I can't quote understand why nail polish would be easier but I guess if you already accept it for yourself then it's easier to do the second timeI've worn nail polish before (not in a while though) I don't care that much. In this case it's something I don't mind being questioned on and I'll just lean right into it. "Yes, do you like this color?" or whatever. Make no apologies.
Wearing bright colors may be a bit new but I think I'll be fine.
Makeup is a bit harder but I may work up to it.
BTW I was surfing pinterest (yes, many of my surfing activities are very lady like) and I stumbled into some cool lyra shit.
Add this to the list of traditionally girly activities I'd like to try sometime.
I tried Pinterest but I really don't get it.
Well generally its just to deal with the anxiety but my mom has a habit of knowing people all over the place and if they recognize me and report back to them then I'm in a very bad spot I didn't plan to be inWhat excuse would you need? What's the worst that could happen if you just play everything straight?