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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface


Okay the Vulture is pretty fun. Was messing around with one tonight. Here's the build I have on it at the moment. Nothing modded though.

https://coriolis.edcd.io/outfit/vul...27252f.Iw19kA==.Aw19kA==.&bn=NeoStar9 Vulture

I think I might switch the multi-cannon out though for another beam laser and set the prioty for the cargo hatch and fuel scoop to 2. That way I might be okay once the weapons are deployed. The beam seems to be doing better damage anyway. I have to be to close for the multi-cannon and when I get that close I get higher priority for the larger ships.

This was the first time I've been properly fighting Fer-De-Lances. Those things can move and won't go down easy even with multiple ships hitting it.

Have been considering messing around with a Viper Mk IV with this possible loadout but not sure if it's worth it. They seem similar but the Vulture would still be faster and still have stronger shields. I kinda miss my FAS now after flying Vulture though. At least in that I could tank hits more and didn't have to constantly be moving the ship all over the place to stay out of the light of fire. That gets annoying after a while.


The best protip anybody can give you is to do all the tutorials first. This game has a strict learning curve but once you get the hang of the controls it opens up immensely. Just be patient and keep at it. Stay in the Sidewinder until you have the controls down. Above all just have fun and play the game your way. I'm on Xbox if you need a wing. GT: YOUGONLEARN2DAY

Thanks mate, I've been doing the tutorials as advised but I cannot pass the advanced combat training mission. The sidewinder is pitchs and yaw slow.
Thanks mate, I've been doing the tutorials as advised but I cannot pass the advanced combat training mission. The sidewinder is pitchs and yaw slow.

Keep the speed in the blue area of the throttle for optimum turning speed and never rely on yaw for anything but very fine tuning. You can go FA off for even better shot opportunities but that will take a bit of getting used to. Don't forget to use the other thrusters to your advantage too.


Thanks mate, I've been doing the tutorials as advised but I cannot pass the advanced combat training mission. The sidewinder is pitchs and yaw slow.

Keep the speed in the blue area of the throttle for optimum turning speed and never rely on yaw for anything but very fine tuning. You can go FA off for even better shot opportunities but that will take a bit of getting used to. Don't forget to use the other thrusters to your advantage too.

This video is pretty nice to explain thrusters with boost or keeping your position in combat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hElXzArVdmM


Thanks mate, I've been doing the tutorials as advised but I cannot pass the advanced combat training mission. The sidewinder is pitchs and yaw slow.

The tutorial is actually far harder than your typical combat encounters in game proper. I couldn't pass the tutorial but i have no problems fighting NPCs while bounty hunting, provided the AI is carrying too much firepower.



- Doubled hull health for:
- Hauler
- Type 6
- Keelback
- Type 7
- Type 9 Heavy

- Added new military slots to the following ships:
- Eagle: 1x size 2
- Imperial Eagle: 1x size 2
- Viper Mk III: 1x size 3
- Viper Mk iV: 1x size 3
- Vulture: 1x size 5
- Federal Dropship: 2x size 4
- Federal Gunship 3x size 4
- Federal Assault ship: 2x size 4
- Imperial Cutter: 2x size 5
- Federal Corvette 2x size 5
- Anaconda: 1x5 size 5

Well shit. That's not small buffs.


I don't understand this:
- Anaconda: 1x5 size 5
Does it mean 1x size 5 or 5x size 5 or something else.

If its 1x then that sucks compared to other ships of its class, and if its 5x then that's way too many.


What's the deal with the aliens? Can you fight them, loot their ships, install organic weaponry on your own? Fly their craft? Dock at their stations?

Right now they're more like an easter egg.


What's the deal with the aliens? Can you fight them, loot their ships, install organic weaponry on your own? Fly their craft? Dock at their stations?

Right now they're more like an easter egg.

At the moment it's an encounter, nothing more or nothing less. Some say its scanning ships, others say its infecting ships. But the bottom line is, its a sign of things to come.


What's the deal with the aliens? Can you fight them, loot their ships, install organic weaponry on your own? Fly their craft? Dock at their stations?

Right now they're more like an easter egg.

Nailed it. Just foreshadowing and more of an event to get people excited. 0 content with them right now other than crash sites but that's just the typical explorer screenshot bs.

I don't understand this: Does it mean 1x size 5 or 5x size 5 or something else.

If its 1x then that sucks compared to other ships of its class, and if its 5x then that's way too many.

Done that way because it's a multi-role. Cutter and Corvette are warships.


At the moment it's an encounter, nothing more or nothing less. Some say its scanning ships, others say its infecting ships. But the bottom line is, its a sign of things to come.

Nailed it. Just foreshadowing and more of an event to get people excited. 0 content with them right now other than crash sites but that's just the typical explorer screenshot bs.

Done that way because it's a multi-role. Cutter and Corvette are warships.
Thank you guys.

Infection might be interesting, but Elite is not as densely populated to warrant it. Worked for WoW and Destiny, might not work for them.

Will keep an eye on this as it develops.

Haven't booted up Elite in over six months.


Thank you guys.

Infection might be interesting, but Elite is not as densely populated to warrant it. Worked for WoW and Destiny, might not work for them.

Will keep an eye on this as it develops.

Haven't booted up Elite in over six months.

Doesn't need to be densely populated, people are actively trying to get hyperdicted by the aliens. Personally I'm staying the hell away and living off of other peoples videos. It's the same every time so I don't really need to experience it for myself...do I?

Oh screw it, I'm heading out there tonight! GIVE ME YOUR ALIEN BABIES!


Doesn't need to be densely populated, people are actively trying to get hyperdicted by the aliens. Personally I'm staying the hell away and living off of other peoples videos. It's the same every time so I don't really need to experience it for myself...do I?

Oh screw it, I'm heading out there tonight! GIVE ME YOUR ALIEN BABIES!

If they made the materials from scanning them worth a fortune somewhere or make it necessary to craft some sort of weapon or defense against them it might change things.


If they made the materials from scanning them worth a fortune somewhere or make it necessary to craft some sort of weapon or defense against them it might change things.
The coolest thing they could do? Make these aliens your ally. You'll get to earn reputation toward their faction(s), earn their gear and fly their weird alien missions.

And you'd be doing all this in order to prepare for another, hostile alien race. You'd then take them on alongside the organic ship aliens.

Edit: I completely forgot that they're bringing Elite to PS4. I hope they do Pro enhancements. I'd play that a lot.


The coolest thing they could do? Make these aliens your ally. You'll get to earn reputation toward their faction(s), earn their gear and fly their weird alien missions.

And you'd be doing all this in order to prepare for another, hostile alien race. You'd then take them on alongside the organic ship aliens.

Edit: I completely forgot that they're bringing Elite to PS4. I hope they do Pro enhancements. I'd play that a lot.

I think something like that is beyond FD's design team. I'd die laughing when their missions are "Deliver 10 Snarfilar to Col 70 Sector H34 B10-25 for 10,000 cr."

Being a bit of an asshole here but their art and sound departments are the only thing saving this game from complete mediocrity. That and the people responsible for the core flight model/mechanics. Either they have the worst management in the business when it comes to developing a feature schedule or their content team is just blowing it. Maybe their infrastructure and tools are awful.


So what does it mean that the commodities are removed?

I didn't play in a while, so what do a player has to do to get a Blueprint now? nothing?


So what does it mean that the commodities are removed?

I didn't play in a while, so what do a player has to do to get a Blueprint now? nothing?

The overall process is still the same from what I gather. For those that don't know modifications from engineers require data scanned information (from targeting ships, scanning wakes, etc) and salvage you'd pick up from destroyed ships, signal sources and minerals (iron, etc) you get from going down to planets and driving around. You generally come by these by just playing and traveling. Not a big deal really. The minerals are tricker because you have to pick the right planet type and know how to read the scanner.

The commodities though could only be gotten via mission rewards or mined in astroids and were hard to come by because they were random as mission rewards, took up inventory space since you couldn't store them anywhere when you didn't need them or extremely time consuming to mine in asteroids. That aspect is removed. So you just now have the other stuff above where the most time consuming material will be the minerals found on planets but those don't take up inventory space. None of the materials did.

I would imagine the blueprints themselves will stay the same save for the commodity requirement. For example for Increased FSD Range Grade 3 you won't need Modular Terminals anymore to process the mod anymore but still likely everything else.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
DTS Headphone X is the real deal, I didn't think the game could sound any better.

Just tried it out with my Siberia 150's... fucking awesome, I can't imagine how good it is with a premium set of headphones.

Tried the combat training scenario to test out the surround sound, had full positional awareness on every pass, can't wait to give it a fuller play after work tonight!


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Not in the patch notes but now live in the game:

Commodities removed from blueprints.

Thank God, that removes a huge and terribly annoying component to the engineers. I don’t mind the materials as much because you can collect them and store them over time and between ships easily, but the components without storage just sucks.
What would people recommend as a ship with about 60 million? Right now I'm in an Asp Explorer still, but this beast just jumps too far for so little cash that upgrading looks pointless right up until the Conda. Have I missed a good upgrade somewhere?

This is an article about Fallout 4?

That's also not Eurogamer

A day of playtime and what do I have to show for it? 231k credits, that's it. It's ridiculous. FD obviously just let this mode die. However, the community's reaction disappoints me more than FD. Many CQC players on the forums have asked about increasing the rewards somehow. However, you have people that always say, ”You don't have to buy anything" or ”You don't have to pay for when your ship gets destroy, so you should be lucky you get any credits at all." I mean I just don't understand this perspective at all. Here's a game mode where you actually have to try and need skill to do well. It's not like they would be handing out free credits. In comparison, someone who trades can make tenfold in rewards and they are in no danger whatsoever and it takes little effort.

It just bugs me because I really like CQC. The combat is so much different compared to the main game. It's about speed, maneuverable, outthinking your opponents, using the environment, and knowing when to engage. In the main game it's mainly just jousting and the person with the better ship will win a majority of the time.

I really hope FD sits down one day and thinks about just rehualing CQC altogether. Better rewards, hell it doesn't even have be credit rewards. How about some skins or something that are exclusive to CQC? Maybe find some way to integrate it into the main game. People would be more inclined to play it, if you didn't have to go to another menu. Adding more ships, it blows my mind that they didn't even take the time to put the Taipan Fighter into it the last update. More maps that use the environment, that's one of the best things about CQC is using the environment to your advantage. Also balance is pretty meh, everyone flies the Condor or Imperial Fighter. The Eagle is pretty decent once you unlock more stuff for it; however the Sidewinder is just useless. So, some balance changes with some new weapons would be nice.

However, I'm probably in the minority here and there just isn't a big enough player base for it to warrant any updates. I mean the least they could do is just make it F2P. I mean it wouldn't hurt. More people playing and it could increase sales for the main game.

Not Spaceghost

Yeah I love CQC as well and I am sad that it takes so long to even get a game going because no one wants to play it.

I think I have played a total of 4hrs of it over 6 months.
Yeah I love CQC as well and I am sad that it takes so long to even get a game going because no one wants to play it.

I think I have played a total of 4hrs of it over 6 months.

I will say they did fix the matchmaking last patch and it's easier to get into games now. However, for the most part you have to play at certain times when the main CQC players are on (around 19.00 UTC.) Also you pretty much have to play Deathmatch for the most part. Getting into TDM and CTF is really hard unless you plan ahead, and get groups on at certain times.


Yeah I love CQC as well and I am sad that it takes so long to even get a game going because no one wants to play it.

I think I have played a total of 4hrs of it over 6 months.

I really don't get why CQC isn't free to play. The idea I believe is ok, but few people will want to fool around in fighters rather then playing the real thing unless they get some actual ingame benefit from it worth of note.

Even as a F2P mode, I don't see the appeal for active Elite players, unless they're hell bend on having some fighter PvP. But as F2P, at least the barrier of entry would be gone and it might serve as a good "demo" PvP game.


That 100,000,000CR mission for investigating Alien ruins!

Looks like I gotta take my DBX for a 571LY trip from Maia when I get home from work.


So it seems they fixed the mission payouts with the patch as well. At least what's what the official forums say but it's based on your rank now. Assumed it was supposed to be before but I guess they fixed it.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
That 100,000,000CR mission for investigating Alien ruins!

Looks like I gotta take my DBX for a 571LY trip from Maia when I get home from work.

Yep! It isn't a quick nor simple mission though, that 100 million is going to take a good amount of work. It's the first actual exploration mission to be implemented into the game though, woot!!!!
Just noticed Aisling Duval is on the 3rd Powerplay spot while Arissa is at the bottom as it should be.

Frontier will make Aisling the new Emperor any second now!



So it seems they fixed the mission payouts with the patch as well. At least what's what the official forums say but it's based on your rank now. Assumed it was supposed to be before but I guess they fixed it.

As a newer player with about 20 hours, what does this actually mean? My ranks are pretty low. In fact, I can barely understand what ranks are what. There are so many systems that even if I take quests from one area to another, I'm not really sure what is getting ranked up. I obviously need to do a bit more research to understand this more!

On a side note, driving an SRV in VR is not a good feeling. Sick within minutes. I can fly for hours in VR though.


On a side note, driving an SRV in VR is not a good feeling. Sick within minutes. I can fly for hours in VR though.
Same for me. I've never had motion sickness in my life until I was driving down a very bumpy mountainside in the SRV. Almost vomited, so I had to go lay down for a couple of hours before I felt normal again. If it's a flat surface, it's no problem, but if it gets a little bumpy I log out, turn off the Oculus and play on the monitor.

There are some options to reduce camera shake and stuff to reduce motion sickness, but it didn't help me very much. :( Luckily flying isn't a problem.
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