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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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Happy birthday Lili



thanks ♥

how coarse is your body hair? Mine was super light and fine, so you could barely see or feel it, but I still zapped it all off because it bothered me

Luckily it's very fine, except in the middle of my chest it's a bit thicker, but that's only in a small patch for some reason. It's gross.

On my arms it's more like glorified peach fuzz, which is why it often goes unnoticed.

I got you a secret extra present after the initial wave, because I know my nieces always love that:

That sounds like my brothers. My older brother can't even really grow a beard but he still tries. In high school he was always accused of shaving his arms by people who were jealous I guess.

Ten minutes ago I was half asleep but now I'm wide again. I shouldn't have logged int onight.


^ I can actually grow a decent beard if I want to.

body hair and pubic hair are completely uttterly totally unaesthetic, in my opinion, on anyone. Looking at you, funky daddy.

Some people like it (I know Lisa was advocating for it) but bleh. Geeerosss. It's outdated!


Lilith seems more like:

A) Street Fighter
B) Castlevania
C) Chrono Trigger
D) Mario

type of gamer.


I'd say she wishes she was A) but accepts that she isn't, and thus would fall under B or C... Let's say B, since it more closely resembles what she's making


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Happy Burfday!

MorNing everyone. Not looking forward to this weekend. It's father's day and I'm gonna get the questions again :(

Funky Papa

^ I can actually grow a decent beard if I want to.

body hair and pubic hair are completely uttterly totally unaesthetic, in my opinion, on anyone. Looking at you, funky daddy.

Some people like it (I know Lisa was advocating for it) but bleh. Geeerosss. It's outdated!

Do I have to post shirtless pictures?


Do I have to post shirtless pictures?

DO I HAVE TO? (I won't)

My daughter has never met her father. He waived all his legal rights to her and has no interest in her at all. So I'm gonna get questions from her about him. She's about the age where she is gonna question more

ah shit. Yeah, one of my nieces is exactly in that situation. (My nieces have two different fathers) Her biological father was in prison when she was born. (and my sister was a teenager)


Happy Birthday Lilith! I made you a card:

It took forever

^ I can actually grow a decent beard if I want to.

body hair and pubic hair are completely uttterly totally unaesthetic, in my opinion, on anyone. Looking at you, funky daddy.

Some people like it (I know Lisa was advocating for it) but bleh. Geeerosss. It's outdated!

Don't body hair shame, it's all I've got. I can't grow a beard to save my life but my chest hair game is on point.

My daughter has never met her father. He waived all his legal rights to her and has no interest in her at all. So I'm gonna get questions from her about him. She's about the age where she is gonna question more

:( That's hard. Especially since she'll probably get questions from her friends/classmates about it too :(


Don't body hair shame, it's all I've got. I can't grow a beard to save my life but my chest hair game is on point.

I'm being playful. I would encourage everyone to style themselves however they want. <3

Personally I see it on my body and think YUCK





He took down over 100 people injured and killed. 50 dead.

Machine guns were banned in the 80s (Or 90s? I forget) because they enable a single person to cause way too high of a body count way too quickly.

The question isn't whether certain types of guns should be banned, because certain types already are -- the question is whether we are drawing the line in the right place

And that's me already compromising since I'm not convinced any civilian needs to own any gun


Smells like fresh rosebuds
He took down over 100 people injured and killed. 50 dead.

Machine guns were banned in the 80s (Or 90s? I forget) because they enable a single person to cause way too high of a body count way too quickly.

The question isn't whether certain types of guns should be banned, because certain types already are -- the question is whether we are drawing the line in the right place

And that's me already compromising since I'm not convinced any civilian needs to own any gun
That's shows an incredible ignorance about the capabilities of this rifle.

And firearms in general. You clearly don't know what a machine gun is( a much larger weapon than thus). You don't know the laws(automatic weapons have been illegal for over SEVENTY years-the last legal to by automatic rifle was the Thompson), so it's really fucking hard for me to take you seriously.

Not to mention if I really want to kill a lot of people fast, there are much more efficient ways to do so.


That's shows an incredible ignorance about the capabilities of this rifle.

And firearms in general. You clearly don't know what a machine gun is( a much larger weapon than thus). You don't know the laws(automatic weapons have been illegal for over SEVENTY years-the last legal to by automatic rifle was the Thompson), so it's really fucking hard for me to take you seriously.

Not to mention if I really want to kill a lot of people fast, there are much more efficient ways to do so.

Civilian guns from what I understand aren't allowed to be fully automatic. So you've got one trigger pull per bullet -- aka semi automatic.

There's a reason for that, right? And it also proves that there already are things that are illegal. There's precedent and reasoning behind some things being illegal, so why can't other things be? The second amendment argument is already gone. It's irrelevant.

Things like caliber and the capacity of magazines should be examined for civilian use because they impact body count significantly.

If the killer's weapon couldn't fire as many times before reloading, ostensibly it would be much harder for him to kill/injure 100 people by himself.

I saw a story just yesterday about a school shooter who was taken down by another student while he was reloading his shotgun. Who knows how much higher the body count would have been in that case if he didn't have that reloading window.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Civilian guns from what I understand aren't allowed to be fully automatic. So you've got one trigger press per bullet -- aka semi automatic.

There's a reason for that, right? And it also proves that there already are things that are illegal. There's precedent and reasoning behind some things being illegal, so why can't other things be?

Things like caliber and the capacity of magazines should be examined for civilian use because they impact body count significantly.

If the killer's weapon couldn't fire as many times before reloading, ostensibly it would be much harder for him to kill 100 people by himself.
So every calibre has a different effects on the body. 5.56 mushrooms causing lots of internal damage, 9mm slows fast and bounces around inside, 7.62 and larger punch holes in you, etc. Every size had a different impact. Trying to control that is stupid.

Magazine size is a different issue. Mags are tremendously easy to fabricate. Seres are also easy to modify if you want full auto.

The weapons are NOT the problem. The people are the problem. The screening process is the problem. Maybe you shouldn't be able to sell a weapon to someone on a fucking federal watch list. Maybe if you need a license to drive a car, you should to get a gun. The real solutions are glossed over.

But that changes nothing, I could make an IED out of items from amazon for about $13 checking now that could have destroyed that entire fucking building.


So every calibre has a different effects on the body. 5.56 mushrooms causing lots of internal damage, 9mm slows fast and bounces around inside, 7.62 and larger punch holes in you, etc. Every size had a different impact. Trying to control that is stupid.

Magazine size is a different issue. Mags are tremendously easy to fabricate. Seres are also easy to modify if you want full auto.

The weapons are NOT the problem. The people are the problem. The screening process is the problem. Maybe you shouldn't be able to sell a weapon to someone on a fucking federal watch list. Maybe if you need a license to drive a car, you should to get a gun. The real solutions are glossed over.

But that changes nothing, I could make an IED out of items from amazon for about $13 checking now that could have destroyed that entire fucking building.

I'd argue that it's much easier to just go buy a gun than build a bomb capable of that level of damage.

If it's so easy how come most of our mass killings are guns and not bombs?

also, re ignorance:

The $200 tax has not changed since 1934. As described below, in 1986, Congress enacted a much stricter law, banning the possession and transfer of all machine guns except machine guns manufactured prior to May 19, 1986, and machine guns possessed by or manufactured for governmental entities.May 21, 2012

And I do know what a machine gun is, I've played a lot of video games

My point had to do with precedent and shooting down the shitty dumbass 2nd amendment argument

And if it's so easy to build your own guns and build your own bombs then why does america have all these mass killings and europe and australia don't? Their killers could just make their own shit too!
All guns need to be harder to get for the average civilian.

But most gun crimes are committed with handguns. So all this attention for the AR15 and wanting to specifically ban it isn't going to do much except make people feel better about themselves. Strict handgun regulation should be an absolute priority.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
I'd argue that it's much easier to just go buy a gun than build a bomb capable of that level of damage.

also, re ignorance:

And I do know what a machine gun is, I've played a lot of video games

My point had to do with precedent and shooting down the shitty dumbass 2nd amendment argument

And if it's so easy to build your own guns and build your own bombs then why does america have all these mass killings and europe and australia don't? Their killers could just make their own shit too!
It's a culture issue.

Same reason why in a country like Switzerland that has absolutely NO gun control, and in fact issues it's adults automatic rifles (sig 550), have no mass shootings.

Or countries like Saudia Arabia where honor killings are legal. You can legally murder someone there, but they don't have mass shootings.

Or Canada who has similar laws to ours.

The firearm is being used as a scapegoat for larger issues.

Funky Papa

Re: Gunz.

Here's a post I made in 2009 that it still stands true.

I made this post some time ago explaining why gun crime is extremely low in Spain, with a population of 46 million people, despiting the fact that there are more than one million guns in civilian hands*.

Edit: Make that 4.5 million guns, one million is the number of hunting licenses.


European gun owner here.

The thing that irks me about this whole thing is that you don't need to have them banned. Actually, from my experience only a tiny minority of Americans would like to end gun ownership in any shape or form.

Gun crime in my country is by all means a tiny issue, in no small part because arms are so incredibly controlled that it would be nigh impossible for gangs to obtain them through straw purchases and shady dealers, which are the main sources of illegal weapons in America.

Here's a quick step by step guide of everything you need to do in my neck of the woods in order to obtain a gun:

  1. First, you have to undergo some physical and mental tests, paid out of your pocket (around €40). They are extremely basic, but enough to deter the craziest elements (read: a total psycho) from getting a gun.
  2. Second, you need to fill an official form and obtain your police records in order to demonstrate that you are not a felon.
  3. After that you pay a small fee to your local shooting federation (I think mine was about €50). This is an important step. After that you'll have to attend to several theoretical and practical classes. During two days you will learn everything you need to know about gun safety and laws. After that you'll be taken to the local range and shoot for three days. Teachers (and maybe the police, as sometimes they drop by to check on everybody) will keep tabs on you; in order to obtain a license you'll need to pass a final practical test and demonstrate that you are a responsible shooter.
  4. Now you have your license. But you can't have your gun. National law stipulates that you need to keep your gun in an homologated safe at all times, so you have to purchase one.
  5. Now you can buy a gun. You can either visit a gun store or purchase it from another gun owner. It should be noted that there is no such thing as over the counter gun purchases. After you pay for it the shop or individual in possession of said gun will send it to the police, that will inspect it and check its serial numbers.
  6. Once it's been inspected police will contact you. You will have to produce a copy of your safe's documentation (showing that you own an actual, proper safe) and then the gun will be registered at your name.
  7. Congratulations: you are now a freshly registered gun owner... but things won't stop here. Every few years you will have to visit your local police station with your guns in order to get them checked. This way police will know that you still own every arm registered at your name, making sure that you are not a straw seller, getting guns by legit means only to sell them to criminals.

It sounds like a lengthy and complex process and damn well it is, but this way:

a) Anybody who really wants a gun gets to own one.
b) Irresponsible buyers are discouraged; they simply don't have the patience to deal with all the red tape, not to mention safety classes.
c) It is IMPOSSIBLE to sell your guns to criminals without the police noticing it.

Now, there are many idiotic things in our gun legislation that make absolutely no fucking sense, such as silly caliber regulations and the like, but I think that this is the best possible approach to gun control. Of course, I know many Americans would freak the fuck out at some of those points, but I know it's a fair compromise and not that different from the requirements of owning a car, which also comes with significant responsibilities.



All guns need to be harder to get for the average civilian.

But most gun crimes are committed with handguns. So all this attention for the AR15 and wanting to specifically ban it isn't going to do much except make people feel better about themselves. Strict handgun regulation should be an absolute priority.

Does this weapon enable a greater body count in a single incident? Honest question. Could Orlando have happened if the killer only had a handgun? Over 100 people taken down, 50 *kills*.

I have a revolver right here in my hands. It holds 5 rounds of 38 special (or 357 magnum, which is more powerful).

I feel confident in saying I couldn't wipe out 100 people with it by myself. I just don't know how it'd be possible.

If I load it with .357 magnum, it could take someone down pretty easily (if I didn't miss), but it also kicks like a bitch and, obviously, needs to be reloaded after 5 shots, which takes a bit, especially being that it's a revolver.

An AR15 or equivalent fires .223 remington and 5.56 nato and the ammo capacity is higher. Combine this with a lightweight stock and there's, from what I'm told, almost no kick. My nieces, regrettably, have actually fired an AR15 because their father is insane. A child can fire it.

I'd advocate for a higher barrier to acquiring the weapons, but I think it's also fair to examine whether there should be additional restrictions on what can be owned by civilians. There's already a line somewhere, how likely is it that the line is already in the 100% perfect place?

It's a culture issue.

Same reason why in a country like Switzerland that has absolutely NO gun control, and in fact issues it's adults automatic rifles (sig 550), have no mass shootings.

Or countries like Saudia Arabia where honor killings are legal. You can legally murder someone there, but they don't have mass shootings.

Or Canada who has similar laws to ours.

The firearm is being used as a scapegoat for larger issues.

Australia banned guns as a direct response to mass killings... And it worked...
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