My kink is women who don't give a shit and stand up for themselves and are general badasses
My kink is women who don't give a shit and stand up for themselves and are general badasses
My kink is women who don't give a shit and stand up for themselves and are general badasses
My kink is women who don't give a shit and stand up for themselves and are general badasses
Why? It's so God damned long
You should watch Luther
Idris Elba's accent is my sexuality.
You have lot's of sexualities
me whenever you guys talk
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.
Thanks for this!how about this: it's a great and incredibly ambitious story that's based on Apocalypse Now (movie) and Heart of Darkness (book the movie is based on) and conveys their themes through setting, atmosphere, visuals, gameplay and sound alike. it took a great risk for a mainstream game because it isn't readily explainable to everyone and that alone is an accomplishment.
if nothing else it at least makes you think. it handled an important topic that's relevant in society & game industry - unlike most *nonsensical fantasy* AAA games do. it lured people in with the looks of another generic shooter but turned that whole expectation upside down, in a slow and subtle way. Dubai's desert was the perfect visual metaphor for transcending into madness, there are so many thoughtful placed details to it. the implicit moral critique did not only adress players but the CoD & BF-shitting game industry itself. and that took balls an obviously made them a lot less money than they could've made by following the rulebook. nothing but respect. did I mention the kickass soundtrack? what other games features Mogwai, Alice in Chains AND Inner Circle??
it's a joke
I have no idea what Khaleesi is trying to convey with that look.
Given the context of the scene, I'd say something along the lines of, "I'll chop your fucking dick off and choke you with it."
Sounds sexy enough for me
You Germans are all so filthy.
:: prepares to spank you but then decides not to because you'd like that ::
Now you're just a tease, prolly likes that too.
There's really no winning here.
Perhaps we need some sort of final solution.
Now you're just a tease, prolly likes that too.
There's really no winning here.
Oh that's dark.
so yesterday after work i noticed have 3 perfect circle bruises on my arms, 2 on my right one on my left. About half a cm in diameter. Today after work i have 6, 4 left 2 right.
Am I dying?
so yesterday after work i noticed have 3 perfect circle bruises on my arms, 2 on my right one on my left. About half a cm in diameter. Today after work i have 6, 4 left 2 right.
Am I dying?
What?I liked the three-comma guy from S2. I didn't especially love anything else in it though.
hahahahahhahahahahahahaThis is my ultimate fear when indulging in the more risqué activities of Snapchat.
Who was expecting otherwise? Silly.My face when the PS4K only has 4K for video playback.
Lift anything that you wouldn't normally have?
Who was expecting otherwise? Silly.
Not particularly, but i do notice them after work. Maybe im getting weaker.
HahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaPlenty of people on gaming side thought it would magically have gameplay in 4K.
Misha, we have such similar handwriting. Jobbs would probably say it's nothing alike though.
To those still on the 25th
To those still on the 25th
Em just gave me the fic to top the Hogwarts fic.
ET and Elliot fuck.
Same here. Technology has severely reduced my actual handwriting time. Which is a good thing because a handicapped snail could write faster than me.