Uno Venova
What's the basis of a third party collusion cutting Sony out of games again?
And that may fly in the US. I think publishers know better than to eliminate competition in the market.How? If they kill the PS4 then people that would have bought a PS4 will have to move to Durango.
There is something called forecasting... In the long run publishers profits would shrink if they allowed the PS4to be choked out.
people not thinking it through before posting about it.What's the basis of a third party collusion cutting Sony out of games again?
What's the basis of a third party collusion cutting Sony out of games again?
There is a zero percent chance Amazon or Best Buy would boycott
Of course - but that doesn't have much to do with the question I entertained. He asked why Sony would be against this model and I gave him a probable (speculative) answer. Now if we were talking about taking the "next step" then yes - but his question was worded as being anti-lockdown with anti-used and always on.Its a step in the same direction, not the opposite. Also there's the patent story.
And immediately we go to a collusion of the biggest unnamed third party publishers cutting out a platform they can make money on, and are probably working with already.The assumption that Microsoft is doing this at publisher's will. It is hard to imagine them taking such a risky step without having some sort of agreements (in the form of exclusives) in place that makes it worth it.
This is going to be an absolute disaster for retro gaming.
Simple scenario, in 2025 a retro gamer of that time wants to play XBox 'Durango' games
* Puts disc in console
* Can't play it due to no further xbox live support for the console
* Can't play all features due to the only games available being second hand
* Can't unlock them with the DLC access code due to no further xbox live for the console
* Goes back to his or her SNES which still works
I wonder how palatable this proposition will become to the current Xbox owners who along with many others here, are vehemently against such proposition are informed or rather surprised by MS's announcement XBL GOLD will become like PSN plus where it will be a service based content rather than function based one and the even on SILVER customers would now be able to play online...
And immediately we go to a collusion of the biggest unnamed third party publishers cutting out a platform they can make money on, and are probably working with already.
This sounds like a huge scoop that EDGE should be up on.
Not going to happen, Microsoft doesn't give anything that they could charge for.
Not accusing you of saying it will happen for sure, just sounds more like an FX movie than a real scenario. Like "We'll make you an offer you can't refuse" is in there somewhere.Except nobody is claiming that this is going to happen. It is a possible scenario, and not the only one.
Why is that? Are the people that would have bought a PS4 going to buy nothing instead?
True but that is beside the point. How many of these folks would change their tune if XBL silver all of a sudden allowed online play functionality?
I just highly doubt Microsoft is stupid enough to do this without getting something in return...namely exclusives. the big name publishers hate the used game system.
I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed for this...and for that reason I doubt Sony said "fuck off" and if they did, I doubt the publishers would be too happy about that.
It's just really worrying is all.
Like I said, I'd deal with not being able to sell my shit...fine as I can see an argument for why that is bad (a shitty one IMO but a legit one), but stopping rental and sharing is a no.
The thing is that I doubt people have enough will power to boycott...for Microsoft I do but if Sony does this too and then shows off shit I want (with free online still)...I will bah like the sheep I am too. lol.
Shit sucks
How? If they kill the PS4 then people that would have bought a PS4 will have to move to Durango.
Not going to happen, Microsoft doesn't give anything that they could charge for.
Didn't they sell as much as the 360 this gen?And neither does Sony until they're forced to just to stay alive/relevant.
For your plan to work a majority of publishers would have to exclusively support Xbox which is not going to happen.
Publishers are going to first and foremost initially cater to what their home regions.
That means Japanese publishers and most European publishers would not exclusively support Xbox.
Didn't they sell as much as the 360 this gen?
No. Not the majority. One would be enough. Somebody like EA has chopped off support when they don't get their own way in the past. Just look at the Dreamcast and the EA Sports debacle.
For your plan to work a majority of publishers would have to exclusively support Xbox which is not going to happen.
Publishers are going to first and foremost initially cater to what their home regions.
That means Japanese publishers and most European publishers would not exclusively support Xbox.
I veeeery cautiously optimistic. Their digital game DRM on the 360 is really pretty fair I think. Any account on the console it was DLed on can use the DLC, GoD games, or XBLA games, and if you take the content to any another machine, you can use it as long as you sign in. It's more flexible in some ways than Sony's hard 2 machine limit if you were bouncing around between multiple locations. So, not that terrible, really.
For example, I can take a Games on Demand version of Rock Band 3 and a bunch of song DLC on a USB stick to any 360 and access it all, I just need to be signed into my gamertag. Sure, you gotta be signed in to the purchaser's account, but it could be much stricter all things considered.
You can do a license transfer to a new machine every 4 months on a 360 now, where it originally was one year. So, maybe just maybe it might be more manageable than people think.
Ah I didn't realize that they had shortened it to 4 months. I just remember having a problem doing exactly that when they sent me a refurbished console after my 2nd RRoD.
Can't remember the details anymore but I do remember several phone calls to their horrible customer service arguing with people.
i wouldn't touch that even if it came with a free tugger from marcus fenix
do you not see the irony here?So my internet goes down. Bad things happen. We deal with it. It happens already with my PC. Sometimes my shit just doesn't work. Guess what. I do something else. Time to read a book. Or buy a chia pet. Or help and old lady across the street. My devices belong to me. I don't belong to them。
What's the basis of a third party collusion cutting Sony out of games again?
Absolutely no sale if true. I've boycotted Blizzard because of
this and it won't change for anyone else.
It's a terrible idea and it is not consumer friendly at all.
People embracing this always on Internet to play your games or
systems, I really hope this bites you in the ass if it comes true.
Durango launch. Cannot connect. Server overload. Unable to register
game. Unable to play game.
People seriously want that? Because it can and has happened(Diablo 3).
These kind of features seem like they could generate negative buzz like with Windows 8.
Yea I'm really suspicious about this. A work around would be figured out and it would just encourage even more piracy. I don't see how it would fix anything, but piss off a lot of people. If true I'm just going to invest more in PC gaming.
If you don't go crazy on hardware you actually save money going PC in the long run.Honestly I just think everyone should invest in pc gaming if they can. Most of the time the multiplatform games are superior and you will end up saving a lot more money on new titles
Honestly I just think everyone should invest in pc gaming if they can. Most of the time the multiplatform games are superior and you will end up saving a lot more money on new titles
Couldn't care less. But then I want Sony and MS to have simultaneous digital releases for all games. I'm done with software on disc.
Ah I didn't realize that they had shortened it to 4 months. I just remember having a problem doing exactly that when they sent me a refurbished console after my 2nd RRoD.
Can't remember the details anymore but I do remember several phone calls to their horrible customer service arguing with people.
And yeah I realized that if you take the content physically with you it can be used by signing in.
I just have a feeling that always online will mean that they will also be trying to tie content to a single console. Complete speculation on my end but there aren't many other legitimate reasons to make it always online besides stricter DRM.
Again it is possible that they will take a lenient stance but this news(if true) doesn't bode well IMO....
I mean no used games also means you would not be able to take a game to a friend's house to play. Unless they do allow you to sign in on another console and play it. I guess we can just hope.
I'll be done when Australian's don't have to pay double. Until then I'll be shopping around/importing physical media.