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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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irresponsible vagina leak
Since going back to the tat talk. I was bored and designed this last night and while there is still fair share of cleaning up and polishing to do I quite like how it looks. Would explain the meaning of the elements bu who gives a damn about it? LOL


Since going back to the tat talk. I was bored and designed this last night and while there is still fair share of cleaning up and polishing to do I quite like how it looks. Would explain the meaning of the elements bu who gives a damn about it? LOL

it's awesome but I also can't help but see a belt and a dongpiece...



I just saw on the last page various people making claims to sad and lonely status. I HAVE BEEN SAD AND LONELY FOR ALMOST 25 YEARS BOW TO ME YOU FUCKS

My sadness and loneliness is more massive than you can imagine, my single year of loneliness is easily worth a couple decades for any normal person.



I forgot how much I loved Commit This To Memory


Xiao Hu

Since going back to the tat talk. I was bored and designed this last night and while there is still fair share of cleaning up and polishing to do I quite like how it looks. Would explain the meaning of the elements bu who gives a damn about it? LOL

I like how the elements look like but they don't really fit each other. The discrepancy between the shape/form is kinda big. Try to apply the same style on the 'half moon' and the 'tear drop'.


I got kinda gutted

I'm sure I'd be better off right now if I was never involved in the first place

so RNH, silver linings, I guess?

and besides I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone yanks yer heart out too


I got kinda gutted

I'm sure I'd be better off right now if I was never involved in the first place

so RNH, silver linings, I guess?

and besides I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone yanks yer heart out too

Yes, get your heart destroyed

one of us

one of us


I got kinda gutted

I'm sure I'd be better off right now if I was never involved in the first place

so RNH, silver linings, I guess?

and besides I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone yanks yer heart out too

break ups suck...

now imagine meeting the person you would eventually marry in kindergarten

imagine being married seven years

imagine coming home from school to her packing a bag

imagine her getting married again only a month after the divorce is final

and you people wonder why I'm randomly nihilist
I got kinda gutted

I'm sure I'd be better off right now if I was never involved in the first place

so RNH, silver linings, I guess?

and besides I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone yanks yer heart out too

Yes, get your heart destroyed

one of us

one of us

I mean I just continually end up with massive crushes on people who aren't interested and probably won't ever be
and if they are at any point and I end up in their bed I DON'T REALISE LIKE AN IDIOT

Which rly sucks

okay, that's harsh.

I'm allergic :c


break ups suck...

now imagine meeting the person you would eventually marry in kindergarten

imagine being married seven years

imagine coming home from school to her packing a bag

imagine her getting married again only a month after the divorce is final

and you people wonder why I'm randomly nihilist

I can't match up to that since we were together a relatively short time

but the end was ruff and sudden and came during a time when I was really starting to feel more strongly about her


I got kinda gutted

I'm sure I'd be better off right now if I was never involved in the first place

so RNH, silver linings, I guess?

and besides I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone yanks yer heart out too
Or you can do it my way and be the heart Yanker rather than the heart Yankee


Since going back to the tat talk. I was bored and designed this last night and while there is still fair share of cleaning up and polishing to do I quite like how it looks. Would explain the meaning of the elements bu who gives a damn about it? LOL

it's pretty good man. only thing I have to say is that the butterflies don't really gel well with the geometric shape you have


Everyone should have a cat/dog if they're lonely, my dogs don't care if I'm undatable they think I'm awesome no matter what.

truer words never spoken. my doge kept me sane

I can't match up to that since we were together a relatively short time

but the end was ruff and sudden and came during a time when I was really starting to feel more strongly about her

yeah I wasn't trying to one up or anything.

relationships ending badly will always be disappointing no matter how long you were with the person.

I feel for you man.

I'm 1.5 years into my recovery (divorce was late 2014) and I still have very little desire to ever get involved with someone again


Spending a few minutes putting together a MTG deck, then Chinese food and attempting to improve my drawing, then gym, then sleep because i have to be up early tomorrow.


I've been close to making a tinder a couple times but I fear it'd become far too much of a distraction which isn't what I need right now.

you're so lucky and you don't even know it.

I like little kitty scratches for some reason tbh

makes you feel alive

Is your cat the one in the rogue/cleric gif? Haha.

haha no. my cats actually don't scratch and bite much. Mainly just the kitten does.


Especially me...someone hug me!!!


I've been close to making a tinder a couple times but I fear it'd become far too much of a distraction which isn't what I need right now.

I just feel like it would be wasted effort that'd end up with me being even more depressed and alone afterwards like stuff like that always does.

Should probably just find a therapist like the smart people here have done.

::listens to the Smiths::

Never got into the Smiths hit me up with something that's good by them.


It's really crazy how androgynous and everything near it is often just assumed to be masculine. Dumb.

Very few but it seems one thing that works is dresses. Like uhh I can't remember what that style would be called but it seems like those kinds of dresses do well to show the good part of curves and hide the lumpy parts. I'd link some examples but I'm on mobile
Dresses are nice. :3 I still feel slightly guilty buying them because it's really only one outfit as opposed to shirts, skirts, and pants that you can mix up.

You could also try high waisted pants and skirts! High waisted pants can be a bit difficult to find though. I've found better luck with shorts but I know not everyone is comfortable wearing those. Also large belts with skirts and dresses can help too!
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