Get an iceboxWe do not.
Get an iceboxWe do not.
Nice try mate.
The beers are cold, no one needs ice.
Nope, explain
And I love physical comedy so much. I just do. His shoe flying off kills me.
I don't have a great deal of reverence for Black Sheep or Tommy Boy or whatever, but I still laugh any time Chris Farley hits his head or falls down
We can dance if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
Cause your friends don't dance
And if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine
That's MN9?When you back MN09 and it raises $5 million and it looks like this and you literally know you could actually do better yourself on your own
Most sexual positions are crap and not really that enjoyable. Even some of the stuff shown in porn will may result in a pulled muscle or a bad bump; half of the times they are just meant for the cameraman to get a good surgical shot.
Does it piss you off thinking about what you could do with $5 million.When you back MN09 and it raises $5 million and it looks like this and you literally know you could actually do better yourself on your own
That thread about there being only six sex positions.
Clearly they've never done the waterfall.
This one is actually really good. With the dude bent I can adjust the angle of penetration really well.That thread about there being only six sex positions.
Clearly they've never done the waterfall.
This one is actually really good. With the dude bent I can adjust the angle of penetration really well.
Does it piss you off thinking about what you could do with $5 million.
I knew this was a trick question.
I guess wait till its emptyBut seriously where do people stand on the ice-cube issue.
Lets say hypothetically I have money riding on this.
I guess wait till its empty
But still get an icebox
With 5 million $ in hand, Jobbs would get a house, full of nurses and a Ferrari*, screw game development
* car brand may vary
I don't understand why straight people would go to a gay bar/club unless they're going with a gay friend. Seems pretty rude
I don't understand why straight people would go to a gay bar/club unless they're going with a gay friend. Seems pretty rude
I don't understand why straight people would go to a gay bar/club unless they're going with a gay friend. Seems pretty rude
hah one can dream
if I had $5 million i'd probably still be working on the next game, I wouldn't do slavish hours or ruin my life for it but I'd definitely be working on something
why would it be rude?
I didn't realize gay clubs were so exclusive.
I don't understand why straight people would go to a gay bar/club unless they're going with a gay friend. Seems pretty rude
I said this before but the reasons I was given were that they're fun and people buy you drinks.
Seems kinda selfish tbhBack in El Paso the best club in town was a gay club, me and my straight friends (men and women) would go all the time simply because it was lit.
Nobody ever seemed to mind, they were there to drink and dance like we were, they just had different targets in mind.
Honestly I have no idea how that would work.And asexual people too am I right.
What's the point of having a gay club unless it's exclusive? It's primarily for gay people because in most places they are most likely going to strike out due to most people being straight and so there's a safe place to deal with discrimination . Having straight people invade hurts the overall concept of camaraderiewhy would it be rude?
I didn't realize gay clubs were so exclusive.
What's the point of having a gay club unless it's exclusive? It's primarily for gay people because in most places they are most likely going to strike out due to most people being straight and so there's a safe place to deal with discrimination . Having straight people invade hurts the overall concept of camaraderie
Tbf tho I haven't been in one so I might be completely misunderstanding the atmosphere they would go for. Wouldn't have any interest whatsoever in one tho that had a lot of straight people. Really wouldn't make it any different from anywhere else
Yeah that's definitely a bit different since there's a performance and suchWell, like at the OP there'd be Drag performances and shit, stuff that you wouldn't get at other clubs. Male and female go go dancers and girls and boys night.
So, it wasn't about the exclusivity I guess, more about the inclusivity. A safe place for gay people in El Paso to go and be gay as fuck without having to worry about any shit.
There definitely a different vibe to a gay club than a straight club. Straight clubs are fucking boring tbh
What's the point of having a gay club unless it's exclusive?
You've been to a straight club before? I've never heard those. If they did exist though that would be disgusting and an actual example of the water fountain thing which this isn'tif a person of any sexual orientation goes to a club (gay club or not) and they are making the place feel unsafe I think they would be dealt with accordingly. Probably by getting thrown out.
saying that you are not allowed in because of whatever orientation you are is essentially
if straight people shouldn't go to gay clubs should gay people not go to straight clubs?
there is no need for divide
Because gay people get shit on everywhere else and they need a place where they can relate and enjoy themselves?What's the point of having a gay club unless it's inclusive? Where I will or won't stick my genitals is my business. If the condition for entry is the expectation that I'm available for sex it isn't a club it's an orgy.
You've been to a straight club before? I've never heard those. If they did exist though that would be disgusting and an actual example of the water fountain thing which this isn't
Because gay people get shit on everywhere else and they need a place where they can relate and enjoy themselves?
You've been to a straight club before? I've never heard those. If they did exist though that would be disgusting and an actual example of the water fountain thing which this isn't
Because gay people get shit on everywhere else and they need a place where they can relate and enjoy themselves?
You've been to a straight club before? I've never heard those. If they did exist though that would be disgusting and an actual example of the water fountain thing which this isn't
if a person of any sexual orientation goes to a club (gay club or not) and they are making the place feel unsafe I think they would be dealt with accordingly. Probably by getting thrown out.
saying that you are not allowed in because of whatever orientation you are is essentially this
if straight people shouldn't go to gay clubs should gay people not go to straight clubs?
there is no need for divide
So imagine how I feel being around guys 00% of the time in my life. I'd like to be able to experience time with mostly girls who can relate and have fun. Now imagine a bunch of guys came in and even though there's still a majority of girls, you can't get away from them. Completely defeats the purpose.if you go in there and shit on them I'm sure you'll rightly be asked to leave
I honestly can't understand your objection
I'm talking about common Courtesy rather than hard rules. If they did it that way then it would just make sense to have memberships insteadI don't think they'd force you out of the club unless you were one of those people who shit on them. If you have no problem with it and just came to have fun they're probably more than happy to have you.
Implied is the wrong word. It's not a straight club because it's not specifically for straight people. It's a club for everyone but straight people just happen to be the most common.isn't it implied that if it's not a explicitly a gay club then it's where most hetero people go to socialize?