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EU Parliament: Americans should not have visa-free access to Europe

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I mean I would understand if the EU would want to do extreme vetting on us as hell just look at our gun violence rates; our country is clearly dangerous and filled to the brim with deplorables lol.


Is this not more common? I swear that's what happened to me when I traveled to Japan in 2011.

Didn't get either when going to Canada or Mexico last year.

USA however, even my wife who was using her American passport was getting a lot of questions.


I'm dual CAD/USD so I wonder if I'll be okay or not. The US seems to focus on place of birth as well as nationality (and places visited) when refusing entry.


Any indication of a timeline for individual nation stars implementing this? More specifically, UK.

Unless I am misremembering, the news report I heard earlier today said something about a 2 month period to work out the visa thingies. As others have mentioned, this was a deadline for the US and said deadline expired in April 2016. But even then some EU Comission or whatever didn't react so now parliament basically forced a reaction. It's a law after all.


Neo Member
Sölf;231375717 said:
Unless I am misremembering, the news report I heard earlier today said something about a 2 month period to work out the visa thingies. As others have mentioned, this was a deadline for the US and said deadline expired in April 2016. But even then some EU Comission or whatever didn't react so now parliament basically forced a reaction. It's a law after all.

From the Reuters article: Commission officials noted a planned EU-U.S. ministerial meeting on June 15 to try and resolve the issue, which has been running since 2014. The EU executive already allowed a deadline for a solution to pass nearly a year ago, without taking action.

"We will report on further progress made before the end of June and continue to work closely with both the European Parliament and the Council," a Commission spokeswoman said, referring to the council which groups the governments of the 28 EU member states.


I get it, but it sucks. Better chance of the threat actually changing US policy if Trump wasn't in office, so it'll probably just make it harder for americans to visit (and be able to relate to, view positively, etc) Europe.


Neo Member
I plan to go to Europe this summer. Great, now I gotta figure this shit out, and fast.

Member states would all have to agree, along with the EU Executive in Brussels imposing the visa restrictions. It would likely take years for this to go into effect. This is a shot across the bow.


Neo Member
I thought we did need visas though.

I'm quite positive there's a visa process for my study abroad in france.

For more than 90 days within a 180 day period, and then beyond that, you can apply for another 90 days. So 6 months. But for short trips, there is no visa requirement.


Is this not more common? I swear that's what happened to me when I traveled to Japan in 2011.

Been to a fair few countries and continents (though not Japan) and USA is the only ones who do it (and treat me like shit for choosing to visit their country).


Neo Member
Lol this is not going through. France's and Italy's economies would take a hit and that's the last thing they need.

Yeah, the national governments of those countries would throw a fit and would have to vote in favor of this. It would take years to implement most likely.


I'm an American who didn't vote for Trump. But I'm all for taking away privileges and perks for Americans traveling abroad as retaliation .

In addition the kind of people coming from a country that could elect a man like that absolutely deserve more scrutiny to ensure they should be allowed into civilized nations where the kind of person who acts like our leader isn't welcome to enter.


I'm an American who didn't vote for Trump. But I'm all for taking away privileges and perks for Americans traveling abroad as retaliation .

In addition the kind of people coming from a country that could elect a man like that absolutely deserve more scrutiny to ensure they should be allowed into civilized nations where the kind of person who acts like our leader isn't welcome to enter.

We all know how much Trump's supporters love to travel abroad. They will certainly receive the message, loud and clear.


I'm an American who didn't vote for Trump. But I'm all for taking away privileges and perks for Americans traveling abroad as retaliation .

In addition the kind of people coming from a country that could elect a man like that absolutely deserve more scrutiny to ensure they should be allowed into civilized nations where the kind of person who acts like our leader isn't welcome to enter.

this has been happening since 2014, nothing to do with Trump. US has always treated EU members separately when it comes to visa policy, hence the problem.
Didn't get either when going to Canada or Mexico last year.

USA however, even my wife who was using her American passport was getting a lot of questions.

Been to a fair few countries and continents (though not Japan) and USA is the only ones who do it (and treat me like shit for choosing to visit their country).

In fairness, I've basically come back in through customs to the US 2 times or so in my life and that was years ago, so I may just not remember it at all.


Shady looking white Americans should be strip searched at their port of entry when they travel abroad. Ignorant people here need to be made to know what racial profiling feels like.

Do people who follow Trump's rhetoric even travel?

Does rural America even travel?

Which countries do they usually visit. Is there a favorite?


Do people who follow Trump's rhetoric even travel?

Does rural America even travel?

Which countries do they usually visit. Is there a favorite?

Who cares. Sweep 'em all up cuz one bad skittle gets through and whoo boy.


Then I may be confusing my experience with when I saw a documentary of Narita airport and they definitely had at least some people doing thumbprint and pictures at international customs. But maybe that's just to verify their identity.

I went to Japan twice in the last 5 years, and was fingerprinted and photographed. But, that wasn't as a tourist, was as a long term stay.
Been to a fair few countries and continents (though not Japan) and USA is the only ones who do it (and treat me like shit for choosing to visit their country).

I'd say most countries I've been to had this, especially the non-Western ones

I've travelled to Japan twice from the UK in the past 5 years; never had any of that.

They most definitely do. You must not have traveled in the last year and half because I've been fingerprinted at both Narita and Haneda


It is not about Trump or acting like a toddler: it is just the European Union expecting countries to treat their citizens equally. Canada was in the same situation, but Canada is actually implementing the visa-free travel for those countries.


Unconfirmed Member
I think other countries should be bigger than us and ignore us and show kindness and let us just do really fucked up things to other countries without stooping to our level. Simply just say "bad America, don't do that!" Because if they follow suit and do what we do then like that's bad.

It seems petty until you realize this helps fortify that when dealing with the EU, you deal with one and only one entity. Backing up the smaller countries of the EU is to help show solidarity for the EU.
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