Yeah, but it's dick pics. I could understand if he was doing the in-person, vile stuff that O'Reilley was accused of. Or leveraging his position of power to coerce these women into reciprocating. Or committing sexual assault. But it doesn't seem like he did any of that, he just sent pics of his wiener to coworkers like an immature, horny teenager. He's not a monster, just a moron.
He deserved to be reprimanded, but our culture of public crucifixion is creating an environment where the level of trauma experienced by the perpetrator and their loved ones reaches catastrophic levels over some fairly mild offenses.
This does not seem like a just outcome. I think we ought to have more compassion when judging people whose crimes have not caused any harm or trauma.
You seem to be operating under the assumption that either a) unsolicited dick pics don't constitute sexual harassment, b) sexual harassment does not cause harm or trauma, or c) both. Please reexamine these assumptions.