Thank you for telling me about Marikas Hammer. I grabbed it last night from the Fingers room lol, and updated it to +10. It really is a beast! That Golden Breaker move works great on bosses too as you're pretty much immune once you start the animation to leap in the air and the cheap fucks can't cancel it lol I took out two bosses last night with it.
Other than getting it to +10, is there anyway i can further power it up or am i pretty much at the top with it as it is?
It’s scales off of faith and strength. So you can add talents that give you plus holy damage, plus faith, and I haven’t done enough testing, but the plus jump talisman might also work since you are in the air when you do that move.
I dual wield it. Jump attack with it is good when you can’t get a special off.
You can get to 40 faith and also use the erdtree faith casting item to do flame grant me strength, the black defense one, and blessing of erdtree.
Also if you do use a mimic please know they use all things equipped so always take off secondary equip items and only keep on the weapon so it doesn’t try to cast spells.
I cooked up this build in base game after I beat it to to to new game plus. I also tested some bosses on my second go with mimic to learn that, and when you both use the special? Bosses melt. It’s hilarious. Plus if the mimic takes aggro you’re in good times to go use the special.
Lastly make sure you bring enough mana pots too if the opponent has a lot of life and you need to keep casting.
This build is really good solo in the dlc without any summons especially on dragons.
Oh and if you pick a shield off hand without any ability on it, then you can still use the special with a shield in hand.