Yeah, flashbacks to warm ups at theater.
I should probably listen to that album. What I've heard has been dece.
Haha I listen to all sorts of music for different reasons, I think it's silly to confine it. Cool song.I don't listen to music to be happy. But.. how about.. Viices Made in Heights
Wow this was a sight for sore eyes.
What a voice on her!Angel From Montgomery - Tedeschi Trucks Band - There's very little from this band that doesn't put a huge smile on my face. I love playing them loud in the car.
Also blues music of all sorts, but especially jump.
This is the most accurate.
Future wife
all are invited to wedding
You are a murderer though?omg finally someone else.
I just never played it and never had any interest in playing it. I'm being looked at like a murderer when I say this in most cases.
Whoa didn't expect Lacuna Coil to be mentioned here today.
Subtle and just right.More now:
Em I just found out that Friend Request was actually a German remake of Unfriended. If they followed the same plot then ADC's character should be a massive piece of shit, and also into some weird kink involving being threatened with a knife.
What a voice on her!
well I already knew that
Listening to the rest of that review, it sounds like they did the opposite. ADC's character is apparently the only character in that movie that is worth giving a shit about. It sucks that her film appearances are so subpar in comparison to her television work
Holy shit archive.org has changed a lot since 2011.She's a pretty decent guitarist too, though in that regard is overshadowed by her husband's virtuosity. Really hope they come back to town, loved their show.
I just discovered that archive.org has a bunch of their shows. Fuckin' A.
edit: Eleanor fucking Rigby.
The world looks a lot different when you know Matthew Broderick committed vehicular manslaughter.
oh hey there's finally penis on game of thrones
who would have thought
please don't mention penises around me
this past weekend i saw more dick than i cared to
Wanna see mine?
Don't give me more reasons to drink myself into a coma.
swiping left
seriously though, some dude dropped his fucking pants at our party last weekend out of nowhere and it kinda ruined the atmosphere for me
GoT Spoilers
Part of me wishes that they had the balls to not resurrect him at the end of the episode and just had him stay dead and then halfway though the next episode someone walks into the room to get the body to burn it and he's gone.
Jesus, I can't believe you'd suggest such a thing.
Cumleak tho. I'm done.
And I'm mad I can't use that name for my own Tumblr.
Australia though.Mad Max is a fun game. Very reminiscent of the Batman Arkahm games.
The driver's side being on the right and not the left is triggering me tho.
GoT Spoilers
Part of me wishes that they had the balls to not resurrect him at the end of the episode and just had him stay dead and then halfway though the next episode someone walks into the room to get the body to burn it and he's gone.
Australia though.
I'm looking forward to eventually picking that game up on sale. I know I'd really like it.
"Beautiful, willful, and dead before her time."
Wow not Game of Thrones slapping me w/ the emotions
this is gonna be the weirdest amazon order i've ever made
55 gallon tub of lube?this is gonna be the weirdest amazon order i've ever made
55 gallon tub of lube?
let me just say that it involves a knife, magic cards, and...other things. for starters.
Magic: the Gathering?let me just say that it involves a knife, magic cards, and...other things. for starters.
Magic: the Gathering?
heck yeah
i'm building a green / black deathtouch deck because I enjoy the suffering of others
a vibrator and books may also be on the list