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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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Unconfirmed Member

1.5 inches above the Australian average height for women, but exactly average in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands or Norway.


Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Average! I believe. Just asking. :)

Sometimes you gotta' take a chance.

Like I'm going to take a chance on sleep right now. Night/Evening guys.
Getting your creep on more like it :p

1.5 inches above the Australian average height for women, but exactly average in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands or Norway.

I see. Explains why I'm taller than many people


Unconfirmed Member
At 6'2" being surrounded by average Austrlaian women makes me feel like some kind of titan.

Move to Indonesia, with an average height of 4"10', the ladies will think you are a full on Greco-Roman god in human flesh.

I'm in the top 1 percentile and feel anything but godly.


Unconfirmed Member
Dude, I said earlier that I know, that's why I asked if it was a movie reference.

You should watch 500 Days of Summer, it''s so good you should watch it.

Sounds perfect for spooning tbh

I gotta accept I'll never be a little spoon for the rest of my life no. Girl might hug my back "ironically", but she'll never think of me as a little spoon.


Edit: Man I'm fucking up all over the place today.


Unconfirmed Member
My adrenalin is pumping, I'm wide awake!

Are PopGaf and FakeGaf like planets that orbit the same body that are never aware of each other because they revolve at the same speed and are always obscured by the sun like so?

Are you serious? :lol

What makes you think I haven't watched it? I told you that I asked if it was a movie reference because I know it's a reference of 500 Days of Summers. Get it now?

You should watch it. It's a really good movie and I think you'll like it a lot.



New avatar day? Fair enough.

Chick needs to lighten up though, so serious all the time.
Only when it's NinjaBoi, because what the fuck does "chuffed" mean. Don't want to have to look up his made-up british words.
I'm expanding your vocabulary, you should be thanking me. Having said that, the feline can barely understand a word I say.
I sent ninja a video and I'm doing a weird smirk in it. I look like I should be in a DreamWorks movie :( stupid face
You did the adorable "hi" thing and the derpy tongue out face. I was all:


So cute!
Took three-quarters of an anxiety pill around half an hour ago. Not even remotely sleepy yet. Normally half a pill knocks me out cold for 10+ hours within 20 minutes. Uh-oh. :(
You overthink things chief, just chill innit.
Wait, Windam. Have you ever seen The Princess Bride?

Edit: lol at these Dany gifs!

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I don't even remember doing the tongue thing! Clearly natural derp
Edit: I understood most of what you said! Road just sounded like wood >_>


I don't even remember doing the tongue thing! Clearly natural derp
Edit: I understood most of what you said! Road just sounded like wood >_>
"Wood", lol. I'll work on my diction cat, and pronouncing my r's correctly!
Anxiety isn't as easy as "just chilling" and not overthinking things.


We should all do one of those accent tag things.
Yeah, fair point. I didn't mean to sound dismissive.

What is this accent tag thing of which you speak?




Unconfirmed Member
Tank made it safely and all occupants seem to have survived. Huzzah!

Too bad about all the animals you killed driving them there. Global warming is the number one threat to our planet, gawd.



Unconfirmed Member

I'm going to get pizza, when I come back there better be music and conversation and laughter or so help me I'll kill you all.
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