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EU Parliament: Americans should not have visa-free access to Europe

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Considering the absurd shit some nationals have to go through when they land, I'm glad Americans will have to go through the same shit. I mean, America even takes place of birth into account, so a person who has no ties to a country and was merely born there, is still questioned.

Absurd all around.

That might as well be our country motto.
There are valid reasons: giving US citizens entering the EU the same treatment they give to some EU citizens entering the US. It's only fair.

Eh... If it is just out of spite, and not really driven by valid economic reasons, I'm not for it. You want American's to travel to Europe, not to ban them.


Oh I know there's prejudice, I just find it interesting that even here people don't think about it. It's easier for some to think of Japan as a somewhat western country outside Europe and succesful british colonies, than it is to consider a very large area with 600 mi people that lives under that same western culture as western.

I know because I am from Brazil... When people talk about western world they are only talking about 1st world... 2nd or 3rd world is not really included.

western in the Americas = US and Canada.

United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Western European nations and their allies represented the First World/Western.


According to Huntington. Latin America is not part of Western Civilization :p


Eh... If it is just out of spite, and not really driven by valid economic reasons, I'm not for it. You want American's to travel to Europe, not to ban them.

But these things have always been dictated by reciprocity, it's not about spite. Why should all US citizens benefit from visa free travel to the EU if not all EU citizens can do the same un the US?

The responsability of the EU is to look for the best interests of EU citizens. And now some EU citizens are at a disadvantageous position, so naturally the EU will work towards improving this situation, if that affects US tourism well.. the EU does not work for the American tourists.


Eh... If it is just out of spite, and not really driven by valid economic reasons, I'm not for it. You want American's to travel to Europe, not to ban them.
That's the US outright banning people from certain countries. Getting a visa like the rest of the world is just normal. And why should the US get a special treatment if it pisses the EU in the face with arbitrary visa requirements for certain member states.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Eh... If it is just out of spite, and not really driven by valid economic reasons, I'm not for it. You want American's to travel to Europe, not to ban them.
It's not out of spite. Imagine if the EU allowed free travel for everyone from the US unless they were born in North Dakota or West Virginia. The US would rightfully say that it isn't fair and require a change. Then imagibe they gave the EU two years to fix it. Then an extra year. Then said they were probably going to have to do something about it in the future.
If you have ever sat in the US embassy in London for 5+ hours after travelling a couple of hundred miles to get there you would realize how shitty this is for someone from Poland who just wants to spend a weekend in New York.
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