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Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: The Ongoing Adventures of Fight and Heal


Playing EO4 after EOU2 is kinda rough. Everything is way slower and there's nagging technical issues like not being able to draw the map during battle transitions.

That is unfortunate to hear. I have lots of EOU2 to go though. I am only just barely on the 3rd floor, lol. Maybe it will almost be time for 5 by the time I get done with it.

Also are there like, natural levels for progression in this game? I know the game lets you pretty much go as far as you want until things just break you in half but especially at the start are there any good "my party should be around level X by floor Y" That are useful to know about?


That is unfortunate to hear. I have lots of EOU2 to go though. I am only just barely on the 3rd floor, lol. Maybe it will almost be time for 5 by the time I get done with it.

Also are there like, natural levels for progression in this game? I know the game lets you pretty much go as far as you want until things just break you in half but especially at the start are there any good "my party should be around level X by floor Y" That are useful to know about?

If you can beat all the FOEs of the previous Stratum by the time you reach the next one, you're good to go.
That is unfortunate to hear. I have lots of EOU2 to go though. I am only just barely on the 3rd floor, lol. Maybe it will almost be time for 5 by the time I get done with it.

Also are there like, natural levels for progression in this game? I know the game lets you pretty much go as far as you want until things just break you in half but especially at the start are there any good "my party should be around level X by floor Y" That are useful to know about?

Get to a new floor, get quests, finish a floor while clearing the quests you got, maybe go back to some previous floors and kill some FOEs you couldn't defeat before for some nice drops/exp. Sell everything and get better gear for your team.

Repeat forever.

Remember that you can rest at the cost of 2 levels to reassign skills, so experiment as much as you want.


Get to a new floor, get quests, finish a floor while clearing the quests you got, maybe go back to some previous floors and kill some FOEs you couldn't defeat before for some nice drops/exp. Sell everything and get better gear for your team.

Repeat forever.

So like, beat the floor 1 FOEs after clearing the map of floor 2? Or is it not that set in stone? Meaning, I have floor 2 totally mapped and part of floor 3 (DINOS). So maybe try to take on the Deer creatures in floor 1?


So like, beat the floor 1 FOEs after clearing the map of floor 2? Or is it not that set in stone? Meaning, I have floor 2 totally mapped and part of floor 3 (DINOS). So maybe try to take on the Deer creatures in floor 1?

It depends on your party, sometimes your party can kill some FOEs as early as you meet them, sometimes they cant. I always try to kill all FOEs before fighting the boss of that stratum, but sometimes not even that is possible, I ran into this problem on the third stratum of EOUII, there is one FOE I cant kill yet but I already killed the boss.

The Deer creature is called Ragelope, and its gimicks are:

- Can hit 1 party member super hard. It may kill, or it may deal so much damage you cant heal it fast enough for the next turn
- Can inflict panic on a character for 2-5 turns, characters will only use normal attack automatically and can attack either allies or enemies at random.
- If you can somehow deal with that, it also has tons of HP so it can still win the battle when you run out of resources

I think for a random party at level 10-12 should be fine, but its doable earlier for sure.
If you kill the Ragelope using a cutting attack, you will get its rare drop, sell it to the store so they can get Retun Flutes, that item basically takes out any penalty for overextending on the dungeon, you become almost unkilleable, it is that good.
So like, beat the floor 1 FOEs after clearing the map of floor 2? Or is it not that set in stone? Meaning, I have floor 2 totally mapped and part of floor 3 (DINOS). So maybe try to take on the Deer creatures in floor 1?

Depending on your team, sometimes you can destroy FOEs as soon as you meet them, they will usually be difficult in the early game as your lack of TP and team synergy will show, but later on you'll probably be able to defeat most FOE as soon as you meet them. Still, sometimes you want to avoid them as they may suck all your resources and some FOE are clearly more dangerous than others.

Nothing is mandatory, so don't worry if you can't defeat an FOE, play at your own pace.


Thanks guys! I think my party is around level 6 or so if I am not mistaken.
Just remember that dual-property skills like Shock Saber count for getting the conditional, and that the Waves are pure elemental, even though they're linked to the Saber levels.


All attacks in EO, including those of enemies, have one or more properties that determine the attack type for the purposes of defending against it (check OP). The skill description will say what kind that particular skill has.

Nachos means Shock Saber skill has Slashing and Volt properties, thus killing an enemy with that skill will count as killing with both or either Slashing or Volt. However, if you transform Faffy and use his stronger Volt Wave skill, even though that skill is a skill that requires a sword to use, it is *only* Volt property damage, not Slashing.


Do what now?

A lot of enemies in the game have a conditional drop that you can only get by finishing the fight in certain conditions. For some you need certain type for the attack that kills the enemy, for others you need the enemy in certain status when the fight ends, and there are some that requires you to NOT use certain types of damage to the enemy at all in the fight.

Every normal attack and offensive skill has at least one type of damage, like the normal attack of a Ronin Katana is considered "Slash", the damage type of an skill isnt always the same as the weapon used for the skill, for example the Ronin skill Sheath Strike requires a Katana but deals "Strike" damage.

The are some skills that have more than one type, like the Fafnir's Shock Saber that deals both "Slash" and "Thunder" at the same time. When the Fanfir transforms, he can use Elemental Waves that are the same level as the levels of the corresponding Elemental Saber, but those Waves only do one type of elemental damage unlike the Saber skils that have two types.

Edit: Also, enemies have Resistances and Weaknesess to these types. After killing one enemy (or using a specific item in battle) you unlock their data ont he Monstrous Codex which you can use in battle (by pressing R iirc) to check their weaknessesm resistances and other stuff about the monster. Some enemies that are resistant to physical attacks may not have high defense but just happen to have resistance to the types you are using to hit them.


Do what now?

Forgot the proper term, but the attacks that have two properties, like the Sabers that do cut + (fire/ice/volt). If you use one, the game will always use whichever element the enemy is weakest to, while still counting as both. So, if you use Shock Saber against the deer, it'll count as a volt attack damage-wise, letting you do more damage from the weakness, but you'll still get the cut-attribute conditional drop if it's the finishing blow.

Even though the Sabers and Waves are linked level-wise, the Waves do pure elemental damage, so you'll have to hold back a little when the deer's health gets low if you want the drop.


Do EOU story and classic mode have the same dungeon layout and encounters or does one of them feature more? I'm more inclined in trying the story mode since i already finished the DS version fully years ago but i want to make sure not to miss anything by doing so (outside of deeper party customisation). Same question for EOU2 while i'm at it, allthought i didn't finish that one fully on DS so the choice isn't as easy.


Do EOU story and classic mode have the same dungeon layout and encounters or does one of them feature more? I'm more inclined in trying the story mode since i already finished the DS version fully years ago but i want to make sure not to miss anything by doing so (outside of deeper party customisation). Same question for EOU2 while i'm at it, allthought i didn't finish that one fully on DS so the choice isn't as easy.

For EOU, there is an extra dungeon that is exclusive to story mode, and since you played the original before, there is nothing to be ruined by story mode so go for it.

For EOUII, the extra dungeon is no longer exclusive to story mode so you can play whichever you want


I beat one of the deer FOE! It was tough but the princess was a rock star between link order (triggered from my gunner) and the bomb heals. Hexer bound the legs and landed a poison. Highlander was hitting really hard but got confused/stunned or whatever its called for a pretty long time.

As for killing it with a cutting attack, I am not sure I have one atm. Maybe my protector just taking a swing to try to kill, but other than that I am all STAB atm. Any tips on how to change that up a bit for when I need to? Again party is Protector, Highlander, Princess, Gunner, Hexer.


Give the protector and the princess a couple of swords, get it very low, spam heals while those 2 characters hit it until it dies. I think Princess can use maces too in case you need it, but the damage will be low.

Edit: I think the Highlander only has stab attacks so unless you get some grimores from trading, you will be stuck with stab and some elelemts from the gunner


I don't need to play EO anymore, trying to balance my own game is enough.


Both enemies attacked and the characters had full HP before the attack.

Why did I do this.


So I reached the 2nd land of EOIV. Party is Lands/Protector/Nightseeker/Medic/Runemaster. Even with the Nightseeker's added damage for aliment infliction I still had basically zero TP left on everyone when the boss went down. I like the side dungeons with their floor gimmicks, but the lack of running speed and floor jump from EOU/PQ hurts when I make 3-4 visits to the third floor of a main dungeon before clearing it.


So I took another look at my EO IV party....

lv52 NS/AC, lv52 LS/RM, lv52 FT/DA on the front line, lv52 RM/BU, and lv 43 AC/ME on the back line

That's probably good enough for now...
So I took another look at my EO IV party....

lv52 NS/AC, lv52 LS/RM, lv52 FT/DA on the front line, lv52 RM/BU, and lv 43 AC/ME on the back line

That's probably good enough for now...

That's a pretty good team, even if in higher levels I'd suggest you to change your L/R into a L/B for crazy as hell damage even if the setup for linking will take an extra turn, it's worth it.


The Shiver super arrange is back on YouTube. All is right with the world.

And sorry for getting mixed up, Ohno. I thought you were playing story mode for some reason.

That's a pretty good team, even if in higher levels I'd suggest you to change your L/R into a L/B for crazy as hell damage even if the setup for linking will take an extra turn, it's worth it.

I think it'd be better to go Runemaster at that point in the game. Bushi does do more damage, but Rune's a lot better about conserving TP, which I don't remember Lands having much of until later in the game. Their damage is still going to be good enough that Blood Surge won't matter much.
I think it'd be better to go Runemaster at that point in the game. Bushi does do more damage, but Rune's a lot better about conserving TP, which I don't remember Lands having much of until later in the game. Their damage is still going to be good enough that Blood Surge won't matter much.

I agree, my recommendation is mostly for end game shenanigans.


So today in EOIV adventures I examined an area and the game locked me into an inescapable battle against six spellcasters with an FOE only one step away.

I thought this was supposed to be the easy EO game.


Welcome to EO!

Did I mention that this scripted encounter automatically lets the enemy go first? Because that happened too. My entire front line was wiped out before I could even have my turn.

I think EOU2 is generally harder so far, but EO4 has had a couple moments that are just a special kind of "fuck you".


Did I mention that this scripted encounter automatically lets the enemy go first? Because that happened too. My entire front line was wiped out before I could even have my turn.

I think EOU2 is generally harder so far, but EO4 has had a couple moments that are just a special kind of "fuck you".

One thing the game teaches you quickly, is that if you are not in a position to fight a battle, don't investigate that noise. I hope EOV brings back these kinds of 'fuck you' events again.


One thing the game teaches you quickly, is that if you are not in a position to fight a battle, don't investigate that noise. I hope EOV brings back these kinds of 'fuck you' events again.

There was one event in EOIIU 4th stratum that completly destroyed me and I could not escape, besides that one, most of them were doable when you first encounter them.


Question for my game:

Do the closed doors in the various EO games still appear in floors after the key was found? So, if I find a key to open moon doors on 14F, would 15F+ still have those doors? I am actually not sure if they still appeared later on or only in earlier floors.


I dont remember any that appear later either. I guess after that point it doenst matter if the door is locked or not, you are gonna open it anyways.


Just beat the duo at the 3rd Stratum. It wasn't very impressive, as the music felt rather unremarkable, and their Force Break gimmick was rather... disappointing?

As always, Protectors are OP.


Just got access to subclasses in EOIV. Am I right in thinking that the Dancer's evade passive and the Fortress' Guard Mastery are separate things, so the game will check against both?

Also my current party outside of Fortress is Lands/Medic/Night/Rune. What are good subclasses for those guys?


Damn I love guessing enemy weaknesses correctly, that feel when you just totally wreck an FOE that has a red aura with no sweat.

Also my current party outside of Fortress is Lands/Medic/Night/Rune. What are good subclasses for those guys?

Nice party you got there.


After some Googling, here's what I ended up doing.

Left Lands and Runemaster alone. Runemaster because I'm not sure if I want to match it with Bushi or Imperial, and Lands because I'm not sure if I want to match it with Bushi or Runemaster (looking at some of these damage multipliers, I'm thinking Bushi). I figure I'm not too far from getting the Bushi class anyway, so there's not much point in setting them up now.

Fortress is now Fortress/Dancer with a bunch of points in Guard Mastery and maxed out evade skill. So I just Taunt with her and have her defend and enemies end up spending a lot of time not doing anything of use.

Night is now Night/Arcanist for Aliment boost and that's about it (although I might rest and switch over to Bushi later on).

I retired the Medic and set up an Arcanist/Medic in her place. Set her up with all the bind skills and basic healing spells. Did a bunch of grinding in land 2's overworld and now my team levels are 49/49/49/49/41. I think I might've went just a little overboard there.
N/A feels like cheating, tbh.

And I love it.

In case the build isn't obvious, max Venom Throw and Auto-Spread. Random battles are now a joke, congrats.


Yeah, and Cry Soul was more accurate. I don't particularly like the fixed turn orders for bosses since it's so easy to cheese if you know the order.

Mixing up Ice Shave with physical attacks would have made the fight a bit more interesting, yeah.

Thankfully there should still be Ur-Child during night to fuck me up though, lol.


On B2F of the 4th maze in EO4 now. The music changes are pretty great.

I couldn't figure out the puzzle for the 3rd stratum boss so I ended up fighting it at its full power. I still won first try, Improved Link with 4+ hits is scary strong. I also fought the chameleon optional boss without leaving and coming back first (for...some reason), so I started with about 1/3rd to half or so of my max TP and ended the fight with everyone low on HP and only my Fortress having any TP amount greater than five, it was a really intense fight.
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