Also made just under 40million getting it by just by sticking to the 2 systems (Sothis/Ceos), the last 2 big missions i got were 2x snake in missions each giving 6.5millionish at the same time (which was a very nice 13million in around 5 minutes).
HOw on you do smuggle in missions? I always get denied docking when I forget bout failed mission cargo, nevermind something actually illegal.
Ugh, I went to Sothis in my Asp expecting the missions to be similar to the old smuggling missions, long distance but low cargo requirements but it looks like the cargo requirements are much higher. I guess I should return in my Conda so I can stack these. It's been like 9 months since I did these back at Robito or whatever it was called.
Ugh, I went to Sothis in my Asp expecting the missions to be similar to the old smuggling missions, long distance but low cargo requirements but it looks like the cargo requirements are much higher. I guess I should return in my Conda so I can stack these. It's been like 9 months since I did these back at Robito or whatever it was called.
I experienced the same thing, I would keep logging out and resetting the mission board until I got lower cargo requirement missions. I also can haul up to 108 tons, which is definitely helpful. One guy on here recommends only taking mission with a payout of $150k per ton or higher.
I eventually got some that were 12-20 tons (a 30 ton mission was available but I wasn't high enough rank), but most I got for a while were 4-10.
Finishing my first run later this evening but looks like I'll get around 15m in my 108t cargo Asp. Not bad, although I definitely ended up taking some that were less than 150k/t because I was just running low on time today.
Holy shit, quite a harrowing journey. Got interdicted about 6 times and still have two more deliveries to make in different systems. The worst was a Clipper that quickly destroyed my shields and took my hull down to 65% before I could jump out.
Loving these trading rank and rep increases![]()
What do you guys think, would a used DK1 be worth getting? They're available pretty cheap locally. Or could spend twice as much for a DK2
Bear in mind that many high-end parts cost about as much as the ship itself. And since an Anaconda runs upwards of 140M... no, 160 isn't going to cut it. I just ran the numbers on a build I'd like to see myself someday, and it was just short of 500M. The power plant alone actually cost more than the ship.How much do i need to save for an anaconda fully equipped? 160?
Bear in mind that many high-end parts cost about as much as the ship itself. And since an Anaconda runs upwards of 140M... no, 160 isn't going to cut it. I just ran the numbers on a build I'd like to see myself someday, and it was just short of 500M. The power plant alone actually cost more than the ship.
How much do i need to save for an anaconda fully equipped? 160?
Well, he did say "fully equipped".. hehe.If he's doing a trade build, then 170 is about right.
Depends what you wanna do with it.
You can get a functional trade conda for 180mil
I like the fuel tanks for longer range jumping, but you can obvs ditch those for more cargo if you want.
If you wanna do combat with it you're gonna need to spend 500m.
Well, he did say "fully equipped".. hehe.
Personally, I'd probably lean more towards a Type-9 for trading if I had the money to throw around. I ran the numbers on those, and it was only around 102M, with "fully equipped" in this case meaning nothing but cargo racks, and with higher cargo capacity than an Anaconda. I might actually do that in a bit once I get a bit more money to cover the insurance.
I can start with a trade build and do more profitable ceos runs to save for the "fully equipped" version
T9 jump range come close to asp?
Anyone running around Sothis/Ceos right now? I'm currently stacking in white AspX so say hey if you guys see me.
CMDR Max Vector
I am, but in Closed Play, maybe I'll switch to open.
Well, probably could have gone better if I had been pickier, but got 16 million from my first (and likely only) Sothis run in an ASP Explorer.
Oh man I found a new "home system"
BD+55 570, I love this place.
Decent high and haz RES spawns, and the 3 stations have all the components in system to A rate my FdL.
It's crazy to find a single system that sells all the core internal components for an FdL at A grade considering how much they vary in size.
Dk2 is good if you can get it cheap. Otherwise wait for gen 2 of the ViveWhat do you guys think, would a used DK1 be worth getting? They're available pretty cheap locally. Or could spend twice as much for a DK2
get some light weight module mods. It could help a lot in an aspFinally got the FSD on my Asp engineered. It's up to 50.07ly. Wish I could drop another couple of tons from the ship's mass.. I'd like to get it up around 51 or so. The only thing left to remove would be the shields, but I need those for planetary landings. I'm even running a smaller fuel tank to eke a couple more tons out of it.
Ok now I’m annoyed. I flew out to Latugara to do the CG. I’m about to fly into the station and this commander with a Clipper just comes full speed at me. I’m already in the entrance way so I couldn’t really move in time. He hits me which is whatever. However, it’s what he did after that pissed me off. I guess he was mad because he just kept ramming me until I died. I mean like really?
Edit: So I get back to the stations and know there is this DB Scout harassing this Anaconda. He even followed him in to the station to shot him. lol
I began to think today was not the day I'd find my prize, but then!
There she is. What a beauty. Got my fill of exploring for a while.Three pages turned in an only moved my exploration 13%. Oh well.
Had another 30 million sothis run which brings me to 180m. thinking of getting a trade conda and doing sothis runs to upgrade it.
One thing is frustrating. I have one more delivery mission from Ceos. And I cant discover where to deliver the thing in system. I have gone to ever damn rock in the system and the place its supposed to go fails to show up.....
I'm guessing doing Sothis runs in an Anaconda is going to result in more money faster than doing it in a Python, correct?
Also, anyone care to share their trade Anaconda build?
Oh yes. I got my Python, did two Sothis runs, sold it, and upgraded to the Anaconda. Higher jump range and double the cargo.
Here's a build.
Make sure you get the 15% discount at the correct faction.