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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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When you open the front door to step outside and the mailman is just walking up and you almost bump into him


Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
I want a bonfire and character silhouette from Dark Souls but I would have to design that shit myself.

Which reminds me my appointment for part II of my tat is coming up tomorrow. Woo

Misha does Psycho-Pass pick up more after ~Ep 4? I tried it once and liked it somewhat, but it never really grabbed me beyond that.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
this CGI harlock is way better than it has any right to be so far


Which reminds me my appointment for part II of my tat is coming up tomorrow. Woo

Misha does Psycho-Pass pick up more after ~Ep 4? I tried it once and liked it somewhat, but it never really grabbed me beyond that.
It has a few stages. First three the initial episodes which are more generic procydural then it goes into more stylistic and disturbing procedural then at the end it could pretty much be a movie where it finally directly tackles the main plot

I haven't seen the second season btw


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
this CGI harlock is way better than it has any right to be so far
I need to see this. I saw some gifs a while back and it looked really cool.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Trab did he text you first or did you? I had some matches but I somehow can't be bothered to text first lol.


I like you

do you know me?!
have I ever not delivered?

Trying to think of what else could happen that hasn't already.

I'm going to go with... hardcore insect collector and keeps a book of dead insect parts in his backpack. Won't stop talking about insects. Wants you to touch the insects.

I guess that could be kinda cool though
Trying to think of what else could happen that hasn't already.

I'm going to go with... hardcore insect collector and keeps a book of dead insect parts in his backpack.
I bet on the date he's like "OMG IS THIS A KLARAKIRA TRAMPORUFULUS?!?! wait a sec I gotta get his!!" ::picks rare grasshopper off my nose to put in his book::


you could start by introducing yourself.
Well, I've always been a private person. I don't really use social media all that much. In fact, ever since I've been done with school, I haven't really done all that much. And I feel too comfortable being in that position, since I get almost €200 of free money each and every week. I can't really think of much else to spend it on other than food and media like movies and games. I've been trying to lose weight for the past few months, I like nature documentaries, and I'd be willing to share an interest if possible.


what about the insect cruelty though

oh. if he KILLS them then I don't like it. if he just finds dead ones it's okay. Honestly I don't know how insect collecting works.

I guess if he murders the one on your nose that's not cool.

I literally stopped my car to save a caterpiller from the road once. I also wouldn't let the kids put lightning bugs in a jar. I'm actually very against bug cruelty come to think of it


See, I totally thought it was drugs.
Drugs are fine
oh. if he KILLS them then I don't like it. if he just finds dead ones it's okay. Honestly I don't know how insect collecting works.

I guess if he murders the one on your nose that's not cool.

I literally stopped my car to save a caterpiller from the road once. I also wouldn't let the kids put lightning bugs in a jar. I'm actually very against bug cruelty come to think of it
Pretty sure you put them in a jar with gas. I mean endangered ones you can't do that but you'd get them better preserved if you kill them yourself
Well, I've always been a private person. I don't really use social media all that much. In fact, ever since I've been done with school, I haven't really done all that much. And I feel too comfortable being in that position, since I get almost €200 of free money each and every week. I can't really think of much else to spend it on other than food and media like movies and games. I've been trying to lose weight for the past few months, I like nature documentaries, and I'd be willing to share an interest if possible.
you can get around with just 200€? where are you from btw?
oh. if he KILLS them then I don't like it. if he just finds dead ones it's okay. Honestly I don't know how insect collecting works.

I guess if he murders the one on your nose that's not cool.

I literally stopped my car to save a caterpiller from the road once. I also wouldn't let the kids put lightning bugs in a jar. I'm actually very against bug cruelty come to think of it
me too!! I draw the line at mosquitos though. there's too damn many here. and bed bugs. never had any but they are one of my biggest fears.
but praise the spiders. they keep shit in order.


Drugs are fine

Pretty sure you put them in a jar with gas. I mean endangered ones you can't do that but you'd get them better preserved if you kill them yourself

okay, I've decided you can't date an insect collector trab. I no longer approve. sorry


you can get around with just 200€? where are you from btw?
Ireland. I still live with my parents, which is none too unusual for us here. Hell, my eldest brother was nearly 30 before he moved out for good, and he was already engaged by then. I can get by just fine by simply mooching off of them. Don't worry, there's isn't any Skinner/Mother Psycho antics going on here.
I don't needlessly kill most insects and arachnids either.

Except mosquitoes. They serve no purpose but to spread disease, so I don't feel guilty about it.


I don't needlessly kill most insects and arachnids either.

Except mosquitoes. They serve no purpose but to spread disease, so I don't feel guilty about it.

Flies, wasps, roaches, and earwigs get killed. Spiders can live so long as they keep their numbers small and I don't see them.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I pretend like I'm Galactus around inspects and just smash the shit out of them. YOU ARE OF NO RELEVANCE TO ME!


Spiders bees and wasps get a bad rap

and lady bugs are bae


I don't needlessly kill most insects and arachnids either.

Except mosquitoes. They serve no purpose but to spread disease, so I don't feel guilty about it.

June bugs are my nemesis. When they get inside they fly clumsily around the room, are dense as fuck making their reckless flying all the more scary. When they fly into a wall or something it makes a loud thud. It's so unsettling.

I pretend like I'm Galactus around inspects and just smash the shit out of them. YOU ARE OF NO RELEVANCE TO ME!

I swear I was expecting you to show up and talk about carrying out bug holocausts. You didn't disappoint
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