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Essential games for a successful PS3 launch?

I was pondering that very same question last night (it's a shower thing... don't ask, I don't fully understand it myself), and decided I would pose it to you folks as well. It's a commonly held belief that the PS2 had a rather weak initial offering; yet Sony easily overcame this potential weakness thanks in no small part to its timing and some clever marketing strategies. But I think we can all agree that, with the console war escalating to new heights, Sony should be doing everything it can to muster a killer lineup for PS3. That begs the question: what list of games, in your opinion, would make for a successful, effective launch of Sony's PS3?

However, coming up with such a list isn't as easy as it seems. The first instinct one has is to simply list every "must-have," AAA- franchise currently available on PS2. But when you think about it, that doesn't really work; too many high-profile, "gotta own it" games at once, all competing for the same consumer dollars... someone's gonna get burned, and once the initial frenzy's over there'll be a drought. So it's better to just have a select few "must have" games available on the launch date, and then space the rest out through the system's first year. That means there'll have to be something else besides "killer app" titles to fill those store shelves.

Also, there are some genres that must be represented at a console's launch. Aside from that one hyped-up "killer ap" and a new Madden, there's got to be: a racing game, a fighting game, an action/adventure game, a flight sim, a kid-friendly game, etc etc. A console launch also needs its share of low-profile "quirky" games; you know the ones I'm talking about - those odd little games with limited mainstream appeal that still manage to find an audience. And, unfortunately, a console launch apparently needs its share of crap mainstream titles with low production values that sell to mainstream folks with no sense of taste. The name of the game is diversity.

For the sake of argument, let's assume a 2006 launch date. There should also be TWO separate lists - one for the JP launch, and the other for NA. After all, what works in the US might be a flop in Japan, and vice versa. And, if you can, give the reasoning behind your selections.

Get crackin'! :D
DOA PS3 tit pack

Itakagi can make real his claim of being able to do any game better and make a multiplayer board game with his gurls.

Game #1.. skipping rope. Bounce that big white juicy booty
I think the launch year is NEVER a critical year for the system and should NOT have their best games, especially for the market leader.

Pretty much all PS2's, Xbox's, & GC's made during launch year were sold with shortages abounding. The following holiday season is the break out season. What will be interesting is how Xbox being in a 2nd holiday vs PS3 being in it's first will affect things. The PS3 may well need a little more oomph, not to make it's launch successful, but to stifle the Xbox 2's success.

If the Xbox 2 gets a critical mass in 2006, then Sony will have to share the stage and their former exclusives with Microsoft.


Launch consoles will sell on fanbase momentum anyway (unless you're breaking into the market), so, particularly for the console leader, the actual launch games aren't that important as long as you have the promise of the FF/MGS/Halo/Zeldas to come, along with some suitably flashy vids to wow people at the prior E3, that can then be played in store for launch time.



Fantavision Vs. Capcom
And We Mean No Motherfucker Can Stop Mr. Domino
Dead Or Alive Xtreme My Summer Vacation
Nihon Highway Racer
Untitled FPS (NanaOn-Sha)


Shin Megami Tensei: California (Obsidian/BioWare)
Wipeout Zero by Criterion feat. Harmonix
Lawrence Holland's Return To Fractalus
Tribes Of Kri MMORPG

You know it makes sense.

edit: Unison, I love you man.


Fafracer forever
Lawrence Holland's Return To Fractalus
Replace this with Koronis Rift and I'm sold. :)
Or since it's a remake, we might as well join the two games.

Since we're on the subject of remakes, how about a TauCeti MMORPG? :p (yes I am trying to hijack the thread).
Also some Sony Europe devs left the company and joined with Sony Japan and they are suppose to working on a next gen game for PS3.

I saw this rumor at CV&G so it might be false.
Fine, people... then I don't wanna hear ANY b*tching and moaning about the "$300 paperweight" you bought on Day 1.

Not one f*cking word, you hear?


rollin' in the gutter
As long as the Sony hype machine is in full affect, the PS3 could have the shittiest launch titles ever and still be a huge success.
Spike Spiegel said:
Fine, people... then I don't wanna hear ANY b*tching and moaning about the "$300 paperweight" you bought on Day 1.

Not one f*cking word, you hear?

Some of us are smart enough not to buy console on day 1. I mean really what's the appeal. The highest price you'll ever pay, the highest chance of a faulty unit, the lowest selection of games, good chance you'll be forced into a bundle, crowds, late nights.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Die Squirrel Die said:
Some of us are smart enough not to buy console on day 1. I mean really what's the appeal. The highest price you'll ever pay, the highest chance of a faulty unit, the lowest selection of games, good chance you'll be forced into a bundle, crowds, late nights.

Oh save that I'm smart cause I don't by stuff on launch day bullshit. That doesn't make you any smarter or any stupider than a first adopter.
Ramirez said:
I'm hoping for Socom 3 personally,otherwise I'll wait until it drops in price :p

It doesn't seem to be coming to the PS2 so the PS3 launch title seems possible. Sony needs to just buy Zipper right now though.


a new Final Fantasy RPG, a new GTA game, some EA support (Football, Snowboarding, etc.) and some quirky japanese games should do the trick


Spike Spiegel said:
Fine, people... then I don't wanna hear ANY b*tching and moaning about the "$300 paperweight" you bought on Day 1.

Hey, I took seven minutes to think of that list.

DarienA said:
Oh save that I'm smart cause I don't by stuff on launch day bullshit. That doesn't make you any smarter or any stupider than a first adopter.

Yes it does. I'm smart you're not. I win. j/k

Actually I'm exaggerating. Although I'm less inclined to buy at launch, I understand the appeal. Frankly unless there's some money problems, if you aren't waiting for a pricedrop then you're as well getting it at launch and having shiny newness for longer before the plebs (like me) join in the fun.

I still wouldn't rule out SocomIII for PS2. I mean it's been more than a year since II, that's more time between I and II, and they have the engine, netcode etc. in place. They could probably have a smaller team doing it and have some already working on a next-gen one, and still have a full year before launch of full production.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I agree - SOCOM 3 is a good fit for NA/EU launches.

This is also an interesting time for consoles - now that online gaming is firmly being established in this market by Sony and MS, their next console offerings assuredly have to be online out of the box with online games available at launch. A few good online games could take a little of the pressure off the need to pump out dozens of titles at launch and keep the flow going in that first year - fewer people would be complaining about "nothing to play" when a solid online game or two is absorbing their time.

SOCOM3, Madden 2007, Burnout 4 and, say, Monster Hunter 2. Or, original game IPs that offer the similar breadth of online gaming variety.

Also, if Sony's plans for Eyetoy tech truly extend beyond its PS2 incarnation, then we should see something for that at launch, I'd hope.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
There's a glut of military games... I don't think people w/ rush our to buy the next SOCOM.
SOCOM's basically the king of console military shooters so it'd do well. There might be alot of them, but that seems to get the most focus. Also there's Sony's got that new online plan they're trying to get together. If that's ready for launch, then SOCOM 3 would make an even better launch title.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I want new IP!

To hell w/ all these damn sequels!

Furthermore, as expensive as games are, I really don't want to pay extra $$$ for online service. Especially as a multi-platform owner. But it seems like that's the way things are going to be.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Die Squirrel Die said:
I still wouldn't rule out SocomIII for PS2. I mean it's been more than a year since II, that's more time between I and II, and they have the engine, netcode etc. in place. They could probably have a smaller team doing it and have some already working on a next-gen one, and still have a full year before launch of full production.

With Sony and Zipper releasing new Hdd downloadable maps for SOCOM II, the next SOCOM game is more than likely going to be on PS3. I would have been fine with a SOCOM II: Black Arrow-esque expansion game, but that isn't going to happen on the PS2. Zipper is working on "something", maybe another game for PS2 though. The reason for the Hdd downloadable content for SOCOM II was for new maps/extra content so that Zipper could work on their next SOCOM for next gen.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
DaCocoBrova said:
There's a glut of military games... I don't think people w/ rush our to buy the next SOCOM.
True, I was wondering about this myself. But there doesn't seem to be any waning interest in military games.
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