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Evolution 2013 Fighting game championship of the World July 12th - 14th

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Santa May Claus
He was playing Magneto way before the pic came out.

Seriously guys, once you see it you can't unsee it.

Maybe Magneto is playing with your mind.

ChrisG should use a new fanart T-shirt every tournament. The one before, he had a picture of Vergil and Morrigan in an embrace.
I feel like Chris' team should be called a "chipping team" rather than a zoning team. You die from blocking can't & advance guard spectral vision and missles. Its like MvC2 strider oroboros/doom rocks chip game.


Mrs. Harvey
So you're saying Flight Simulator helps pilots, SimCity helps mayors, The Sims helps people in their daily lives? What you're referring to are the video game simulators that are on the shelf at your local Wal-Mart. I assure you that none of these products are you used to train the likes of the services you previously mentioned. This is my last post about this and I'll "get out of here with that bs".

I know for a fact it helps them out. I've worked with people that builds simulations. But nowhere did I say people use it to run their daily lives although that's a different point. My whole point are video games can be and are used as a learning tool. If you think otherwise, I don't know what kind of world you're living in.


its a shame Morri/Doom gets so much hate just because its based on zoning. Some of the confirms and combos that ChrisG does with Morrigan are truly awesome. The casual mentality still triumphs that a good zoning game is nothing more than "spam" and Morri/Doom gets blasted for this. Meanwhile, look at Marn's team Zero, Vergil, and Strider are all characters that can kill your whole team on 3-6 mix-ups. Talk about a brain dead team (not a knock on Marn he is just playing smart) any one of those characters can get one touch kills on an incoming character (Strider needing a lot more resources than the others).
It gets hate cause it's boring. Seeing the opponent superjump, try to stall as long as possible, and completely fail every attempt to get in for 2 minutes is not fun to watch. Marvel's hype comes to a grinding halt when a Morrigan/Doom player steps up (unless they lose, of course).
It gets hate cause it's boring. Seeing the opponent superjump, try to stall as long as possible, and completely fail every attempt to get in for 2 minutes is not fun to watch. Marvel's hype comes to a grinding halt when a Morrigan/Doom player steps up (unless they lose, of course).

That's his point, just because its boring doesn't mean it should get hate, good gameplay > hype.


I know for a fact it helps them out. I've worked with people that builds simulations. But nowhere did I say people use it to run their daily lives although that's a different point. My whole point are video games can be and are used as a learning tool. If you think otherwise, I don't know what kind of world you're living in.

I learned how to play drums from Rock Band. But in that case the peripheral and game mechanics are so close to a real world analogue that the skills can transfer over. The same can't be said for the average video game which is much further removed from anything that happens in real life.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man


That's his point, just because its boring doesn't mean it should get hate, good gameplay > hype.

I'm not saying he isn't allowed to play the team, or that it isn't skillful. I'm just saying it puts me to sleep and I usually stop watching when he steps up (unless its top 8-16).

Watching Yipes play a lesser player is like watching boxing where one guy gets dominated and goes down by an awesome flurry. Watching Chris G play a lesser player is like watching boxing where just dodges everything for 12 rounds, get a few taps in there, and it goes to decision. I'm sure this analogy isn't perfect, I'm just trying to describe how it feels to me.

This is EVO, which means even pools will be exciting no matter who's playing.


I understand that but it doesn't deserve hate regardless.

Hate is ok. The real problem is Chris G inspires apathy/indifference.

That said, killing Marvel is something not even Justin at his peak could do, so it would be the greatest FG accomplishment ever if he pulled it off.
Hate is ok. The real problem is Chris G inspires apathy/indifference.

That said, killing Marvel is something not even Justin at his peak could do, so it would be the greatest FG accomplishment ever if he pulled it off.

Still not seeing that as a problem.

Idk @ Justin though. If you win you're gonna get rooted against no matter what, and if Justin was as dominating as he was in MVC2, you'd see the same thing.


I think the 2 main problems for Chris G is the money and PS3. UMvC3 is not getting a big pot bonus like last year (I think it was $15k) and he dislikes playing on the PS3. I think his reasons are valid but if he doesn't play he looks like a sucker. Can't claim your the best and not compete at EVO if you are attending. If he wasn't attending then fine but he is going so not entering is a bad move.


its a shame Morri/Doom gets so much hate just because its based on zoning. Some of the confirms and combos that ChrisG does with Morrigan are truly awesome. The casual mentality still triumphs that a good zoning game is nothing more than "spam" and Morri/Doom gets blasted for this. Meanwhile, look at Marn's team Zero, Vergil, and Strider are all characters that can kill your whole team on 3-6 mix-ups. Talk about a brain dead team (not a knock on Marn he is just playing smart) any one of those characters can get one touch kills on an incoming character (Strider needing a lot more resources than the others).

It isn't simply because it is a zoning team. It is a zoning team with a built in combo breaker that also tracks, anti-airs and otgs and ...

People generally enjoy Daigo's Ryu and even Infiltration's Akuma generally. People actively root against the Akuma in Akuma v. Zangief match where Zangief's lacks the tools to chase and lock down Akuma. And a similar thing holds true in Guile v. Bison where Guile's recovery (combined with Bison's floaty jump) makes it impossible for Bison to get in without gimmicks. If Morridoom was a zoning game where it didn't seem so lopsided in the player's favor it would probably get a lot less hate.

The whole what about how dumb Zero thing isn't much of a defense either, it just serves as further support that Marvel 3 is a bad game full of dumb shit. It could have been a good game like how Magic or Diablo 3 eventually turned into decent games, but being a licensed game on consoles where changes couldn't be quickly and easily implemented killed that.

El Sloth

Don't see anything. It's just another part of the throne.
Less than 24 hours left!!! Thanks again for the help last night below are the stream schedules for twitch.tv/srkevo1 and twitch.tv/evo3 These spreadsheets will show the players we are going to try to get on stream for these channels and features SFIV, UMVC3, KOFXIII, and Melee pools!

SFIV AE2012 (Friday): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApdYUdFxjuy6dHhMUHYybGFkeWlZQVExcnpEQnhHOVE#gid=0

UMVC3 (Saturday): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApdYUdFxjuy6dEppakgxbFRlajRqY0dHcFc2eE9hamc#gid=0

SFIV AE2012, UMVC3, KOFXIII, Melee (Friday & Saturday): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Atkv5-EhT_irdFZZUmI2S0FYX1o2TnFQZzljS01xR3c#gid=0
Missed this. This will be helpful. Thanks again.


Mrs. Harvey
No matter how hard I try, I can't see Magneto. I can see Galactus though. He looks exactly like in the movies. A cloud.

I don't how it is with Marvel since I don't play it but I do get really annoyed playing AE on PS3. Stuff I can easily do on PC or Xbox I have a hard time doing on PS3. I think that is going to affect the performances of some of the players this weekend. Chris G and Yipes are probably the two biggest voices when it comes to hating playing on the PS3.


The guy who made the pic said so himself that Magneto is in there. I didn't see it at first either but when I saw the pic again it was as clear as day.

Someday you guys will see the light and join me in the sun.


A dominant player doesn't kill anything, I really don't understand this kind of thinking, it's the same with sports, sometimes there's a team that dominates for a long period, it's not like people stop watching football because "Oh god Spain is gonna win again, their play style is so boring". Even if people say ChrisG/Infiltration are boring they still watch the streams to see if someone will beat them, and when a giant falls it's extremely hype.


The guy who made the pic said so himself that Magneto is in there. I didn't see it at first either but when I saw the pic again it was as clear as day.

Someday you guys will see the light and join me in the sun.

Maybe he meant to but did an awful job, but it's not there regardless of intent. I mean the idea's decently done but Chris' gorilla face tells me that the artist hasn't perfected his craft yet.


Santa May Claus
The guy who made the pic said so himself that Magneto is in there. I didn't see it at first either but when I saw the pic again it was as clear as day.

Someday you guys will see the light and join me in the sun.

Did he actually say that, or was it just some poster on GAF that said he said that? I was in the thread when someone made that claim, but he didn't quote the artist. I'm not trusting info twice removed from the source like that.


I never said it was easy or obvious but it's there if you know where to look. The subtlety is what makes it great.

Also no extra pot for Capcom games this year?


Santa May Claus
I never said it was easy or obvious but it's there if you know where to look. The subtlety is what makes it great.

Also no extra pot for Capcom games this year?

They've fallen on hard times. Combo will be taking donations at the door to the panel.


Mrs. Harvey
Dahbomb is currently the champion of the thread right now.


I'm in top 3. I'm usually never in like top 20. Already almost 2000 posts and 100k page views. We're going to OT3 this year. :)


I never said it was easy or obvious but it's there if you know where to look. The subtlety is what makes it great.

Also no extra pot for Capcom games this year?

Isn't Capcom too busy with severance packages to care about the pot? Though I wonder what happened to all that money that was supposed to have gone out. Did Cross Assault and the SF 25th take up all of it?


Isn't Capcom too busy with severance packages to care about the pot? Though I wonder what happened to all that money that was supposed to have gone out. Did Cross Assault and the SF 25th take up all of it?

Organizing and giving prizes for all the SF25th Cup qualifiers + flying in everyone for the main event must have add up to quite the sum
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