell that game for $55 now.
Here's where dude B comes in. He sees that shiny like-new copy of Versus XIII on the shelf for $55. Hot dog, its his lucky day. This brand new game is available preowned for less than the new price, and its in great condition, and it has a guarantee. So given the various incentives, he goes ahead and purchases the used one. Now Gamestop pockets all $55, and none of that money goes to the developers or publishers, because GS has already paid them for the one copy. Now because they have a steady stream of used copies coming in, they don't need to order any more new ones to keep up with the demand, because people just keep buying them used. That's why Gamestop rarely orders more games than they have pre-ordered lately. Keep your new count low, and your used count high.
So now, a week later, we bought 10 copies of VXIII from the publisher, and we turned around and sold those 10 copies 3 times each, making more and more money each time.
Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City was a huge example of this. Had a very low initial stock, barely more than the pre-orders, but it came back rapidly, and we went through used copies like gang busters. Which is great. I don't want anyone encouraging Capcom to make more crap like that.
So my internet goes down. Bad things happen. We deal with it. It happens already with my PC. Sometimes my shit just doesn't work. Guess what. I do something else. Time to read a book. Or buy a chia pet. Or help and old lady across the street. My devices belong to me. I don't belong to them.
I believe it has already been brought up in this thread that North America is MS' primary concern as far as Xbox is concerned. Sony has a pretty strong foothold on Europe and we aren't even going to bring up Japan. As far as all of the other little countries.. Well not to sound cruel, but MS isn't catering to them. The target market is NA, and here, the target market is gamers. Many people, myself included, bought an HDTV to enjoy my HD console on. I got high speed internet to better enjoy my online games. Where there is demand, there will be supply. Trust.
I don't know what it will do for publishers. My concern is developers, though the distinction can sometimes be fuzzy. Maybe we'll get more indy games this generation. Maybe it'll kill them all like it killed the dinosaurs. I really don't know, because nothing like this has ever happened before. What I DO know is that the second hand market is a cancer that is killing valuable first-hand sales, and that MUST stop.
I appreciate your well thought out response.
This is 100% false. I've only seen one rumor for Sony, and it wasn't even suggesting blocking used games, just having to pay a small registration fee or something for second hand games. That was a long time back, too, haven't seen anything of the sort since.
So my internet goes down. Bad things happen. We deal with it. It happens already with my PC. Sometimes my shit just doesn't work. Guess what. I do something else. Time to read a book. Or buy a chia pet. Or help and old lady across the street. My devices belong to me. I don't belong to them.
The only thing about this that scares me is that Sony will see MS do this and follow suit. If they both do it then we're fucked. I have a Wii U but there isn't a chance it is lasting 5-8 years.
On the other hand Sony could see this as an opportunity and not include anything like MS may or may not include. If Sony were to do that then I would bet that they would have pretty much the only console worth considering when all three are on the market and they would dominate next gen.
Hopefully if MS go along with this then Sony go with the latter rather than following suit.
It has nothing to do with what belongs to what. If I pay for something, I get to decide when I want to use it. I also get to determine if being unable to use it when I want to is what I consider to be acceptable. There's nothing wrong with pursuing a more reliable option.
except if Sony goes against it, they will more than likely get fucked over by pubs.
i think I'm more pissed that this will kill rentals more than anything.
If this system still allows that and borrowing between friends, then I'll be able to deal.
it won't so it can fuck off.
Unless Rentals and sharing between friends is cancer too.
the heavy hitting games for next gen aren't hitting wiiU... talking about 3rd parties.But Nintendo aren't doing it either so it would just leave Microsoft pissing in the wind on their own.
But Nintendo aren't doing it either so it would just leave Microsoft pissing in the wind on their own.
except if Sony goes against it, they will more than likely get fucked over by pubs.
the heavy hitting games for next gen aren't hitting wiiU... talking about 3rd parties.
There have been more than a few people itt that have posted EDGE wouldn't report this if it were untrue. By all means review the past 80 pages to view those postsMany said EDGE can't be wrong at all.? That there is a 100% chance they are right? I wanna see this.
They can try, but let's see how long they can keep selling games on a single next gen console that retail may very well not want to stock. This will be even uglier than everything that went down last generation with the Wii. At least one of the giants(EA, Acti, Ubi, etc.) could easily disappear if they want to play hardball with Sony. I can see the next Xbox being stillborn compared to the Wii U's debut in Europe.except if Sony goes against it, they will more than likely get fucked over by pubs.
We don't know that at all.
Even so, lets say they don't. That would give Sony Japan and Europe which are bigger markets than the US. Publishers can't afford to go MS exclusive for everything if they only have the NA market and they may not even have that if they do this.
Then gamers should just fuck over the pubs.
except if Sony goes against it, they will more than likely get fucked over by pubs.
That's just it. We're never the ones to do anything. It's sad to say but we as gamers always end up bending over in the end. I hate that about this industry.
We say "hey EA, this is bad what you're doing" or "hey Activision i don't like what you're doing to this franchise"... in the end, we still buy their games. And that's all the sign they need to keep doing it.
and RE6Not all the time. Just look at DmC. But then when the consumers decide to vote with their wallet the "game press" gets mad.
Didn't some website just blame GAF for shitty sales of a game? DMC was it? We got pull yo!That's just it. We're never the ones to do anything. It's sad to say but we as gamers always end up bending over in the end. I hate that about this industry.
We say "hey EA, this is bad what you're doing" or "hey Activision i don't like what you're doing to this franchise"... in the end, we still buy their games. And that's all the sign they need to keep doing it.