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FakeGAF 7: The Dark Thirst Rises

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I've worn nail polish before (not in a while though) I don't care that much. In this case it's something I don't mind being questioned on and I'll just lean right into it. "Yes, do you like this color?" or whatever. Make no apologies.

Wearing bright colors may be a bit new but I think I'll be fine.

Makeup is a bit harder but I may work up to it.

BTW I was surfing pinterest (yes, many of my surfing activities are very lady like) and I stumbled into some cool lyra shit.

Add this to the list of traditionally girly activities I'd like to try sometime.
I can't quote understand why nail polish would be easier but I guess if you already accept it for yourself then it's easier to do the second time

I tried Pinterest but I really don't get it.
What excuse would you need? What's the worst that could happen if you just play everything straight?
Well generally its just to deal with the anxiety but my mom has a habit of knowing people all over the place and if they recognize me and report back to them then I'm in a very bad spot I didn't plan to be in


Man, Mighty No. 9 is getting destroyed in reviews, not as bad as I thought, but no really good reviews either. I remember being so hyped for this game years ago, and now I really want to know WTF happened. Thank god it's not 60 bucks or else I wouldn't touch it.


BTW Misha I'm still going to get you that Strangers in Paradise Vol 1 gift on Comixology, but it's still giving me an error and I don't know why.
I mean he
gave her to Ramsey,
I don't think she's ever getting past that.. Though I suppose people have done dumber things

I know that's why I'm so conflicted. but
he saved them from Ramsey now and she looked so badass in that black dress while staying with him. there was so much sexual tension at that time.
I need to get over it. ;_;
daeny is too good for Yara
but I hope we'll see some more
of Brienne and Tormund

urg, no thank you.
Tormund is too good for Brienne

Well generally its just to deal with the anxiety but my mom has a habit of knowing people all over the place and if they recognize me and report back to them then I'm in a very bad spot I didn't plan to be in

You make it sound like some conspiracy spy network. If that's actually how things are for you right now, I'm really sorry, but I can't even imagine a situation where that would happen.


I love you guys.

All of you.

I mean guys in a non-gender specific term.

But to be safe...I love all you guys and gals.

You're fucking awesome.


You make it sound like some conspiracy spy network. If that's actually how things are for you right now, I'm really sorry, but I can't even imagine a situation where that would happen.

*quickly erases spoiler*

I just got done talking about about abused often feel like their abuser is omnipresent :-/

Misha, I <3 you, but please get out of that situation asap (I know you're doing it tho and that's awesome)
urg, no thank you.
Tormund is too good for Brienne

You make it sound like some conspiracy spy network. If that's actually how things are for you right now, I'm really sorry, but I can't even imagine a situation where that would happen.
wut? no they're equally cool :(
jezis gurl =D



I'm the last person who could speak into this. Born and raised in the same place, only away for two years of college, hoping to never leave again. If all goes well, I'll be inheriting my parents' house too (which I essentially already have).

How did you even end up in Orlando, if you don't mind me asking?

I've lived most of my life in Orlando.

My parents escaped their shitty small towns by way of joining the Navy which is where they met on base in San Diego. This is where my older brother was born. They headed north to be around by Dad's brother when I was born in Portland. They then headed east when my sister was born to be near my Dad's parents in New Mexico. My Mom's brother lived in Orlando for awhile and we moved here when I was 6.

I've never had any strong ties to my extended family since my parents essentially paved their own way down here. I have kind of laid roots here because of the afforementioned house I bought and degree that I'm still finishing.

But because I don't have to uproot a family of my own I suspect that when I do finish my degree (spring '18) I won't have much keeping me here. Which isn't to say I don't love my city, I just feel ready for a change. The house I bought was the house that I bought to start a family with my now ex-wife and while the ghost of that isn't so much a thing for me these days, it still kind of eats at me that I could be having children right now but because of her _____ I have to find a way to somehow start over romantically with someone.


You make it sound like some conspiracy spy network. If that's actually how things are for you right now, I'm really sorry, but I can't even imagine a situation where that would happen.
It doesn't happen often but I've heard "your sister's friend's mother saw you at the gas station [30 miles from where we live] the other day" and stuff like that just often enough that it's plausible. Usually it's the other way around though "I saw one of your classmates aunts in the grocery store the other day and did you know they're in graduate school and have a kid?"

It's sorta like gossip but without the judgement and stuff and not in the least bit negative . She's just very good at it


If Gobbs doesnt accept it then you and me
(That is if you're of legal age of course)

I was about to naked wrestle you but then you called me Gobbs and it's off.


I haven't been a fan of hers since

That's where she became irredeemable to me.

. A weakling, a coward, and a wretched fuckface. And a boring loser. Not even interesting or funny like Ramsey.
It doesn't happen often but I've heard "your sister's friend's mother saw you at the gas station [30 miles from where we live] the other day" and stuff like that just often enough that it's plausible. Usually it's the other way around though "I saw one of your classmates aunts in the grocery store the other day and did you know they're in graduate school and have a kid?"

It's sorta like gossip but without the judgement and stuff. She's just very good at it

That's crazy. I don't even know what to say about that. That's not normal, and I get spotted a lot because of my hair so I feel like I know something about that. Sorry :(

Online ordering though


That's crazy. I don't even know what to say about that. That's not normal, and I get spotted a lot because of my hair so I feel like I know something about that. Sorry :(

Online ordering though
The thing I consider unhealthy is her wanting to look up people's Facebook accounts to learn more about them but different people have different levels of expectations I guess.

My one friend's mom (who is my mom's friend tho my mom considers her a bit much) will call people to ask them about how he's doing and stuff and where he is and will try to bother his professors about grades. Shockingly he seems to have gotten a lot more independent over the last few years. He even has very noticeable aspergers too which I was afraid would make his life difficult. I'm pretty proud of him for the progress he's made socially

And yeah I've used online ordering but I've had it sent to a friend's house cause I've had packages opened by family before. And even with my friend I had an alibi ready and made sure to do it when his family was on vacation


so now that ya'll now my family history

how's everyone doing today?

finally tied up some things at work so I can be more present here.

Complete mixture of tired, hyper, sad, pissed off, and excited. And I'm pretty much serious about that.

Heck yeah! Hope we don't have an accident while "fighting" ( &#865;° &#860;&#662; &#865;°)

an accident? like shit yourselves? why does that get a lenny ??


me too.
except for hyper. and excited only for the GoT ending.

:: pets trab ::

bro. I don't think you were here last night, but I was equally excited. It was a feat of television. I've never seen anything like it.

It was the best shot, choreographed and edited fight scene (and with the best special effects) that has probably ever been in a TV show. That sequence would have been impressive even in a full blown movie. The really long unbroken shot behind Jon near the start of it just blew my mind. They must have really brought out their A team for this ep. It was incredible.

In general it just feels like "things" are "happening" which is so rare in this show and thus very gratifying.

How many episodes are in a season again? 10? 12?


:: pets trab ::

bro. I don't think you were here last night, but I was equally excited. It was a feat of television. I've never seen anything like it.

It was the best shot, choreographed and edited fight scene (and with the best special effects) that has probably ever been in a TV show. That sequence would have been impressive even in a full blown movie. The really long unbroken shot behind Jon near the start of it just blew my mind. They must have really brought out their A team for this ep. It was incredible.

In general it just feels like "things" are "happening" which is so rare in this show and thus very gratifying.

How many episodes are in a season again? 10? 12?


I'm dying to get home and finish the episode. I only had enough time this morning to watch until the start of the battle charge with Jon.

Complete blue balls over here.
:: pets trab ::

bro. I don't think you were here last night, but I was equally excited. It was a feat of television. I've never seen anything like it.

It was the best shot, choreographed and edited fight scene (and with the best special effects) that has probably ever been in a TV show. That sequence would have been impressive even in a full blown movie. The really long unbroken shot behind Jon near the start of it just blew my mind. They must have really brought out their A team for this ep. It was incredible.

In general it just feels like "things" are "happening" which is so rare in this show and thus very gratifying.

How many episodes are in a season again? 10? 12?
I agree with everything. also
the mountains of corpes and everything being chaotic and terrible.
really well done.
it felt like they let us off too easy though. I'm expecting some more losses in the next ep.


irresponsible vagina leak
Certain areas of my body can be sensitive so anything can happen, ROFL.XD

*Takes notes*

Complete mixture of tired, hyper, sad, pissed off, and excited. And I'm pretty much serious about that.

an accident? like shit yourselves? why does that get a lenny ??

Like if something went in a place it shouldnt go by accident while we fight.(Mouth or that other place) That's the accident.

It should be a 3 way between you, I and Vaz, and I don't care how crazy it gets, even if I get hurt!

We should tag team against Jobbs. ( &#865;° &#860;&#662; &#865;°)
The thing I consider unhealthy is her wanting to look up people's Facebook accounts to learn more about them but different people have different levels of expectations I guess.

My one friend's mom (who is my mom's friend tho my mom considers her a bit much) will call people to ask them about how he's doing and stuff and where he is and will try to bother his professors about grades. Shockingly he seems to have gotten a lot more independent over the last few years. He even has very noticeable aspergers too which I was afraid would make his life difficult. I'm pretty proud of him for the progress he's made socially

And yeah I've used online ordering but I've had it sent to a friend's house cause I've had packages opened by family before. And even with my friend I had an alibi ready and made sure to do it when his family was on vacation

That's unfathomable to me. I'm so glad you're getting out of it. Stay strong!

I've lived most of my life in Orlando.

My parents escaped their shitty small towns by way of joining the Navy which is where they met on base in San Diego. This is where my older brother was born. They headed north to be around by Dad's brother when I was born in Portland. They then headed east when my sister was born to be near my Dad's parents in New Mexico. My Mom's brother lived in Orlando for awhile and we moved here when I was 6.

I've never had any strong ties to my extended family since my parents essentially paved their own way down here. I have kind of laid roots here because of the afforementioned house I bought and degree that I'm still finishing.

But because I don't have to uproot a family of my own I suspect that when I do finish my degree (spring '18) I won't have much keeping me here. Which isn't to say I don't love my city, I just feel ready for a change. The house I bought was the house that I bought to start a family with my now ex-wife and while the ghost of that isn't so much a thing for me these days, it still kind of eats at me that I could be having children right now but because of her _____ I have to find a way to somehow start over romantically with someone.

Oh, huh. Yeah, that's pretty complicated. How is the housing market in Orlando right now? (sorry, I missed this earlier)

so now that ya'll now my family history

how's everyone doing today?

finally tied up some things at work so I can be more present here.

Doing well at the moment. Had a nice breakfast, AC is cranking, and excited about the art I'm doing.



How does it feel to be the belle of the ball?

No joke I saw a porno that had this song and I couldn't stop laughing my ass off because it was a bj video.

There's something haunting about the video, the way she keeps looking away from the camera, the pictures... can't put my finger on it.

Also the comments :lol jesus old people get a grip


Vaz I listened to the new Tegan and Sara and I think it's pretty damn good, dunno what you were hearing but it's at least as good as the last one.


irresponsible vagina leak
There's something haunting about the video, the way she keeps looking away from the camera, the pictures... can't put my finger on it.

Also the comments :lol jesus old people get a grip

I really love old performances from those times. I think its the whole simplistic sets, the black and white look and the style of performance being different than what is done these days.

Also how does Jobbs The Spitroasted sounds?

EDIT: I enjoyed Tegan and Sara album but at the same time I didnt see much progression from their previous stuff. Certainly a good album so I dont get why some people were disliking it.


That's unfathomable to me. I'm so glad you're getting out of it. Stay strong!
Not to go on and on about this stuff but I was just thinking the other day about how my parents are indirectly preventing my health from getting better. I feel fairly certain that my depression, tiredness, weight etc issues are a hormone related problem. Could be hypothyroidism or low estrogen/testosterone or something else but if I tested that and got the results that it was low testosterone/estrogen I'd get pressured to have a testosterone prescription and when I would inevitably "forget" to use it id get told that since I wasn't willing to take care of myself I didn't deserve any help/support and well at this point there aren't really any threats since I'm almost fully independent but in the past it could have been making me move out/charging me rent or pressuring me into getting a job I didn't want

(Just wanted to vent about that one cause that own really sucks)


Oh, huh. Yeah, that's pretty complicated. How is the housing market in Orlando right now? (sorry, I missed this earlier)

Doing well at the moment. Had a nice breakfast, AC is cranking, and excited about the art I'm doing.

Housing is insanely cheap if you know where to look. I'm maybe 20 minutes from downtown and I bought my house for 115k. It's not the largest or newest but it came with several really nice upgrades and the added bonus of having no neighbors behind me.

I'm envious of your AC. My car doesn't have one that works right now and it makes the commute pretty hellish.
Housing is insanely cheap if you know where to look. I'm maybe 20 minutes from downtown and I bought my house for 115k. It's not the largest or newest but it came with several really nice upgrades and the added bonus of having no neighbors behind me.

I'm envious of your AC. My car doesn't have one that works right now and it makes the commute pretty hellish.

The reason I asked is I was wondering how well you would do trying to sell the house should you decide to move. My dad's rentals in Palm Beach are consistently occupied but I don't know how much that applies to your situation.



This is an.... Arrested Development reference right?

Never seen but a few episodes.

I really love old performances from those times. I think its the whole simplistic sets, the black and white look and the style of performance being different than what is done these days.

Back when people hadn't quite worked out how to act in front of a camera, especially when signing. Something oddly surreal and otherworldly about it.

Also how does Jobbs The Spitroasted sounds?

A fitting title and you shall be "Vazra the Best Half of The Eiffel Tower"

EDIT: I enjoyed Tegan and Sara album but at the same time I didnt see much progression from their previous stuff. Certainly a good album so I dont get why some people were disliking it.

They're just so masterful with the pop stylings, amazing considering where they came from.
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