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FakeGAF 3.0: The Thirsty Games

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I just noticed PSN has PS2 classic versions of DDS, DDS2, Nocturne, Devil Summoner, and Devil Summoner 2.

The only ones I've played before are Nocturne (never beat it because the disc fucked up) and Devil Summoner 2 (never beat it because my old BC PS3 broke)

RIP $50. Hello moar backlog. :negman:

Halo 2


I just noticed PSN has PS2 classic versions of DDS, DDS2, Nocturne, Devil Summoner, and Devil Summoner 2.

The only ones I've played before are Nocturne (never beat it because the disc fucked up) and Devil Summoner 2 (never beat it because my old BC PS3 broke)

RIP $50. Hello moar backlog. :negman:

Never played em. Ill rent these on ps now when they're available.




Join Hangouts instead! :p
Get BB on there too, and Gugi... :D

Whatsapp doesn't do gifs...
Not sure if it does video conferencing either...
And you gotta pay yearly for it.

Ew I have to pay for Whatsapp?

Okay I'll try and get them on hangouts.


I paid 99 cents for whatsapp a few years ago and haven't paid anything since. What are people talking about?

Google hangouts aren't on mobile either are they? This debate is super weird.


I don't even have a smartphone (not that I post enough to be cool anyway)

Today was the first day at my new job. I had 2 months between quitting my last one and starting this one. I will miss all the internet and video game time :(

Although this is another programming job in the same city, it's quite different. It's a consulting, bill-by-the-hour shop instead of a product company. We mostly do web apps instead of the hardware projects at my last job. We have a lot of different clients. There's a dress code..

You have to wear a shirt with a collar, no t-shirts or jeans. The company provides branded polos for everybody. Most people wear these polos. My wardrobe is normally slacks and either a button-up or a nice v-neck (plain or striped). Polos look so much worse than what I normally wear. They're like the mullets of shirts. Business up top, party all the way down. Either way, I'm going to be expanding my button-ups I guess. And I probably need to find a better ironing solution because currently it takes me hella long to iron my shirts.

Also I make a little more money than at my last job. Like 10% I guess.

Learning all the process and procedure here is a little daunting. Where to log my time, what things I have to do each day, etc. They're very organized wrt all that stuff. I can't wait to just get to the real work of writing code.

I feel like I should be more excited starting a new job. I'm kind of ambivalent about it.

Sorry to livejournal dump.
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