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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface


Are there any confirmed plans on tweaking the engineers material grind?

I'm currently in the process of unlocking all of them but I'm not sure if I want to bother leveling them up to 5 since some of those materials are so pretty fuckin' rare it's crazy.
I hope so, but I know they will keep a grind to some degree. I wish they would do something to make it less frustrating to find the rare materials. Maybe only have them behind a USS containing a wing of 3 Elite Anacondas or something. That would also be inventive to wing up. I think Frontier should have more "raid boss" type things that are meant to be fought as a wing.


In the unlikely event anyone has tried this, has anyone been about to use a HOTAS while playing Elite over Steam in-home streaming? I tried it and couldn't get the HOTAS input to be recognized, but I could use the Steam controller.
There are also private PVE groups out there for people who want to encounter other players but not get ganked by a Corvette in the starting system. Moebius is the largest community. You can find out more and join here: https://elitepve.com/

I am on PS4 and for some reason I have been over looking private groups

this is the 3rd time I have seen Moebius mentioned

I am wondering if Sony allows you to play with PC players or does moebius have a PS4 group too
what is a lockdown?

have you guys noticed that this game is like having a full time job?

I got greedy and removed my SRV and some cargo slots to add a Cabin so I can make some money ubering people around.

I failed to read the first 5 dudes I picked up, they don't want me to drop them somewhere they want me to be a tourist guide so I have to go to 3 different systems that have like 7 jumps in between and I have to make sure I scan some beacon at whatever silly thing these guys want to see.

right now I don't feel like turning on my PS4 to finish this chore but I feel if I don't turn it on I might forget

anyone know if these transport things are on a timer? It did not seem to be timed


what is a lockdown?

have you guys noticed that this game is like having a full time job?

I got greedy and removed my SRV and some cargo slots to add a Cabin so I can make some money ubering people around.

I failed to read the first 5 dudes I picked up, they don't want me to drop them somewhere they want me to be a tourist guide so I have to go to 3 different systems that have like 7 jumps in between and I have to make sure I scan some beacon at whatever silly thing these guys want to see.

right now I don't feel like turning on my PS4 to finish this chore but I feel if I don't turn it on I might forget

anyone know if these transport things are on a timer? It did not seem to be timed

Yeah this game takes a lot of time and it has a steep learning curve just a job lol, I have not done tourist mission yet but it should say if it is timed.

I only have done one taxi mission spent 35 minuets getting to the destination only to press O by accident instead deploying my landing gear my ship flew into the back of the space station... boom, big explosion, ball of fire mission failed.
Thank you Ram Tah. Finally broke the 1 Billion in Assets barrier.




Engineers is so awful. It can't be stated enough.
Lol. Welcome to Horizons. They used to be so much worse if you can imagine. 1 material collected at a time, no exchange system for special effects, commodities needed to be hauled in your cargo for certain blueprints.
Yeah this game takes a lot of time and it has a steep learning curve just a job lol, I have not done tourist mission yet but it should say if it is timed.

I only have done one taxi mission spent 35 minuets getting to the destination only to press O by accident instead deploying my landing gear my ship flew into the back of the space station... boom, big explosion, ball of fire mission failed.

ugh yeah, I'm still pressing the wrong puttons and doing something like shooting instead of scanning, it really sucks if you spend half an hour or even 2 hours trying to complete something only to have it end up in a fail due to wrong button press

this game is work but at least if I make the CR I can fly the ship I want, EVE online is more like a 16 year University where you have to learn for every module before you can even fly a new class of ship

I think I like the work flow in this game better. I am still learning


Can't get this vulture to work for me >:[

I guess I just really suck at combat. My whole plan was to save for a good combat ship though. Now I feel like I've lost my only real goal.

Vulture is a specialized combat ship. Like a katana when you need a broadsword. Something with some ability to run a wider array of offensive and defensive options while you learn to fight. Before you step to a super nimble ship with twin large hardpoints(which are not easy to manage without experience.)

Go fight some medium sized ships in a upgraded Viper and let it be your combat lab trainer.


Need to start fights from behind the target and manage your power and vertical thrusters to stay there. You can even boost and switch between top and bottom thrusters to not overshoot the target since the boost is dumped into whatever active thruster is engaged. There's a good Vindicator Jones series of videos on combat techniques. Hopefully you guys are also targeting the power plant subsystem on the mid to large ships. Disables them and has a chance to make them explode at 0%.


Lol. Welcome to Horizons. They used to be so much worse if you can imagine. 1 material collected at a time, no exchange system for special effects, commodities needed to be hauled in your cargo for certain blueprints.

Yeah I remember. It was somehow even worse back then lol.

About to upgrade my Asp's FSD. Hope it doesn't suck.


Unconfirmed Member
Frontier coming up with the title for this game:
"So we asked ourselves: what kind of pilots are we looking for? Elite... Dangerous..."



Was trying to learn to use the Steam controller to play... Man it is certainly a different beast than my X52. I tried going to a Hazardous RES and engaged a Federal Assault Ship, managed to remove its shields quickly, then the yaw with the control scheme I was using quit working for some reason, and I was also scrambling to figure out how to toggle flight assist. My shields got dropped so I bailed. Part of my problem was having to switch fire groups to use chaff, SCBs, and heat sinks. I also needed to turn off "fire deploys hard points", because I was trying to charge FSD and tried to use chaff while doing so and stopped my FSD charge.

I might just need to make up my own Steam controller scheme. The one I used was good, and included gyro head look.

Can't wait to actually be back on my X52 though.


Neo Member
Ended up stranded on route to some place due to poor calculation of fuel. Dying due to axfixiation in deep space with nothing but the void felt incredibly disturbing.

So true. Just picked up the game on PS4 this week and that is the most disturbing experience I’ve had with a game in awhile. The original Quake drowning sound was bad too.
my little cobra is in really good shape so I'll hold on to it until Python in a few weeks too bad this was not on my Switch I have to be in Atlanta most of next week gonna miss out on grind time


my little cobra is in really good shape so I'll hold on to it until Python in a few weeks too bad this was not on my Switch I have to be in Atlanta most of next week gonna miss out on grind time
It could be on Switch if that Rainway thing turns out to actually work as advertised :p

Legit though if it could actually run on Switch, ED would be cool especially with the gyro for head look.


Dear Frontier,



I'm glad you put in ship transfer, but why must you insist on making it as cumbersome as possible? I was expecting maybe a 20 minute wait for 210 LY, but nope, 40 minutes.

I think it should be either pay a fee or wait for a while, not both.




I feel like I have to say my piece on this game:

Now people seem to be saying this feels like a job - and I'd agree. But there is one key thing to understand here. Elite, as far as I understand it, is about engaging warp speed and seeing the sun rise behind Saturn while you're on your space trucking mission. Space is pretty big, so you can already do a lot and go quite far in the beginning. If you want to go reeeealllyy far and do a loooooot you're going to have to invest time.

But there is no point to it is there? Now you could say that about everything but especially in Elite, the progression is getting bigger ships, traveling longer distances, hauling more cargo, exploring further, taking on bigger foes, making more money, etc....

I may be wrong on this but (after 5 hours of playtime... granted) Elite makes the numbers go up and that may keep you motivated. But if the general idea of space doesn't excite you this game probably never will.

If it feels like a job you're probably "working" towards something yeah? But what? Do more of this Job that you kinda don't enjoy? You don't have to become "Elite". Just play and take upgrades as they come along.

If you are not enjoying this journey, you won't like where it takes you.

Speaking of journey, do listen to that or pink Floyd during long cruises.

I may be completely wrong on this...


Gimbals are usually best, but it depends on the ship and the physical placement of the gun on the ship model. In the 34th century, no one has heard of weapon convergence...

For example Imperial Clippers have 2 wing-tip-mounted guns, so there is a wide space between the shots. Without gimbals, the weapons don't converge on the target and you can only hit with one weapon at a time unless you're attacking a very large ship.

On the other hand, gimbals can be blocked by the body of the ship. IIRC the Adder's biggest gun is under the fuselage, so the gimbals can't look up very far or they'd be shooting your own nose off. Note that the game will not allow you to shoot yourself, so the gimbals simply stops tracking in this case.

Fixed - Always pointing forward and going to be in the middle of your screen. These have no damage penalty, however you have to aim by moving your ship. For thermal weapons (no projectile), this is extremely easy to use fixed as long as your ship pitches, yaws, and rolls fast enough. However with kinetic weapons, you have to lead the shots. There's a reticle that helps you lead them, but there is a challenge there. Some weapons only come in fixed, off the top of my head two of which are Railguns and Plasma Accelerators. They're both very strong weapons and would probably be pretty OP if they came gimballed or turreted.

Gimballed - Can aim in front of you whether your ship is pointing right at the enemy or not. It will automatically lead the shots for Kinetic weapons.There is a damage penalty for gimballed weapons though, however this can often be worth it since actually hitting the enemy is better than not hitting them. Most recommend gimballed weapons on ships that can't pitch, yaw, and roll incredibly fast and on kinetic weapons. There's also another drawback to gimballs: Chaff and Silent Running screw them up. They track heat, chaff makes them go all over the place, and the enemy going into Silent Running makes you lose targeting of them.

Turreted - Can aim almost full 360, but this is very dependent on the position of the hardpoints on your ship. There's a damage penalty with turreted weapons too, but again, like the gimbals, in some cases hitting things for less damage is better than not hitting things. Turrets will keep firing when you lock onto an enemy, whether you can actually see them right in front of you or not. It can be very useful if you can't turn quickly enough to be able to aim at them normally. Like gimballs, they can also get screwed up by silent running and chaff. I'd recommend turreted weapons for the larger ships that can't pitch, yaw, and roll very quickly. I use them on my Anaconda (part of the trifecta of largest ships in the game), many others do too.

Which one you need really depends on your ship's capabilities and the situations you'll often face. as an example, here's a few loadouts I have had in the past (and some in the present):

Vulture (Haven't used it in a while, but I think I still have this same loadout) - Large Fixed Beam Laser, Large Fixed Pulse laser. I never have to worry about running out of ammo, the Vulture is extremely agile, so aiming a fixed weapon is not an issue at all.

Fer-De-Lance (old) - Huge Fixed Plasma Accelerator (PA's only come in fixed), 4 gimballed Medium pulse lasers
Fer-De-Lance (current) - Huge Fixed Beam Laser, 4 gimballed multicannons

Anaconda - 3 Large Turreted pulse lasers, one Huge Cannon, two medium railguns (only come in fixed), two small railguns (only come in fixed).

Especially with the Anaconda, I can have the pulse lasers constantly firing at the enemy, and the cannon and railguns I can use when I line up the shot, which doesn't have to be incredibly often.


It's interesting seeing stuff like people learning how to dock, or having trouble getting in the mail slot. I do miss the early sense of awe I had when I started over two years ago.
I just saw these posts. You guys are awesome, thank you for being so informative and taking the time to make my life in Elite a little easier!

2 more quick questions, I assume some mods are unique to particular stations? The selection in Ekonir seems pretty bare.

Also, for you ps4 users, what are you setting your FOV at? I can't settle on anything :/ haha


I played this game a little last year but I only really got into it over the last week. So far, there's been two downtimes for updates, two downtimes for maintenance, then last night it wouldn't connect when I was trying to Frameshift, and now I can't connect into the game at all. Is this unusual or are Frontier's servers really this bad?

Not impressed at all. Oh, and you still can't connect with the Mission Board at the CG.


Purchased my first new ship, the Winnebago from Spaceballs a Hauler. My top viewing window is gone and my side windows are shrunk; I can barely see outside but I've got plenty of legroom. I feel like a parent who had to trade in their sportscar for a minivan.


I travelled 300LY in my vulture to work on the community goal this week in HIP 17682, and man, what a mistake. I burned through a million in credits when I got stranded without fuel twice (there are way fewer stations then there are in my home system). I made it to black rock orbital and tried working on the CG but accidentally shot a federal ship and got smoked. Then, desperate to make enough cash to cover a couple more rebuys, I started hauling passengers, only to jump to another system that was 14LY from all other systems while I was low on fuel. No bases to refuel and a non-scoop able star. Ugg I wish I had just ignored the damn CG altogether.


I travelled 300LY in my vulture to work on the community goal this week in HIP 17682, and man, what a mistake. I burned through a million in credits when I got stranded without fuel twice (there are way fewer stations then there are in my home system). I made it to black rock orbital and tried working on the CG but accidentally shot a federal ship and got smoked. Then, desperate to make enough cash to cover a couple more rebuys, I started hauling passengers, only to jump to another system that was 14LY from all other systems while I was low on fuel. No bases to refuel and a non-scoop able star. Ugg I wish I had just ignored the damn CG altogether.

part of the Elite experience
I travelled 300LY in my vulture to work on the community goal this week in HIP 17682, and man, what a mistake. I burned through a million in credits when I got stranded without fuel twice (there are way fewer stations then there are in my home system). I made it to black rock orbital and tried working on the CG but accidentally shot a federal ship and got smoked. Then, desperate to make enough cash to cover a couple more rebuys, I started hauling passengers, only to jump to another system that was 14LY from all other systems while I was low on fuel. No bases to refuel and a non-scoop able star. Ugg I wish I had just ignored the damn CG altogether.

No problem working on the CG with my APX. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yes, flying to 17682 is a bit long. With 20ly per jump I still needed around 25 jumps but if you're finally there the haul mission is very easy, you need just one jump to a star where you can buy the stuff and on the way to 17682 you have enough suns to refuel.


Unconfirmed Member
have you guys noticed that this game is like having a full time job?

I feel like I have to say my piece on this game: [snip]

You guys are not wrong, and I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing.

This is one of those games that can potentially eat away and claim a lot of your time, but only if you approach it in an unhealthy way. Personally, I love the feeling of "clocking in" on a night when I have some free time after a day of a real full-time job (which I love, incidentally), family time and chores. Simply running a mission or two, doing some bounties, appreciating the sights and sounds is enough to make me feel relaxed and like I'm working towards something in a non-traditional way. "Like a job" is the classic go-to put down for most games that don't explicitly tell you how to have fun or make progress.

I believe the thing that keeps us coming back - and what keeps a lot of people looking towards the stars in general - is an active imagination.

I'm also lucky to have a friend who's getting into it at the same time. We're winging up occasionally and making mid-long term goals that will hopefully keep things fresh. Also trying to get into the lore a bit and weave our own little story - which definitely helps with enjoyment along with having our own ED Spotify playlist when cruising together (something we do with all of our regular games).

All in all, while the game is obviously not for everyone, it's really what you make it. I also agree with those saying it's not a game to be "binged". Short and sweet doses is the key.

Also, for you ps4 users, what are you setting your FOV at? I can't settle on anything :/ haha

I stuck mine on max for no real reason other than thinking I'm used to it after playing Titanfall 2 with a wide FOV. It feels fine here too, and I don't think it's impairing me in any way.


Finally managed to win 10 capture the flag games for the trophy, I feel like now I can seriously tackle that 100% attempt.

I just hope the servers aren't on fire today because yesterday it was a disaster.


No problem working on the CG with my APX. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Yes, flying to 17682 is a bit long. With 20ly per jump I still needed around 25 jumps but if you're finally there the haul mission is very easy, you need just one jump to a star where you can buy the stuff and on the way to 17682 you have enough suns to refuel.

I was completely ignoring the hauling mission so I'll give that a try.
After doing a few trading missions I have bought my first ship, a Cobra MKIII for 349.000 credits. I think it was a good purchase :D. I've installed a automated docking computer, and two cannons for my second set of hardpoints.

This game is really awesome so far, even if it does feel a bit aimless. But that's space trucking for ya am I right?

I don't have the deluxe edition nor the season pass, is that something I should purchase in the future?


I travelled 300LY in my vulture to work on the community goal this week in HIP 17682, and man, what a mistake. I burned through a million in credits when I got stranded without fuel twice (there are way fewer stations then there are in my home system). I made it to black rock orbital and tried working on the CG but accidentally shot a federal ship and got smoked. Then, desperate to make enough cash to cover a couple more rebuys, I started hauling passengers, only to jump to another system that was 14LY from all other systems while I was low on fuel. No bases to refuel and a non-scoop able star. Ugg I wish I had just ignored the damn CG altogether.

Planning, planning, planning. ALWAYS look in the Gal Map for WHERE you're going, how far it is and what stations are along the way. You can adjust the route to ONLY include scoop-able stars as well. "Fail to plan, plan to fail." This game is ruthless and unforgiving, it does not hold your hand.

After doing a few trading missions I have bought my first ship, a Cobra MKIII for 349.000 credits. I think it was a good purchase :D. I've installed a automated docking computer, and two cannons for my second set of hardpoints.

This game is really awesome so far, even if it does feel a bit aimless. But that's space trucking for ya am I right?

I don't have the deluxe edition nor the season pass, is that something I should purchase in the future?

The cobra MKIII was my second ship and I flew it for countless hours. I've read enough horror stories about auto-docking that you really should just learn to do it yourself. It's not hard and turns into a fun little mini game. I'm a big fan of pulse or beam lasers and multi cannons, bounty hunting is a blast in that ship. Horizons offers a lot, and opens up another half of the game with planetary landings so I would get it eventually.


I loving the game so far it has me hooked heres are few tips that helped me out for new players:

When selecting your journey in the galaxy map make sure you tick "fastest route" always check your fuel range before a long journey.

Stick to the green lite side when entering/exiting space stations

Using your vertical/lateral thrusters is key in combat

Don't blow all your money on a new ship it is sometimes better to buy a cheaper ship and upgrade it.

Make sure you have enough money to pay for insurance!
Been doing a few ~2k ly passenger missions to get my feet wet for exploration, some sights:



really cool looking atmosphere

1st discovery on this ice world




Brown dwarf sun with probably the largest ring concentration I've ever seen,

I'm having trouble plotting routes between 10 - 15 light years away, they all fail.

I'm using the default Sidewinder, are those distances beyond it's capabilities?

Every route is saying plot failed.


I'm having trouble plotting routes between 10 - 15 light years away, they all fail.

I'm using the default Sidewinder, are those distances beyond it's capabilities?

Every route is saying plot failed.

Your FSD is only rated for around 7ly. Take some missions that aren't as far or upgrade your FSD.
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