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FakeGAF 2.0: The Return of the Thirst

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No love for plasmo?


Nightmare fuel for about 3 months o_____o

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
No love for plasmo?

Plasmo? Who the fuck i---


I've never done any hallucinogens. What's it like?

Bloody interesting but fairly unpredictable. Most of what people say about them is bollocks, mind.

Takes a while to kick in. Tends to hits you in waves over a very long period of time. Time goes strange. Distances become vaster. Textures of things start to move. Your brain makes incredible and unlikely connections. I remembered patterns I thought I saw as a child. No solid hallucinations from what I've taken, more elaborations on things that are there. Can cause heavy doses of fear and nervousness as well as mild euphoria and giggling fits.

It's usually a very long ride and thus mentally exhausting; you don't really choose when to get off this particular ride either. I would neither recommend nor advise against their use.


formerly Oynox Slider
Plasmo? Who the fuck i---


Bloody interesting but fairly unpredictable. Most of what people say about them is bollocks, mind.

Takes a while to kick in. Tends to hits you in waves over a very long period of time. Time goes strange. Distances become vaster. Textures of things start to move. Your brain makes incredible and unlikely connections. I remembered patterns I thought I saw as a child. No solid hallucinations from what I've taken, more elaborations on things that are there. Can cause heavy doses of fear and nervousness as well as mild euphoria and giggling fits.

It's usually a very long ride and thus mentally exhausting; you don't really choose when to get off this particular ride either. I would neither recommend nor advise against their use.

I smoked mushrooms in Amsterdam years ago. I went there with some very scary people. It was a terrible idea.


Laters Mutes.
I've never done any hallucinogens. What's it like?
I've only done them a few times, but to add to what Screaming Meat said:

I find that sounds get really stretched and distorted, like someone is messing with the pitch bend of life itself. Music seems to last for ages, but in a good way. You savour every note.

And once familiar movements are affected in a similar fashion. Having a conversation with anyone is like watching a Disney character, all exaggerated movements and drawn out facial expressions.

I find that I feel incredibly light too, like I'm walking on an air bed the whole time. It's just like life in slow-motion, it's pretty cool.

I didn't have an paranoia when I've taken them, I was in comfortable surroundings surrounded by fiends. It was a nice buzz.
I smoked mushrooms in Amsterdam years ago. I went there with some very scary people. It was a terrible idea.
Yup, you need to do drugs like that with pals.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Laters Mutes.

I've only done them a few times, but to add to what Screaming Meat said:

I find that sounds get really stretched and distorted, like someone is messing with the pitch bend of life itself. Music seems to last for ages, but in a good way. You savour every note.

And once familiar movements are affected in a similar fashion. Having a conversation with anyone is like watching a Disney character, all exaggerated movements and drawn out facial expressions.

I find that I feel incredibly light too, like I'm walking on an air bed the whole time. It's just like life in slow-motion, it's pretty cool.

I didn't have an paranoia when I've taken them, I was in comfortable surroundings surrounded by fiends. It was a nice buzz.

Yeah, I'd go with all that. I had a couple of interesting moments:

I started realising that words are just sounds with all these arbitrary connotations attached and my mouth just went to rubber. I was hearing: "blurgh" but apparently I was saying actual things.

One time, me and a few friends went camping to take some shrooms. We were near this little brook and the sound of the water trickling down became organised into music to me. I've been told that I screamed at someone "WATER IS THE NEW MUSIC."

Good times.

I smoked mushrooms in Amsterdam years ago. I went there with some very scary people. It was a terrible idea.

Yowser, sounds awful. I've never smoked them!

It's 50/50 whether you have a good trip or a bad one. Like Ninj says, just got to make sure you're in as comfortable surroundings as possible and stack the odds in your favour.

You need to watch out for that Screaming Meat bloke, he's quite marvellous.

D'awww... Right back at you!


formerly Oynox Slider
You smoked mushrooms?

Yep. You could buy them powdered and smoke them. Don't ask me the details, I was completely off my head already by that point.

Ninj, I was with 3 blokes - a creepy oldish man who stalked me everywhere, his nephew who I think was a bit of a petty crook and my actual friend, who was also completely indifferent to everything after he got absolutely out of it on the first night.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Ninj, I was with 3 blokes - a creepy oldish man who stalked me everywhere, his nephew who I think was a bit of a petty crook and my actual friend, who was also completely indifferent to everything after he got absolutely out of it on the first night.

Sounds like a Burroughs novel XD


Unconfirmed Member
'New' and 'Recently' apparently mean something different for you than they do for me :(

Within a year is pretty recent considering most people probably read PBF once 5 or so years ago.

It's a helicopter made of flesh melded on metal, and Plasmo looks like an acid trip super meat boy that is going to dissect me as I sleep and eat my blood soaked sheets.
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