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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface


If the aliens can live up to this then it should be entertaining.


That was a Conda.


Just got horizons yesterday, and it seems like all my jump sequences are longer now. Is it intended or is it a server issue? I am suffering occasional disconnects.


Just got horizons yesterday, and it seems like all my jump sequences are longer now. Is it intended or is it a server issue? I am suffering occasional disconnects.

It's most likely the server. They've been having various server issues practically since Horizons launched.
Can someone please fully explain how to escape an interdiction? I've never made it out of one, I always panic and reboot the computer (did they disable Alt+F4? Bastards!). It's happened so rarely (4 times?) I still don't know how to expect every possible problem. I know about zero throttle and boosting, my current problem is being mass-locked by the ship (of course my enemies had to be Anaconda classes) or whatever that message is. Is H the quickest way to jump to a system? Will it point you in the general direction? Fuck, I just want to trade in a Cobra for now, I can't even handle the pressure of outrunning a big ship much less do combat.

They REALLY need to add an interdiction training video, it would help me so much. They actually reduced the number of training videos but at least they go through everything step by step. The quality's an improvement but there's so much they should cover.

Obviously I haven't played in almost a month, I spent my savings on a Cobra and now have 160k so I feel like a noob.

IIRC I didn't even have anything except scrap rewards in my cargo, I was going TO buy commodities for a mission. Pirates are such assholes.
in the cobra you should be able to outrun pretty much everyone easily with mostly D parts. just throttle down when you're interdicted, set four pips to engine and two to system, full throttle immediatly when you're in normal space, use the boost constantly towards your target don't bother trying to turn, weave or fly around at all just go straight. if you're not quick enough to outrun, or the same npc keep interdicting, you jump out to another system instead of toward the target station/planet and then back.

the big ship mass lock reach out for 5km or so. if you can't deal with getting 5km between you and that anaconda just jump out to another system before jumping back.

not sure what H is, looks like the default function is next target or hostile target? isn't J the frame shift drive? I don't understand 'point you in the general direction', you should probably plot your route before heading out from the stations you start out at, so you don't have to fiddle with routing while worrying about getting interdicted. plot the full route directly to the target station too, not just to the target system.


So what next in Apam Napat now that the war is over? I don't think I can do bounty hunting at RES since GAF's not the controlling faction.


Have had my Rift for two weeks now and Elite Dangerous is amazing in VR!!!

I also decided to start with a new Commander so I'm back with the good old reliable Sidey

Elite Dangerous is worth getting a Rift for alone!


Finally getting back into the game a bit after having stopped completely during 2.1 beta... Let's see if this lasts more than a week or two for once. :p

I'm liking 2.2. Even if the glaring design and grind issues aren't completely fixed, the game starts to slowly feel less underdeveloped. Path filters, different station interiors, the engineers, fighters bringing a new vehicle dynamic, more non space port structures. The planet surface maps in the system map. Edit: Faces for pilots and mission givers of course! All that adds up.

Discovered my first earth like, too. My next goal is to engineer the ASP's FSD, maybe do a bit of bounty hunting or participate in a community goal or two in the bubble before heading out with the ASP again.


Lots of water, but I really want to be able to go there. Maybe they'll have a ship that doubles as submarine at some point? ;)


I'm a sucker for bling. :p It's literally space spoilers and bumpers.


When we get atmospheric landings we should make a list of everyone's earthlikes with their names on it so people can check em out.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
When we get atmospheric landings we should make a list of everyone's earthlikes with their names on it so people can check em out.

I don't even keep track of ELW's that I discover anymore. I used to, but after the first couple hundred I kind of stopped bothering. Now I only keep track of unlikely stuff like systems with more than one ELW in them and such.


Today I changed my old GTX680 for a brand new 1070 and jumped back into the game in VR! Loving it as always, but I'm having an issue getting the mission list and passenger lounge (first time I see this since the last time I played).

It keeps saying it failed to communicate with server, and has been saying this for the last couple hours. Do we know if there's some maintenance or something, or is it just me?


I don't even keep track of ELW's that I discover anymore. I used to, but after the first couple hundred I kind of stopped bothering. Now I only keep track of unlikely stuff like systems with more than one ELW in them and such.

Show-off! ;p

How many systems did you visit overall? I've now close to 1000 and there was one undiscovered Earthlike among them. Most of my play time has been spend in the bubble though and I've hardly moved away more than 1500 ly.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
How many systems did you visit overall? I've now close to 1000 and there was one undiscovered Earthlike among them. Most of my play time has been spend in the bubble though and I've hardly moved away more than 1500 ly.

Wow, I'm not actually sure how many systems I've explored today. I do know that when I got back from the Distant Worlds trip I had just passed 10,703 systems visited, but that was back in late May. I'm sure it's quite a bit higher by now.



Today I changed my old GTX680 for a brand new 1070 and jumped back into the game in VR! Loving it as always, but I'm having an issue getting the mission list and passenger lounge (first time I see this since the last time I played).

It keeps saying it failed to communicate with server, and has been saying this for the last couple hours. Do we know if there's some maintenance or something, or is it just me?

I have a bug where if I open the starport services screen as soon as I land (whilst the shutdown / hangar sequence is still animating) both the mission list and passenger lounge will not load, they just sit there blank. I have to completely quit out to the cockpit and re open starport services to get them to actually start pinging the server.


I have a bug where if I open the starport services screen as soon as I land (whilst the shutdown / hangar sequence is still animating) both the mission list and passenger lounge will not load, they just sit there blank. I have to completely quit out to the cockpit and re open starport services to get them to actually start pinging the server.

Weird. I did that a bunch of times and still no luck :(
Will try again later. Thanks!


No bald cap? Lies!
I have a bug where if I open the starport services screen as soon as I land (whilst the shutdown / hangar sequence is still animating) both the mission list and passenger lounge will not load, they just sit there blank. I have to completely quit out to the cockpit and re open starport services to get them to actually start pinging the server.

Same, though I only have to open the outfitting or similar window and then they'll load.


Had something similar happen to me this morning, the Passenger Lounge came up blank. As soon as I hit "Back", it suddenly popped up (instead of exiting the screen).


Neo Member
WTH!! i haven't played ED for a year, and now with 2.2 i thought i'd play some again. I've got a (..or.. had a) reasonably well equipped Vulture and i used to enter all kinds of sites and conflict zones without much trouble. i've dies 5-6 times in combat the last day. Ended messing up with the insurance and now i've lost it for good.

First i entered a conflict zone and took a side.. 2-3 sidewinders jumped on me immediately and i was dead in 10 sec. Then i tried a med/high resource site, same thing, 2-3 (should be easy) sidewinders and such came straight at me (no ship in wings) and smacked me hard.

Am i doing anything wrong? Has there been a shift in required ships/equipment, such as everybody needs an anaconda or some special engineer goods?

Now i'm without a ship, just doing basic data delivery missions which grants me like 1000 credits and almost no rep :/
Now i'm without a ship, just doing basic data delivery missions which grants me like 1000 credits and almost no rep :/

Mission payouts got broken in the latest update. It'll be fixed soon I believe.

If you've got a ship big enough, passenger missions pay out very well, especially if you are friendly or allied with a local faction. I went from Asp to Python this week, not grinding, just playing a local-ish space where I was friendly with the locals.


Neo Member
i took the free sidewinder to a low intensity conflict zone just to see what happened.. killed within 5 seconds after choosing a side. looks like it's not really possible to do combat anymore without good ships at all.

I've played ED (mostly 1-2 years ago, right after launch) for a few hundred hours, mostly fighting, which is what i liked. I never got into how the rep, trading, factions really worked. Like if i should stick around in one system for weeks to get local rep, or follow the faction i've pledged to. I just get low reward missions which leads me to think i have to grind local faction rep. I don't get any fed combat missions anymore like i used to, so maybe there's been some changes in the game after the faction powerplay update.

Not Spaceghost

I have a bug where if I open the starport services screen as soon as I land (whilst the shutdown / hangar sequence is still animating) both the mission list and passenger lounge will not load, they just sit there blank. I have to completely quit out to the cockpit and re open starport services to get them to actually start pinging the server.

Yeah that's a common one, I get that a lot too.
Ruins site is pretty interesting. When you're directly above it and pitched down so the surface is a flat plane, the obelisks almost look like a constellation. Wonder when we'll see what's next.

New ship scale video from an SRV parked in mail slot. Out of game. Audio warning.

lol the camera shaking. And wtf did they do to the late ships. They all look like they came back from a distant world expedition :D

this one is nice as well - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRYWlezRLE4


A little dose of daily truth from reddit:

"How it feels to play ED"



On another note, when I modified the ASP during the weekend, I couldn't help but wonder, why the outfitting screen/hangar has to be so goddamn convoluted when trying to get a shot of your own ship. Other vehicle centered online games (War Thunder, World of Tanks etc.) really show how it's done. Have an external camera centered on the vehicle in the hangar and rotate it quickly and freely with the mouse. Throw in mouse wheel zoom and you're golden.

Meanwhile in Elite you have to do half a vodoo dance (the unwieldy debug camera) in order to take so much as a pretend spaceship selfie in your bloody hangar and outfitting screen.


It's a lot more like Space Trucking Simulator.

Depends heavily on your activity. Bounty hunting? Mining? Farming through and through. ;)

I've relocated to Apam Napat yesterday. Tried my hand at mining - again - and the experience was...

- Deliver 12 units of Osmium, get nearly a Mio. credits from the NeoGAF faction. Sounds pretty ok, taken the mission.
- Google for a system with prestine metallic rings in the vincinity, get one about 60ly out. Having to use external tools to get anywhere in the first place, but that's par for the course by now.
- Get out the trusty mining T6, constitutes about the bare minimum for a capable mining ship. If I drop shields scanners and fuel scoop that is. Loaded up with limpets and off we go.
- Fly there with a range that's only enough for one way without stopping at a station to refuel. Realize it had escaped me that I never visited or scanned the target system before. My first system with a neuturon star though, so that's something.
- Get back to Apam Napat, refuelling stop at a station included, switch to exploration ASP, go to system, scan the ringed bodies, find out that they no longer have pristine reserves anymore and Google's info was out of date. Doesn't matter, Osmium's not that rare.
- Head back again, switch to the T6, travel to mining site.
- Drop into mining site and discover that... In order to store the T6 earlier I had to sell the cargo, meaning limpets and I bloody forgot to restock after switching to the T6 from the ASP. Mining without limpets. Yay....not. >:[


Head ----> Wall.

Next thing will be to farm the remaining 12th unit of Osmium, haul it back to the Neogaf mission giver with a refueling stop in between, as the mining layout doesn't work with a fuel scoop without having to sacrifice significant cargo space, put the T6 away and never touch mining again, unless I manage to get the credits for something like a T9.
Haha, yup, similar thing happened to me when I was on a mining trip and found a Li-Yong Rui system. I had wanted to buy a Vulture since I had gotten its ship kits, so I went to buy it and store it (I would ship it back to Apam Napat when I got back there), but it said I couldn't transfer drones.

Ignoring the fact that I was confused for about five mins because I didn't know what a drone was (since the Outfitting screen only refers to them as "limpets"), I eventually figured it out, sold my "drone" limpets, bought the Vulture, stored it, switched back to my keelback, and off I went to mine!

No limpets. Holy hell, I can't even IMAGINE was mining was like prior to having limpets.


Then there is the limpet implementation itself. While limptes are very much essential to mining, I could probably hardly come up with a more convoluted solution if I tried to.

There are different types of limpets. Fuel limpets, hatch breakers, prospectors and collectors. For each type, there is a separate controller module available. Limpets however are uniform (I believe? Or are hatch breakers separate? o_O) and have to be bought in the rearmament screen and stored in a cargo compartment. In order to use the limpts, one has to bind the installed controllers to any fire key in a fire group, open the cargo hatch and hit the corresponding fire button to send out a limpet. At the very least for prospector and collector limpets, at the time you fire them, while they aren't distinguished types of cargo, or am I mistaken here?

Add to that that limptets are comsumables, because a small type of drone cannot possibly be refueled, like the SRV or wholly rebuild in the ship, like the fighters. *rollseyes* Once fired, they roam around until they reach the end of their short life. I could see that for prospectors, having dug completely into their respective asteroid and hatch breakers, potentially prying open cargo hatches with some sort of explosive, but collectors?


I mine in my conda. Its numerous internal compartments make all the limpets and refining a breeze. Mining is still kind of tedious though.

Mengy, you're gonna give us a heads up here regarding your findings tonight before you tell the official forums, right? Eh?


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Anyone running in to issues with SLI where landable planets flicker from lit up to extremely dark? When I only had one card, landable planets would be dark and then light up after a few seconds. Now it continuously changes from one to another.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So I think I've discovered what the alien ruins are, this is the post I made on the official topic for this kind of stuff. See what you guys think of my theory:

Mengy's Alien Ruins Stellar Map Theory

Okay, so I’ve either figured out what the ruins are, or I’ve discovered a number of truly amazing and improbable coincidences of design. But, from what I have here in front of me, I do strongly believe that the alien ruins are a stellar map giving us directions for where to follow and investigate whoever made them, or possibly something else of importance.

The summary is this: I believe the large pad represents the ruin system SYNUEFE XR-H D11-102, the peak of the north pyramid above the large pad represents SOL, the small pad represents the system COL 132 SECTOR CN-Z B30-10, and the peak of the pyramid internal to the ruins likely represents system IC 2602 SECTOR PS-J B9-10.

Now, how did I arrive at this, and what proof do I have? Let me explain how I slowly, clumsily, but mathematically came to these conclusions.

From the moment I saw the ruins in person, that north pyramid bothered me. The entire site seemed very deliberate, but that north pyramid was just a few degrees off center of the complex. It prodded at my inner engineer, and it was either a grievous mistake by whoever built the ruins, OR it was done intentionally, but for what reason? I spent a lot of time poking around exploring the ruins but the stellar map idea didn't occur to me until I went to leave for Jameson Memorial. When I opened the galaxy map to plot my course I realized that my bookmarks for both Sol and the ruin system seemed, when viewed from above, to be offset about the same relative amount in the Y axis as the pyramid is to the large pad.

That's the moment I started working on my map theory.

I began surveying the site, taking measurements using my SRV and Anaconda to get distances between features. I was immediately surprised to find that the distance in meters between the north pyramid peak and the large pad center is very close to the distance in light years between Sol and SYNUEFE XR-H D11-102. It wasn't exact but only off by like 10%. I made other measurements and worked out a rough stellar map on paper using geometry, but it was cumbersome so I instead took an overhead picture of the ruins that someone posted in this thread, imported it into CAD, and plotted out the feature measurements of the ruins. And this is what I got:

It looked great! The large ridge running south of the large pad marked the X axis of the galaxy while the small ridge jutting off of that marked the galaxy's Y axis. It was however a 2D map, the galaxy is 3D, and since Sol and the ruins are not on the same plane I knew that whatever (if anything) the small pad was representing could be on any location of the Z axis. I realized that what was important were the two distances that I had: 886 lys to the Ruins, and 1244 lys to SOL. I just needed to find a system whose location matched both of those irregardless of the Z axis!

So I used CAD again to make a 3D model using the geometry and lengths of the map while keeping that small pad system (I started calling it Alpha Target) moveable in Z, with both Sol and the Ruins fixed. This allowed me to query a range of possible locations and coordinates for the Alpha Target system.

And so I started exploring and searching for a system which met my criteria. I figured my numbers didn't need to match precisely, my mapmaking was certainly not completely accurate, but any systems within a few light years of matching the criteria would be good candidates. Or so I thought, because I quickly realized that space is vast, and actually finding one system to meet even close to my two distances wasn't an exact science. I spent a few days searching over a hundred systems, and I did discover a couple promising candidates, systems with landable worlds that were close to hitting my numbers, but nothing convincing, nothing outstanding. I began to wonder if my theory was full of holes.

While exploring I discovered a gorgeous ice world and took a break from system hopping to run around the surface a bit for fun. When I recalled my Anaconda and approached to board I realized that the distance point of reference to the ship wasn't actually centered on the ship, the marker was offset by quite a bit. It dawned on my that although my ship had been centered on the large pad back when I measured the ruins, the distance marker from the ship would NOT have been centered! I realized that I didn't have as much faith in my map as I thought I had.

I decided to head back to the ruins, take my own aerial HD pic of the site, and do some more intensive surveying of the features. I flew back to Jameson and got my Keelback this time, a smaller ship that would be easier to center and mark locations. THIS time I placed the ship much more carefully, but while situating the Keelback on the large pad a revelation occurred to me: the actual center of the round pad isn't what's important, the intersection of the three vertical structures placed around the top of the large pad is!

The black metal structures might be alignment markers. I started looking around the ruins at other black structures and suddenly my mapping became MUCH more accurate, as many of the black structures can be used to very accurately place the lines in my CAD map, to a much higher degree than I had managed before. They marked off the galaxy X and Y axis, they mark the centers of both pads, etc. They weren't very prominent on my original top down shot that I used, but on my new HD shot they stood out clear as a bell. And this time, much to my astonished surprise, my measured distance from the peak of the north pyramid to the intersection point on the large pad was exactly 368m, corresponding exactly with the distance of the ruins at 368 lys from Sol:

Placing the ship properly made all the difference. The ruins now seemed to be a one to one scale stellar map marking off straight line distance between systems, where one meter equals one light year exactly. I proceeded to measure everything else anew again while being careful to put the Keelback down with it's marker location where I wanted it (this is actually a tad forward on the Keelback, not in it's middle).

I had new numbers that were close to my original map's but certainly different, and after adjusting my 3D coordinate finder model I realized that I'd been searching in the wrong area all along, not by more than a few dozen light years but enough to matter. I quickly adjusted my CAD map with the new numbers and had a brand new map that was very similar but very different in where it would send me.

Here is the improved and much more accurate map:

Using the black structures as guide lines in CAD greatly tightened the map up, it's numbers now precisely matched my in game surveying numbers:

But I still had an area to search for that alpha target, and I started wondering if the map itself could somehow give my my missing Z axis, surely whoever built this thing had thought of that? I started searching for some clues, looking over every corner of the site. This is where I had my second profound revelation: The walls of the ruins aren't walls at all, they are meant to symbolize that the system the small pad represents is on the same galactic plane as the ruins system, SYNUEFE XR-H D11-102!!!! Thats why the "walls" connect the large and small pads, it locks them together on the galactic plane! Since the ruins lie at Z = -49.34 I eagerly went to my 3D coordinate finder, locked the Alpha Target to Z = -50, got my new coordinates, and opened the galaxy map to hurriedly see what was around my new target area, and Lo and Behold, for the first time during this entire mapping project there was a system exactly where my map was telling me to look!

COL 132 SECTOR CN-Z B30-10. That's what I think the small pad represents.

I mean it was exact, we're talking plus or minus less than one light year of a difference in any axis! My jaw literally hung open for a whole minute as I just marveled at it on my screen, I felt like Indiana Jones in the map room. What would greet me upon jumping into this system?

Well, here is the system, and the measurements to SOL and the Ruins from it, they match my map precisely:

It's an M class star with many landable planets on it. I only quickly scouted them, IMHO planet 3 hold's promise as it's the most like the first ruins planet. Plus 3 has really interesting topography, it's surface features are intense.

Now about that pyramid inside the ruin walls, my "beta target". My map also locates a 99% exact coordinate match for that as well, as long as you assume that it also lies on the same galactic plane as the large and small pad. I made this assumption since it is inside the "walls" and not outside like the north pyramid is (SOL). I think the system the inner pyramid represents is IC 2602 SECTOR PS-J B9-10. Here it is, with distance measurements that match my map's:

I've either figured out what the ruins are or I've discovered a hugely improbable coincidence! Now, as for what actually lies IN these two target systems I've located, I've not found anything special yet in my quick exploration of both systems. System IC 2602 SECTOR PS-J B9-10 has some really crazy orbits in it though, I don't think I've seen a system quite like it:

If my theory here is convincing enough then maybe we'll get some more commanders to join the exploration and actually find something new for the puzzle! If we find nothing then I'm just a crazy explorer who needs to be slapped around a bit, lol.


So the Guardians leave behind a trail for the dumb humans to eventually follow, I can live with that
as long as it doesn't turn out like Prometheus did
. It'll be a hell of a coincidence if it doesn't pan out, nice work.


So the Guardians leave behind a trail for the dumb humans to eventually follow, I can live with that
as long as it doesn't turn out like Prometheus did
. It'll be a hell of a coincidence if it doesn't pan out, nice work.

You don't like albino dudes that want to kill us?
+1 to Mengy's exploration experiment.

Finally got to "Friendly" rank w/NeoGAF in Apam Napat. I don't know if it was the recent civil war or what but GAF faction's influence has more than doubled. We're just under half as influential as the leading faction, the Apam Napat Empire Assembly.
Anyone running in to issues with SLI where landable planets flicker from lit up to extremely dark? When I only had one card, landable planets would be dark and then light up after a few seconds. Now it continuously changes from one to another.

It's a known issue, it's annoying as all hell, they've been aware of it for a while now (months) and they say they are working on it but don't hold your breath.


Just a quick question about engineer upgrades. Do you have to do them in steps like 1-2-3 etc. Or could you go from 0-5 if you have them all unlocked?
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