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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface


I'm not friendly with any factions, will this still work for me?

I have 220 million, thinking about buying the Anaconda and upping my Sothis run game

Nah, you don't need to be pledged, friendly, or anything. They have a 15% discount on everything, I believe modules included but I haven't checked.
Productive day, engineered my Anaconda's FSD with a level 5 range upgrade. 8 rolls, I think it's alright. I went from 22 -> 32 ly jump range with my current outfitting. I wonder what it would get if I stripped it down with an Explorer build. After that I did a Sothis run for 80+ million. I guess I should have been doing these. I've known about them all along but I was to lazy to get out there.


2 snake in missions to Sothis and I tried to snag em but the server wouldn't respond and I had to back out and try again AND THE MISSIONS WERE GONE?!?!?! NOOOOOOO!!! 14 million for two deliveries to the neighboring system down the drain. feelsbadman

Haha that's the one.

While you're there make sure to snag some of their rare commodity. I think it's mugs? The further you get from there the more they'll be worth.


Told myself I wasn't going to do it but ended up selling the Python. Took another trip out to Sothis and between more data delivery missions and the trade missions I made a decent amount (had to work to get enough missions to spawn that didn't want to fill my entire cargo hold for just a few million) but the trip back gave me time think. I like the cargo space of the Python and how it looks inside and outside. However how it moves (because I couldn't afford to A rate this thing save the frame shift drive), the overall disappointing jump distance even with messing with some engineer upgrades, and the increasing cost to replace it if it was destroyed as I tried to upgrade different parts (thankfully didn't have to do that) it didn't seem worth it. At least for right now anyway. So once I got back tonight I sold it and rebought a Federal Assault Ship, an Asp Explorer, and a Keelback. All of these to go with the Cobra Mk III I had fitted and just stored in Rhea just to have one as I missed it My reasoning for the three ships was this.

Federal Assault Ship - I like the combat when I had this. I like the design and it was maneuverable in the way the Dropship wasn't. If I want to be serious about staying alive in a High RES or even a conflict zone I need something more dedicated. I might mess around with a Vulture at some point. Something like a Fer-de-lance is to expensive to buy and maintain.

Asp Explorer - Even though I don't really care for the design that much the jump range and cargo space was good for trading missions. If I want to explore I can outfit it well for landing on planets as well. I figure when 2.2 drops I can outfit this to do trading missions or the passenger missions. Also if I'm gong to do a another run to Sothis I'd rather do it in this and save a LOT of time. The trip out there the last time I took the Asp was 17 jumps I think. Maybe a bit less and around the same back after I messed with the setup. The Python was 30 going and 33 back. No. Never again.

Keelback - This primarily to have something that can launch a fighter when 2.2 goes live. I'm trying to find videos of people using it now in beta and I'm getting some ideas of how to outfit this. I don't know what I'll do it with though once I figure that out. I'm thinking of putting rail guns on it, some hull reinforcement and shield boosters. Maybe a maintenance kit if I can fit. Then just use it in a RES when I can or on planet. I don't need it to trade. So trying it out in combat could be interesting.

The goal is still to work up and buy an Anaconda (due to jump distance you can have, cargo, fighters, design, etc) but not until I have the money to outfit it from the start and can afford several rebuys. At least for me it seems having several ships is the way to go. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that but turns out that's the direction I've ended up in.
Dropped out of cruise literally on the ass end of a space station. Like <100 meters, had to full reverse to avoid the collision and nearly jumped out my chair seeing the station come in like that.


I'm grinding away at imperial rank so I can buy a cutter. I have the credits but not the rank. It's gonna take days I think.
Dropped out of cruise literally on the ass end of a space station. Like <100 meters, had to full reverse to avoid the collision and nearly jumped out my chair seeing the station come in like that.

Hahahha. I know the feeling. I got interdicted last night as I was getting close to a station that was right next to a earth-like planet. I was thinking. Ok, what ever, I'll just boost away like I always do. However, during the interdiction it spun me too close to the planet. I jumped out of my seat as it looked like I was going to crash into the planet. However, when I came out of supercruise, I was a lot further from the planet than it looked. Put a scare into me though.


Had one of those last night :) Looked away from my screen for a minute while jumping between systems. Looked back and my ENTIRE SCREEN WAS WHITE. I had gotten too close to a white supergiant. Thankfully got out in time, but I was too freaked out to take a screen shot.
Hahahha. I know the feeling. I got interdicted last night as I was getting close to a station that was right next to a earth-like planet. I was thinking. Ok, what ever, I'll just boost away like I always do. However, during the interdiction it spun me too close to the planet. I jumped out of my seat as it looked like I was going to crash into the planet. However, when I came out of supercruise, I was a lot further from the planet than it looked. Put a scare into me though.
That's nothing. The other day I got interdicted as soon as I jumped into a system and ended up spiraling into and through the sun. Fortunately it seemed to be a glitch as when the interdiction ended I was a proper distance away and in one piece. Did freak out for a moment though.
That's nothing. The other day I got interdicted as soon as I jumped into a system and ended up spiraling into and through the sun. Fortunately it seemed to be a glitch as when the interdiction ended I was a proper distance away and in one piece. Did freak out for a moment though.
Almost lost a ship that way when some damn AI interdicted me near a star. We both came out of it within broiling range and you'd think the AI would be as interested in getting the hell out of there as I was. Nope! Barely jumped away (like < 10% hull), and I'd like to think that damned AI got burnt to a cinder a few seconds after I left.


Nah, you don't need to be pledged, friendly, or anything. They have a 15% discount on everything, I believe modules included but I haven't checked.

Thanks for the info. Ended up getting the Conda at a cool 126 million instead of 146 million.

Almost blew it up 2nd time docking. I really hate the placement of some of the large landing pads inside stations.


Thanks for the info. Ended up getting the Conda at a cool 126 million instead of 146 million.

Almost blew it up 2nd time docking. I really hate the placement of some of the large landing pads inside stations.

Anything near the front of a station is annoying as hell. The numbers just don't show sometimes. Heaven forbid that an advanced space ship capable of traveling between the stars should be able to give you a rear view image. -_- It's why sometimes when I'm in something larger then the Cobra I'll use a docking computer. I don't need it but I rather not deal with the annoyance if I don't really need the module slot.
Yeah I'm staying in Solo for awhile...
I could never do that. I rather 15 sec log the odd griefer you face every odd week rather than only having NPCs to interact with for days. Nothing better during boring missions and travelling than chatting up a stranger and having a fun conversation ;-).

Or even better, you can troll any solo griefer like mad if you just reduce your speed to 0 in super cruise and always keep your nose towards them. Drives them mad when they are constantly overshooting you and can never get behind you to actually use their interdictor and pull you out of supercruise. Bonus points if you make fun of them in the chat while doing so.


I could never do that. I rather 15 sec log the odd griefer you face every odd week rather than only having NPCs to interact with for days. Nothing better during boring missions and travelling than chatting up a stranger and having a fun conversation ^_^.

Or even better, you can troll any solo griefer like mad if you just reduce your speed to 0 in super cruise and always keep your nose towards them. Drives them mad when they are constantly overshooting you and can never get behind you to actually use their interdictor and pull you out of supercruise. Bonus points if you make fun of them while doing so.

Nah see this guy is livestreaming his "mission" to blow people up. I got interdicted by him 4 times in a row. I'm just trying to make some money, not get blasted for someone else's convictions. I usually play Open, but not right now.

I like the interdiction tip. Thanks!
How much cash should I have to buy a Python capable of doing Sothis runs? Python itself is about ~56m and I have 50m in cash, plus my Asp which probably puts my total assets to about 60m.

1-2 more 20m Sothis runs?


I've not touched Solo. I mean I read that the Mobius group on the OP was really popular. I have no idea where to play really.


How much cash should I have to buy a Python capable of doing Sothis runs? Python itself is about ~56m and I have 50m in cash, plus my Asp which probably puts my total assets to about 60m.

1-2 more 20m Sothis runs?

Remember to follow this advice so you get yourself a discount.

Use eddb.io to search for stations that sell the modules and ships you need.

Filter the Li Yong-Rui under the powers menu. They provide a 15% ship and module discount I believe.



Read that ridiculously long post, then that first comment by Frontier got me.
Think they just updated heat weapons so they cap at 95% along with changes like the colder your ship runs the more resistant it is and tweaked heat sinks. I'd expect heat meta to die once guardians goes live.


Think they just updated heat weapons so they cap at 95% along with changes like the colder your ship runs the more resistant it is and tweaked heat sinks. I'd expect heat meta to die once guardians goes live.

I hope so. The heat really wasnt an issue for me... just the guy chasing me.


Good haul today, 25m in my Asp, got 40m. Expensive ships are looking really appealing now.

Nice. I spent just a few days doin ceos/sothis in my aspX. Made about 200 million. Bought a tradeconda at the 15% discount. Hello 330 cargo space....goodbye manuverability! This thing is huge!


Almost lost a ship that way when some damn AI interdicted me near a star. We both came out of it within broiling range and you'd think the AI would be as interested in getting the hell out of there as I was. Nope! Barely jumped away (like < 10% hull), and I'd like to think that damned AI got burnt to a cinder a few seconds after I left.

I guess I'll remember this when I complain next time about being interdicted as I am on planetary approach. Still annoying though when you are 25Mm out and get interdicted and end up being interdicted to 2000ls ............... the npc interdictions are crazy I got interdicted by a dude right at my 9 o clock yesterday....


WTF is he doing besindes shooting missiles on shields all the time and playing annoying music...
and wow, once he's through the shields, the hull is dead like glass. and this with ony 3 LVL2 seekers?

It was really frustrating. Basically it takes advantage of the heat overload so you melt from the inside.

This is the guy.

Anyway, another two runs down and another 64 mil in the bank.

Saw this little guy struggling here. Flew threw the slot and right into the wall.


Productive day, engineered my Anaconda's FSD with a level 5 range upgrade. 8 rolls, I think it's alright. I went from 22 -> 32 ly jump range with my current outfitting. I wonder what it would get if I stripped it down with an Explorer build. After that I did a Sothis run for 80+ million. I guess I should have been doing these. I've known about them all along but I was to lazy to get out there.

Did you have a goal? How did you know when to quit ? Lol
It was really frustrating. Basically it takes advantage of the heat overload so you melt from the inside.

This is the guy.

Anyway, another two runs down and another 64 mil in the bank.

Saw this little guy struggling here. Flew threw the slot and right into the wall.

I just want to say that there is a special place reserved inside a black hole for Cmdr's who put images in quote tags and then put a link on them. A very special place.
I've made some minor improvements to the setup.

I went and got some sticky backed foam from a hobby shop to better protect my desk surface.

I also got some cable clamps to keep the USB cables tucked away nicely and I hot glued a powered USB 3.0 hub below my desk so I can now plug in the HOTAS without cables going all over the place.

I'll try to get some pictures of the setup tmrw.

Here are some quick pics..


It's just photobucket, this is one of the reasons I really dislike the host.
I dislike that site as well.

Well hell I'll stop quoting them in then...
If you have a large image, putting just the image in quotes is great since all you have to do is click to enlarge it. When there is a URL on the image though it causes it to open a new tab every time you tried to click the image to enlarge/decrease it's size.


If you have a large image, putting just the image in quotes is great since all you have to do is click to enlarge it. When there is a URL on the image though it causes it to open a new tab every time you tried to click the image to enlarge/decrease it's size.

I understand. That would drive me crazy too, didn't realize that was the case.


do you need heat sinks for silent running ( I was typing cool runnings lol).... I have hit that button accidentally before and not killed my ship........

like if I just need to sneak into hostile station, dock then get shot to shit (remove bounty), should I bother?
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