Does anyone have any not awful advice?
Brush your teeth twice a day.Does anyone have any not awful advice?
Does anyone have any not awful advice?
Does anyone have any not awful advice?
Just be yourself!!!Does anyone have any not awful advice?
you don't need our advice. you can talk like a perfectly cool person with us. you don't have to change that.
10/10 would reply.
just make sure to find out all the stuff you want to knowso ask your questions!
Does anyone have any not awful advice?
Does anyone have any not awful advice?
You need to take good penis shots if you want her to agree to meet you. If you need to, find a friend who knows more about it and get coaching
Find out what her job or major or whatever is and try and think of a non boring question about it that she's never heard before and ask it in an interesting way.
Preferably relating to her individual experiences and perspective
you don't need our advice. you can talk like a perfectly cool person with us. you don't have to change that.
10/10 would reply.
just make sure to find out all the stuff you want to knowso ask your questions!
Studying biomedical sciences according to profile
I have no idea what that even really means
The problem with that is I don't have to carry the conversation here at all, I can just duck out and wait for it to roll back around to something I can get involved with.
There's a reason I don't talk to many people one on one and just stick to here >_>
I also know I'm making excuses
Yes, just say what comes up in your mind, it's how I can hold a conversation for hours!!!Dude just do it
say woooords
Playing Mighty No. 9 finally. It's uh...something.
On the plus side Umbrella Corps is actually really fun.
Better than nothing!Playing Mighty No. 9 finally. It's uh...something.
Playing Mighty No. 9 finally. It's uh...something.
Yes, just say what comes up in your mind, it's how I can hold a conversation for hours!!!
Romantic entanglements are nothing but a distraction
I don't see the appeal anymore
I have a feeling you'll be really critical. The animation and va are really jankI'm about to play it
I also have the gift of gab, I can talk to most people indefinitely, it can be annoying
Ha, I would like to see that. But yeah I'm the same way.=pI also have the gift of gab, I can talk to most people indefinitely, it can be annoying
distraction from what though? I can only work or play videogames so much until I realize how empty life really is T_T
I have a feeling you'll be really critical. The animation and va are really jank
distraction from what though? I can only work or play videogames so much until I realize how empty life really is T_T
People shouldn't rely on others for their feelings of satisfaction.
Right now my gf is school and work. Beyond that I can do whatever I want whenever I want without having to run it by a significant other. It's great.
I say this to myself all the time, but the truth is it's better to be in a healthy relationship than it is to be alone, and everyone knows it. Sharing life with another is something extraordinarily special.People shouldn't rely on others for their feelings of satisfaction.
Right now my gf is school and work. Beyond that I can do whatever I want whenever I want without having to run it by a significant other. It's great.
Damn, I hope it wasn't a lot you backed it for.yea
all I have to look forward to this week, besides MN09, is my new nail polish arriving
I have that feeling too, but I backed it, damnit, I want to at least try it
Sounds average.From what I played the game is not awful but very unpolished with things that you would expect them to have down considering their experience. There are platforming areas that could feel a bit cheap but for most of the part the game is not really too challenging. Voice acting and cutscenes can rot tho.
I say this to myself all the time, but the truth is it's better to be in a healthy relationship than it is to be alone, and everyone knows it. Sharing life with another is something extraordinarily special.
Going to bed alone, not having someone to talk to about your day, not having someone to watch movies with, not having someone to look over your work, not having someone to just be there for you... it's lonely, and empty. I feel like you could work full time and sleep on a bed of money, and if you did it alone it wouldn't be worth anything.
I have close friends who fill most of those gaps. That's all I need.
(Or at least that's all I can have.)
Damn, I hope it wasn't a lot you backed it for.
Playing Mighty No. 9 finally. It's uh...something.
On the plus side Umbrella Corps is actually really fun.
There is something else I could fill that your friends can't ¯\_(ツ_/¯
I'm at this point aware I'll die alone and Im not even mad cause most people I interacted in the dating/hook up apps lately were trash to the point I deleted the apps and don't feel like going out and meeting new people.
Yes thisraspberries ftw you tasteless fucks.
we are now mortal enemiesYes this
Blueberries are probs the worst
Blueberries don't taste goodwe are now mortal enemies
I don't believe I'll be alive much longer so it's hard for me to worry about it all that much.
Gimme a choice between blueberries and nothing and I will choose nothing.
I say this to myself all the time, but the truth is it's better to be in a healthy relationship than it is to be alone, and everyone knows it. Sharing life with another is something extraordinarily special.
Going to bed alone, not having someone to talk to about your day, not having someone to watch movies with, not having someone to look over your work, not having someone to just be there for you... it's lonely, and empty. I feel like you could work full time and sleep on a bed of money, and if you did it alone it wouldn't be worth anything.
What if you were dying from starvationGimme a choice between blueberries and nothing and I will choose nothing.
What if you were dying from starvation
Oh damn, that sucks.$20
and I'm watching this damn yappy dog little again![]()
"Even if it's not perfect, it's better than nothing."Gimme a choice between blueberries and nothing and I will choose nothing.