In the above link he's exploring an abandoned children's asylum, and after reviewing the footage determined someone else was in the building with him...
I quit life. BUT HOLY SHIT IT WAS AMAZING. I've never quite had an episode of television arrest me in such a way before. And all those plot threads being left on the table. I fucking needed season three yesterday.
Easily the most depleting finale for a TV show since Hannibal. Only that Hannibal at least provided some fanservice to satisfy the fannibals, whereas The Knick went for the whole Fuck Everything that is Good and Wholesome approach.
I finished watching the finale an hour ago or so and I can't state with words how I feel. What a monumental episode to end this season, if not the show. I strongly feel that it may have been one of the most solid, harrowing and dense episodes in recent history. Most other shows would have happily and neatly tied up every storyline around one, maybe two characters at most, but the finale went on to confirm that The Knick is unlike any other show on TV.
Let's stop for a minute to think about how much stuff The Knick crammed in just a few minutes of TV:
[*]Thackery, out of his head and possessed by the same madness that turned Christiansen to suicide, kills himself for the final trick in one of the most harrowing and tense scenes I remember, further cementing Clive Owen's reputation as one of the most talented actors currently working on any medium. His final seconds were just breathtaking.
[*]Algernon seemingly loses an eye, but on happier news receives an important inheritance and resumes Thack's work with drug and alcohol addicts.
[*]Barrow, the rankest, slimiest turd ever squeezed out, continues to elevate his station. It's not a happy ending, however. Playing too much with the x-rays machine laves him with cancer and he set himself out for a most terrible and miserable death as he conceded control of his home and personal finances to Junia, who will probably throw him out into the street like the rat that he is at her fist chance.
[*]Cornelia yields. Finding herself between a loveless marriage and the fact that her brother is a stone cold killer, ships herself out to Australia to start anew. Sad finale for an otherwise positive character.
[*]The formerly frail nurse Elkins outs herself as one of the most calloused and manipulative characters of the entire show. Which is to say something.
[*]Henry literally gets away with murder, not to mention a hefty inheritance. That bastard played the game and won.
[*]My sweet, sweet Chickering failed to save Thack despite his best efforts. Hopefully he doesn't get eaten away by the same sense of guilt and arrogance that got his beloved mentor killed.
[*]Cleary turns out to be one of the show's biggest sociopaths despite being portrayed as a well meaning brute. I'm lost for words. To the show's credit, his conclusion didn't feel like character assassination, but a sincere gut punch. He was never a good person as he pretends (and probably believes) at church, but a likeable bastard willing to do what it takes to get what he wants. He's not that different from Elkins.
[*]Sister Harriet marries to the person who betrayed her trust, got her defroked and inflicted her the most pain. Jesus.
[*]Gallinger's borderline criminal and totally inhumane behaviour was not only unpunished, but rewarded. Now he will spread the gospel of eugenics around the word, helping to mutilate millions of people and erase entire communities while he has perfect babies with her wife's sister. Evil triumphed.
That was quite probably the most complex and open ended yet fully satisfying finale since The Wire's. What a send-off.
Even if S2 was considerably uneven and even forced at times, the way they ended the season elevated it to new heights.
I'm not even mad that Gallinger, Barrow and Henry got away with what they did or that Thack's dead may prevent us from seeing more of Clive Owen owning every scene like the boss that he is.
I'm just happy I was able to experience his glorious piece of TV, as short lived as it may turn out to be. I also feel necessary to highlight the incredible score by Cliff Martinez, who totally killed
Thack's ride into the sunset
with an atypical yet intense composition that perfectly glued one of the most memorable scenes of the entire show.
Re: S3. It looks like The Knick was designed as a show that would reinvent itself every couple of seasons, kind of like a biseasonal anthology in the same vein of an extended version of True Detective. Season 3 has not been confirmed yet, but it looks like the show's return would take place in a completely new setting. I'm not sure 100% if they could pull it off without the Soderbergh-Martinez-Owen trifecta, so I'd be happy either way.
Easily the most depleting finale for a TV show since Hannibal. Only that Hannibal at least provided some fanservice to satisfy the fannibals, whereas The Knick went for the whole Fuck Everything that is Good and Wholesome approach.
Evil triumphs.
Shit is fucked up. Accept it and be done with it.
My review from the old OT:
Re: S3. It looks like The Knick was designed as a show that would reinvent itself every couple of seasons, kind of like a biseasonal anthology in the same vein of an extended version of True Detective. Season 3 has not been confirmed yet, but it looks like the show's return would take place in a completely new setting. I'm not sure 100% if they could pull it off without the Soderbergh-Martinez-Owen trifecta, so I'd be happy either way.
I quit life. BUT HOLY SHIT IT WAS AMAZING. I've never quite had an episode of television arrest me in such a way before. And all those plot threads being left on the table. I fucking needed season three yesterday.
It had awful ratings (right now Cinemax is pondering a third season, which may or may not happen), but it featured some of the most stunning acting, music and cinematography ever seen on the small screen.
The S is just a slim version (packs in extra functionality with UHD blu rays but) and is replacing the XBO as soon as they run out of stock. Scorpio is the equivalent of the PS4 Neo, but more powerful and coming a bit later.
The S is just a slim version (packs in extra functionality with UHD blu rays but) and is replacing the XBO as soon as they run out of stock. Scorpio is the equivalent of the PS4 Neo, but more powerful and coming a bit later.
Despite my often contemptuous dislike of Nintendo as a company, I often find myself coming back to them because they manage to put out some really creative concepts and Zelda is just plain lovely.
Breath of the Wild, though... this may be the first Zelda game to leave me cold.
I hate to say it but after watching a few of the trailers, I'm with you. Didn't think they'd be going that far with the generic open world mechanics.
I mean, it looks like it's going to do most of those things better than other games but I just don't see how the things in the trailer benefit Zelda style games. Would be better as a different franchise imo
What's Sega about it though? Slim revisions are very normal for hardware, and the competition is making the exact same move regarding upgraded consoles. Both Sony and MS will be selling two pieces of hardware. If we lived in a world where the Neo was coming out but we weren't getting Scorpio, the power and sales gap would just continue to magnify, if they want to stay in the game in any meaningful respect they have no choice but to offer some beefier specs.
The S is just a slim version (packs in extra functionality with UHD blu rays but) and is replacing the XBO as soon as they run out of stock. Scorpio is the equivalent of the PS4 Neo, but more powerful and coming a bit later.
Investors will see they have something in the works, customers might be excited by the prospect of a more powerful box on the horizon when they're going to have the option to buy a Neo this holiday (or early 2017 as it may end up being).
The idea of announcing your more powerful device that's a ways off is not in principle flawed. PS2 hype was famously detrimental to the Dreamcast. Microsoft is not going to achieve any kind of effect remotely on that scale, obviously. Not with this moronic mixed messaging especially.
The real head scratchers are why do you announce a Hideo Kojima game that is not going to be out until, generously, 2019. And where the fuck is Crackdown damnit people why do you announce games that aren't coming out for millions of years.
Some of you might be scratching your heads as to what the Smart Boy is, so we'll describe it as an enclosure for your smartphone, that transforms it into a functional Game Boy. And by functional, we mean it has an actual slot that you can stick a game cartridge in, that will load games to the phone.
What's Sega about it though? Slim revisions are very normal for hardware, and the competition is making the exact same move regarding upgraded consoles. Both Sony and MS will be selling two pieces of hardware. If we lived in a world where the Neo was coming out but we weren't getting Scorpio, the power and sales gap would just continue to magnify, if they want to stay in the game in any meaningful respect they have no choice but to offer some beefier specs.
Having a hardware bump mid generation is very sega. S is more than a slim, it's a slim with extra features. Which isn't terrible. Nintendo has had success doing this, albeit in the handheld market. However splitting your user base with extra hardware with more power is exactly what Sega did.
And I don't think this is going to have the effect they want. Why am I going to stay with consoles if I have to worry about upgrades? I have a PC for that.
Having a hardware bump mid generation is very sega. S is more than a slim, it's a slim with extra features. Which isn't terrible. Nintendo has had success doing this, albeit in the handheld market. However splitting your user base with extra hardware with more power is exactly what Sega did.
And I don't think this is going to have the effect they want. Why am I going to stay with consoles if I have to worry about upgrades? I have a PC for that.
It's not a split userbase as currently described, though, for either Neo or Scorpio. Games are (currently) required to run on the baseline console in both cases, so there can't be exclusives to the upgraded consoles. I expect this will change after a couple of years when the Neo 2 and Scorpio 2 eventually start happening, although it's also possible that they will simply do a normal clean break for "PS5" and "Xbox 2" at that point.
In any case, even if it is a mistake, as long as your more successful competition is making the same mistake it shouldn't cause too much of an issue.