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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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1) back in my DAOC days I played female characters and if anyone asked I pretended to be a girl. I did this because it was fun/funny to me and I liked all the massively preferential treatment I got just for being a little cutesy.

2) play Soma next and tell me if it's good

1) weirdo

2) i'm not into horror

3) cause of gone home i'm listening to punkish lo-fi music with girl singers (probably a decent bit more poppy tho) (also that's not the only band. I just really like them)
We don't always disagree. I thought Oxenfree was nice. I'm sure there are other things too.

And I did play Watch Dog a fair number of hours, and got some amusement out of it -- Most of my amusement, though, had nothing to do with what the game was. Cell phone murder game was fun (like I think I said -- Get someone to call 911, kill them before they get the call off, and continue this chain as many times as possible before someone gets a call off).

My disdain for Watch Dogs is probably overstated because I'm edgelord, I just thought the design MO (focus tested, undaring) made it so much more dull than it could have been, as often is the case with these games

Yeah I know, haha. I thought I had recommended SOMA to you ages ago but the GAF search isn't turning anything up, so perhaps not. Or perhaps I did during a Twitch stream. I can find the genesis on my Oxenfree recommendation but not SOMA, so I'll acquiesce.

I feel unusually tired right now, like it's three hours later in the night than it actually is. Not sure what's going on. Urg.


Yeah I know, haha. I thought I had recommended SOMA to you ages ago but the GAF search isn't turning anything up, so perhaps not. Or perhaps I did during a Twitch stream. I can find the genesis on my Oxenfree recommendation but not SOMA, so I'll acquiesce.

I feel unusually tired right now, like it's three hours later in the night than it actually is. Not sure what's going on. Urg.

I'm feeling a bit run down and it's because I ate shit all day.

Anyway, based on that I'll play SOMA next.

Quick selfie first. Check out my new hat ♥


Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Found a good service, was here within minutes and super nice plus affordable. Yay me


Do the hand thing Jobbs.

You mean smash my knuckles into the pavement? I'd really hate to do that again especially considering they're still stiff right now and I'm still having some trouble gripping the stylus. On the bright side it's given me an excuse to procrastinate on this heaping amount of artwork that needs done, on the downside decreased productivity is the last thing I need right now

Found a good service, was here within minutes and super nice plus affordable. Yay me

Yay! What was your plan B? Just start runnin'? Baf Gump style?


You mean smash my knuckles into the pavement? I'd really hate to do that again especially considering they're still stiff right now and I'm still having some trouble gripping the stylus. On the bright side it's given me an excuse to procrastinate on this heaping amount of artwork that needs done, on the downside decreased productivity is the last thing I need right now

Nah, the other hand thing. I want to see that hand with the tendons popping so I know it's really you.
You mean smash my knuckles into the pavement? I'd really hate to do that again especially considering they're still stiff right now and I'm still having some trouble gripping the stylus. On the bright side it's given me an excuse to procrastinate on this heaping amount of artwork that needs done, on the downside decreased productivity is the last thing I need right now

Whatcha working on? This is me right now:


yep, thanks! :)


Nah, the other hand thing. I want to see that hand with the tendons popping so I know it's really you.

I actually lied a bit to get attention. I just took one picture normal then did some pushups and did it again. I can't control it per se.


Ive made a decision: I'm never going to make a game or anything that makes you feel good about any kind of violence. Its fucked up that that's the default way to show conflict and create interaction in general


Pretty sure that it's not Lili's birthday tomorrow, so I'm not wishing her anything.

Whatcha working on? This is me right now:

Haha. Trying to finally finish up this guy. This is a boss I've been working on off and on for months on end. I think this started last year.

I kept putting him off, but now I need to put him in the game so I'm finishing out his movelist. That's the flinch animation which I just finished.

edit: is that a clothing store? can we buy clothes? :eek: can we play fashion souls?

Ive made a decision: I'm never going to make a game or anything that makes you feel good about any kind of violence. Its fucked up that that's the default way to show conflict and create interaction in general

You should put a character holding a gun on the cover anyway just so it still sells
Ive made a decision: I'm never going to make a game or anything that makes you feel good about any kind of violence. Its fucked up that that's the default way to show conflict and create interaction in general

It's funny, there's a game I've been working on and it is DAMN hard to make an action game or RPG that doesn't involve violence in some way. The most natural thing to do in a game setting is to want to either organize things (puzzle game), overcome physical obstacles (platformer, generally) or eliminate threats (almost everything else). It's a good exercise though, and I'll probably still use violence but as you said, in a way that hopefully isn't about glamorizing it.
Pretty sure that it's not Lili's birthday tomorrow, so I'm not wishing her anything.

Haha. Trying to finally finish up this guy. This is a boss I've been working on off and on for months on end. I think this started last year.

I kept putting him off, but now I need to put him in the game so I'm finishing out his movelist. That's the flinch animation which I just finished.

Listen. I can't keep things straight. I thought it was already Friday, not still Thursday, so I thought Clive was referring to next Friday, June 17th, which is my birthday. So yes you're right but I wasn't wrong in my head.

I meant to ask this before, but is that one of the vagina teleport plants growing on his back?


Listen. I can't keep things straight. I thought it was already Friday, not still Thursday, so I thought Clive was referring to next Friday, June 17th, which is my birthday. So yes you're right but I wasn't wrong in my head.

I meant to ask this before, but is that one of the vagina teleport plants growing on his back?

I knew it. I'm good with birthdays.

And good eye. Yes, it is a warp plant growing out of his back, which enables him to have a "personal warp". He warps around the game world and makes sudden appearances and leaves just as quickly, particularly in one area. When you finally defeat him, he teleports away again (which is ultimately to die, because you come across his dying body a bit later).

I should note that his teleporting is scripted rather than dynamic, as much as it would have been neat for him to be a bit more that way, it just didn't fit/work.

also answer my fashion souls edit.


You should put a character holding a gun on the cover anyway just so it still sells
Its for target practice!
It's funny, there's a game I've been working on and it is DAMN hard to make an action game or RPG that doesn't involve violence in some way. The most natural thing to do in a game setting is to want to either organize things (puzzle game), overcome physical obstacles (platformer, generally) or eliminate threats (almost everything else). It's a good exercise though, and I'll probably still use violence but as you said, in a way that hopefully isn't about glamorizing it.

Ive been wondering though if it just seems the easy because we're used to it as a mechanic. Why is it not weird to quantify health as a single number? Why that and not happiness or friendship or awareness or heck, money?
Its definitely satisfying now but I think we had to get accustomed to it
Ive been wondering though if it just seems the easy because we're used to it as a mechanic. Why is it not weird to quantify health as a single number? Why that and not happiness or friendship or awareness or heck, money?
Its definitely satisfying now but I think we had to get accustomed to it

We quantify health as a single number because implementing mechanically different systems is super difficult and it doesn't add much if anything to the experience. Sometimes it actually drags the experience down.

Health isn't always in a single number. For example, some games have characters that can be poisoned or burning or similarly unhealthy. Some larger enemies have multiple nodes with their own health levels, and each has to be destroyed separately.

But what wouldn't be fun in a game is to slice off the leg of a biped and watch as it limps towards you (or away if it's scared). I mean that sounds cool, and in moderation that kind of system is fine, but it takes a lot of work to develop and it gets old if every character has a limping state. It makes battles longer than they need to be since the enemy is down but not out, and they necessarily get easier to fight the more damage you do. Or if you shoot the arms off of an enemy what's the point in it running around armless? For the sake of satisfying gameplay, it needs to be considered defeated at that point.

This isn't to say that clever developers can't come up with interesting complex health systems. More that I think the simplification of unifying health to a single number allows for a broader range of experiences, and is easier to design for and intuit as a player. But maybe that's just a personal failing. I know that a couple times in the past I've worked with people trying to make characters with complex health systems, but I couldn't do it.

As for why so many games feature violence, that's pretty simple. Violence eliminates many kinds of obstacles. Games are about overcoming obstacles. If you can't get around the obstacle (platforming, racing, stealth) and you can't reorganize the obstacle (puzzles, negotiations), then you have to eliminate the obstacle, and that basically means violence.
Ive been wondering though if it just seems the easy because we're used to it as a mechanic. Why is it not weird to quantify health as a single number? Why that and not happiness or friendship or awareness or heck, money?
Its definitely satisfying now but I think we had to get accustomed to it

I think there are several reasons, actually.

A good dev friend of mine was often criticized for his saying that "videogames are all about collision detection." Now, obviously this is oversimplified but he has a point. When you get down to the nuts and bolts of a game, beyond all the high-falutin' "themes" and "meanings," the gameplay often does come down to just that. It's abstract.

And in the abstract world, it's very difficult for us to model intangibles, such as emotions, as a discrete gameplay element. That stuff is generally flavor. So when you think, okay, our game mechanic is about going from Point A to Point B, what is going to stop us and thus make it challenging and fun? The environment by itself, maybe, but generally that's not very fun, or it gets boring after a while, and environments are typically static. Well, how about putting in some agents? What do these agents do? Well, they try to hinder you somehow. What hinders you? Etc. etc. until you get down to the solution of, "they do damage, or they kill you, and you have to avoid them or kill them first." Again, collision detection :p

So ultimately I think it comes down to convenience and clarity. It's really hard to model a realistic emotional system that lets you address things in a way that feels good. Could you make a game where instead of reload, punch, shoot, etc, you did yoga to recharge, hug, and give candy (actually a boy and his blob does like two of these, lol)? We probably could. But it might not be very exciting.

It's a very, very tough problem!


Ninja Gaiden 2 featured enemies losing various limbs and sometimes continuing on. Sometimes they actually became more dangerous because a legless enemy can grab you and suicide bomb.

Despite Lili just saying this makes battles less fun, I actually thought the limb stuff in NG2 added a lot. It was a total slaughter.

I think it's done less because it takes more work. I think that's generally what it comes down to (that or it's too gruesome for the tone of many games).
Ninja Gaiden 2 featured enemies losing various limbs and sometimes continuing on. Sometimes they actually became more dangerous because a legless enemy can grab you and suicide bomb.

Despite Lili just saying this makes battles less fun, I actually thought the limb stuff in NG2 added a lot. It was a total slaughter.

I think it's done less because it takes more work. I think that's generally what it comes down to (that or it's too gruesome for the tone of many games).

If an enemy grows stronger the more you attack it, that's good design. There just are not many logical ways to do that. If an enemy grows weaker as you attack it then that gets boring, even if the novelty is interesting at first.

Borderlands 2 plays with this a lot. There's a goliath type that goes into rage mode if you drop it below a certain health level and let it play its rage animation. There's also a giant waspish creature which will burrow into a pod and grow into a much larger, much stronger version if you leave it alone at low health for a while.

A more classic example is the Darknut in Ocarina of Time and forward. After knocking off all its heavy armor, it becomes faster and more deadly. But you can't do this design with every kind of enemy. It has to make sense within the context of the world.

To contrast, remember how sad and pathetic Sif gets when you bring him down to super low health? Dark Souls gets away with that because you're supposed to be sympathetic to that one boss fight, but they cleverly didn't try and do the same thing with all the other bosses.


If an enemy grows stronger the more you attack it, that's good design. There just are not many logical ways to do that. If an enemy grows weaker as you attack it then that gets boring, even if the novelty is interesting at first.

Borderlands 2 plays with this a lot. There's a goliath type that goes into rage mode if you drop it below a certain health level and let it play its rage animation. There's also a giant waspish creature which will burrow into a pod and grow into a much larger, much stronger version if you leave it alone at low health for a while.

A more classic example is the Darknut in Ocarina of Time and forward. After knocking off all its heavy armor, it becomes faster and more deadly. But you can't do this design with every kind of enemy. It has to make sense within the context of the world.

To contrast, remember how sad and pathetic Sif gets when you bring him down to super low health? Dark Souls gets away with that because you're supposed to be sympathetic to that one boss fight, but they cleverly didn't try and do the same thing with all the other bosses.

Depends on how it's done. In NG2 the enemies were essentially defeated after having their limbs removed, even if they continued to live (with the exception of their suicide bombing which they sometimes tried to do once injured). Finishing the crippled enemies was just another part of your whirlwind of death. It was gratifying.

i have en enemy that continues to split off into smaller versions of itself as you damage it. It doesn't necessarily get harder, it just gets.. Different. Different is fine.

I can also envision a game with more dueling mechanics where injuring the enemy is a reward. It grants you the "upper hand", so to speak, and presents you an opportunity to finish the battle more easily.

So I don't know that I agree with your rule here


Unconfirmed Member
Lucian is an American Shorthair if I recall correctly, and not to sound racist, but they're the best kind of cat.

I did mean to sound racist
You might! But your username isn't Jobbs cat :p

Hold on just a gosh darn minute. If we go by this naming scheme then Funky is not a Funky Papa, but has a Funky Papa. And Clive has a frog named Clyde. It's perfectly natural to assume you see yourself as a cat named Lucian, and I see myself as a pale person named Lilith. That's how usernames work!
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