I hope you grabbed a sixer at least. You're not drinking alone when you're drinking with Gaf.
Now granadier's a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And hes talking with ceally, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life
And Zeemumu is practicing politics
As the Australians slowly get stoned
Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinking alone
where is my option to play old link?
I have a chinese woman somwhere in my blood. at least that's what my grandmother told me.
Fuck this headache
Now granadier's a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And hes talking with ceally, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life
And Zeemumu is practicing politics
As the Australians slowly get stoned
Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinking alone
It was so weird, after being confused for a bit I was laughing though all the serious scenes. Character motivations were non existent, everyone was over or under acting, and what the heck happened to jubilee?Sorry, I forgot to mention that when I 1st saw it last week, lol.
Rather see Quicksilver's sister. But they did make the character more bearable than usual.
They should introduce all of Erik's kids while we're at it. Movie spoilers:The nerd in me wished they had named his daughter who dies Anya instead. And his wife Magda, actually.
It was so weird, after being confused for a bit I was laughing though all the serious scenes. Character motivations were non existent, everyone was over or under acting, and what the heck happened to jubilee?
Mystique hardly did anything and Jubilee was just there, lol.
Now granadier's a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And hes talking with ceally, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life
And Zeemumu is practicing politics
As the Australians slowly get stoned
Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinking alone
I forgot what she did!!!=OBut mystique was the hero!
Workmates trying to play cupid. FML.
Workmates trying to play cupid. FML.
Shoot those arrows back, make them love a toaster oven or some shit.
The fellow workmate they're trying to set me up with would probably be into that. He's a metalhead too :/Tell them you're in a committed relationship with Satan.
Maybe. Maybe.Shoot those arrows back, make them love a toaster oven or some shit.
I did sit in the dark. Technically I was laying in bed too after taking some Ibuprofen. But it worked!Try sitting in the shower in the dark or putting a heating pad on your head or a bag of ice.
Those are all the migraine remedies I have.![]()
Lucian has a way to eliminate headaches that big pharma doesn't want you to know about.
I regret telling you people stuff.Lucian has a way to eliminate headaches that big pharma doesn't want you to know about.
Go to heck
Hell would be this song played on a loop.
Also, holy shit at the video picture and the uploader's username. I'm dead.
wut do you do lisa
No one has ever forgottenmany moons ago I said I masturbated while I had a headache and all it did was make things worse and I possibly threw up. I can't remember now.![]()
Christina Grimmie being killed has really hit me hard. Watching her videos has bought several lumps to my throat. Fuck this scummy world.
Why is weekend GAF so weird
Flamin heck.
Trop d'alcool.
No one has ever forgottenmany moons ago I said I masturbated while I had a headache and all it did was make things worse and I possibly threw up. I can't remember now.![]()
you can't environmentally science your way out of this one you sick cunt
I have the house to myself again so I'm drank.