I genuinely would like to try the pole dancing workout but I am nervous about looking silly.
fun fact: I took a pole dancing class once (I sucked) and the instructor looked exactly like Daisy Ridley!
Introduce me. We can be related bro
my best friend's colleague is actually a male world champion or something like that.
I was visiting my friend once who is a fitness freak. She teaches yoga, pilates, etc. and was like "you should come tomorrow. We never get guys in the class" haha okay how bad can it be, I thought. I show up in running shorts and a T-shirt. Everyone else has their yoga fitness stuff on. We are in a room that looked like a ballet room with mirrors on the wall and bars to hold onto. Fuck, what is this place? There are about twenty other women there glaring at me. My friend tells me to go to the front by her. I was mortified. "Just follow along and I'll help you if you need it" so we get going and she keeps stopping the class to fix my form, etc. I'm falling over, red as a beet, and stuck where everyone can see me.
I swear that class lasted what felt like forever. It sounds so cliche but it's exactly how it went down. My friend was like "you did fine!" but I was like never again.
Edit: acrid, this was in Los Gatos too! Bad memories
I've watched the youtube videos where the premise is like "have your boyfriend do your makeup" -- And the joke of it is that usually he does a shit job and has no idea what he's doing.
I would knock that out of the park.
Holy crap. I should just ask HN if I can do her makeup. I just had this revelation.
Report back with the results please.
so..what you're really saying here...you're her boyfriend! CONGRATS ON THE LOVE CONGRATS ON THE LOVE
The single people in this thread are becoming scarce. It's like getting picked for dodgeball in middle school.
Was your instructor Keira Knightley?a lot of people think the two look the same
Ugh someone needs to carry the nihilistic single life torch with me
yeah I wonder who's next. we should bet on it
Sorry, I'm #TeamHedonism
yeah I wonder who's next. we should bet on it
Errr are you thinking she's talking about Natalie Portman?
Bed pool?Yeah, we probably should. FakeGAF relationship lottery.
The three of them share similar facial qualities. With differences obviously, but some people think they look the same.
hahahaha oh man. I love this story because it's exactly how it would have happened if I was in your shoes. Same attire and everything.lol
I was visiting my friend once who is a fitness freak. She teaches yoga, pilates, etc. and was like "you should come tomorrow. We never get guys in the class" haha okay how bad can it be, I thought. I show up in running shorts and a T-shirt. Everyone else has their yoga fitness stuff on. We are in a room that looked like a ballet room with mirrors on the wall and bars to hold onto. Fuck, what is this place? There are about twenty other women there glaring at me. My friend tells me to go to the front by her. I was mortified. "Just follow along and I'll help you if you need it" so we get going and she keeps stopping the class to fix my form, etc. I'm falling over, red as a beet, and stuck where everyone can see me.
I swear that class lasted what felt like forever. It sounds so cliche but it's exactly how it went down. My friend was like "you did fine!" but I was like never again.
Edit: acrid, this was in Los Gatos too! Bad memories
Hahaha, it's Wazzy and BB.
hahahahaha oh wow I forgot all about that video. That was incredible.Hahaha, it's Wazzy and BB.
I don't unconditionally love any game that much.
Maybe Chrono Trigger comes close.
How's everyone's handwriting? If it's good, did you have to practice a lot to get there?
My handwriting has been pretty shit for ~20 years and hasn't improved. I'm left handed and my hand tends to cramp up when writing. I'm sure it's because of gripping the pen too tightly, but if I loosen it feels sloppier.
/random thought
you're next, kid. I'd bet on you!
The best character ever written
awnot likely though! I'm not seeing anyone anytime soon.
my bet is on you (obviously it's already too late to bet on that though) and Acrid
edit: actually one person I messaged + really liked on first glance just visited my profile and didn't reply ;_; don't bet on the slow horse, son. (I don't think that's what people actually say but I don't know horse race lingo)
You managed to pick a picture that makes Natalie portman and kiera knightly look even more different from each other than they normally do. But Ridley, no chance. She looks more similar to Taylor swift than she does either of them
He must be gay!
That's what I say every time a woman isn't interested in me.
"Don't bet on the slow horse" actually is horse racing lingo, btw.
How's everyone's handwriting? If it's good, did you have to practice a lot to get there?
My handwriting has been pretty shit for ~20 years and hasn't improved. I'm left handed and my hand tends to cramp up when writing. I'm sure it's because of gripping the pen too tightly, but if I loosen it feels sloppier.
/random thought
yes, that's probably why he's listed as straight!
it is? for real? I just made that up. woah I'm born to do this.
I've been complimented on mine before. I write in a cursive/print hybrid.
I can't actually remember the last time I handwrote something tho.
My handwriting looks like a dyslexic intoxicated chicken scratched the paper and then shmeared all over it.
My handwriting looks like a dyslexic intoxicated chicken scratched the paper and then shmeared all over it.
I heard that people with messy handwriting and rooms are lowkey geniuses though so I don't feel too bad.
At least is not cursive Cyrillic, like this Russian medical record.![]()
Unsure if Latin alphabet or heretofore unknown runes.
mine too.
peepz are always like "here you write this, girls have pretty handwrit-.... oh."
My handwriting looks like a dyslexic intoxicated chicken scratched the paper and then shmeared all over it.
I heard that people with messy handwriting and rooms are lowkey geniuses though so I don't feel too bad.
As far as defending games go I'll defend Spec Ops The Line with my last breath
As far as defending games go I'll defend Spec Ops The Line with my last breath
As far as defending games go I'll defend Spec Ops The Line with my last breath
*hi 5!*me too!!!
I can handwrite beautifully if I put a lot of time and attention into it and look at references of beautiful handwriting. It's just like drawing anything else.
Writing naturally is kind of a mess, though, because I don't do it frequently.
They look nothing alike. All 4 of them. They look so different that if I wanted to I could draw all 4 of them and have each of the drawings look different yet accurate. I don't want to spend the next 3 hours on that though so you'll just have to take my word for it.